239 research outputs found


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    Complex relationship between international migrations and the role of social networks, as strategies of connecting developed by the migrants themselves, is very important to study from the legal point of view. The law is not a primary force in the creation of migration courses. The economic, social, political and family factors are those which have the biggest impact on migrations, whereas the legal framework regulates most of social courses which inļ¬‚uence the passing of decisions on migration, both on the micro and macro level, and establishes possible ways of conduction of the immigration process itself. On the example of the United States of America, as the largest immigration country, in the paper was shown in which way the development of legal regulations, as the product of the political reply of a country to the needs for foreign labour, can inļ¬‚uence the demographic, social and economic characteristics of the immigration quota, and how certain legal regulations can become a major factor of strategies of connection of certain social groups and development of social networks, not only among migrants, but also among the non-migrant population, both in the country of origin and in the country of destination, with a view to issue of an immigration work visa. One of the most important achievements of the US immigration policy is that, in time, through a series of law amendments passed in the last half a century, the legal framework has been constantly improved, which makes possible immigration or temporary stay for work and schooling to those population structures which are deemed to contribute to the social, economic and cultural progress of the country in the best way. In the last few decades, the quota of educated and skilled population from abroad has increased significantly. However, one the of the most significant shortcomings of the American immigration policy is connected to the problems of illegal migrations. The solving of the paradox between restrictive immigration measures and the structural need for unskilled jobs is a considerable challenge for political and law experts not only in the United States, but in most other immigration countries. In this way the migrants will also be enabled to expose themselves as little as possible to law violation in their immigration strategies which will always be part of migration processes.Kompleksan odnos međunarodnih migracija i uloge druÅ”tvenih mreža, kao strategija povezivanja koje razvijaju migranti među sobom, veoma je važno proučavati iz pravne perspektive. Zakon ne predstavlja primarnu silu u kreiranju migracionih tokova. Ekonomski, socijalni, politički i porodični faktori su ti koji imaju najveći uticaj na migracije, dok zakonski okvir reguliÅ”e većinu druÅ”tvenih uslova koji utiču na donoÅ”enje odluke o migriranju i na mikro i na makro nivou, kao i određuje moguće načine sprovođenja samog imigracionog procesa. U radu je na primeru Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, kao najveće imigracione zemlje, prikazano na koji način razvitak pravnih regulativa, kao proizvoda političkog odgovora jedne zemlje na potrebe za stranom radnom snagom, može da utiče na demografske, socijalne i ekonomske osobine imigracionog kontingenta, kao i kako određeni pravni propisi mogu da postanu značajan činilac strategija povezivanja određenih druÅ”tvenih grupa i razvitka druÅ”tvenih mreža, ne samo među migrantima, već i nemigrantskim stanovniÅ”tvom i u zemlji porekla i destinacije, a u cilju dobijanja useljeničke radne vize. Jedan od najvažnijih postignuća američke imigracione politike je da se vremenom, kroz niz zakonskih izmena i dopuna donesenih u poslenjih pola veka, konstantno usavrÅ”ava pravni okvir, koji omogućava useljavanje ili privremeni boravak za rad i Å”kolovanje onim strukturama stanovniÅ”tva za koje se smatra da će na najbolji način doprinositi druÅ”tvenom, ekonomskom i kulturnom napretku zemlje. U poslednjih nekoliko decenija kontingent obrazovanog i stručnog stanovniÅ”tva iz inostranstva je značajno uvećan. Međutim, jedan od najvećih nedostataka američke imigracijone politike su vezane za probleme ilegalnih migracija. ReÅ”avanje paradoksa između restriktivnih imigracionih mera i strukturalne potrebe za nekvalifkovanim poslovima, predstavlja veliki izazov za političke i pravne stručnjake ne samo u SAD-u već i većini drugih imigracionih zemalja. Na taj način će se i migrantima omogućiti da se u svojim useljeničkim strategijama, koje će uvek biti sastavni deo migracionih procesa, Å”to manje izlažu krÅ”enju zakona

    Rubidium resonant squeezed light from a diode-pumped optical-parametric oscillator

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    We demonstrate a diode-laser-pumped system for generation of quadrature squeezing and polarization squeezing. Due to their excess phase noise, diode lasers are challenging to use in phase-sensitive quantum optics experiments such as quadrature squeezing. The system we present overcomes the phase noise of the diode laser through a combination of active stabilization and appropriate delays in the local oscillator beam. The generated light is resonant to the rubidium D1 transition at 795nm and thus can be readily used for quantum memory experiments.Comment: 6 pages 4 figure

    Large dilates of hypercube graphs in the plane

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    We study a distance graph Ī“n\Gamma_n that is isomorphic to the 11-skeleton of an nn-dimensional unit hypercube. We show that every measurable set of positive upper Banach density in the plane contains all sufficiently large dilates of Ī“n\Gamma_n. This provides the first examples of distance graphs other than the trees for which a dimensionally sharp embedding in positive density sets is known.Comment: 16 page

    Polarization entangled photons from quantum dots embedded in nanowires

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    We present a first measurement of photon polarization entanglement from the biexciton to ground state cascade of a single InAsP quantum dot embedded in an InP nanowire. We observe a fidelity of 0.76(2) to a reference maximally entangled state as well as a concurrence of 0.57(6)
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