1 research outputs found

    Penentuan Arah Kiblat Secara Partisipatif di Kampung Pasir Panjang

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    Qibla is the center of direction for Muslims in performing prayer services. In equatorial regions such as Indonesia, an error in determining the Qibla direction of just 1o can make the direction deviate as far as 111 km from the Kaaba. This community service activity aims to socialize the method of determining the direction of Qibla with mapping survey technology, namely Total Station, as well as together with the local community to carry out measurement activities in the field. Community service activities have been carried out in two stages, namely preparation and implementation in the field. Pre-implementation activities include site surveys and preparation of equipment to be used in the field. By using the principle of calculating the spherical triangle in Geodesy Mathematics and utilizing the development of accurate positioning technology, the Total Station and compass are used to measure the Qibla direction after previously correcting the true north with the help of celestial bodies such as the sun. Thus, the measurement results obtained will have good accuracy. From the measurement of the Qibla direction that has been done at the Nurus Sabil mosque, the angle of Qibla direction from north to west is obtained by 66o 50' 59.83" or compass azimuth of 293o 9' 0.17 ". Based on the results of these calculations there are differences in the azimuth of 12° from the azimuth / direction of the mosque's initial Qibla there. This happens because indeed the mosque from its inception has never been carried out the determination and confirmation of the direction of Qibla carefully and officially.Kiblat merupakan pusat arah bagi Umat Muslim dalam mengerjakan ibadah sholat. Di daerah khatulistiwa seperti Indonesia, kesalahan penentuan arah kiblat sebesar 1o saja dapat menjadikan arahnya menyimpang sejauh 111 km dari Ka’bah. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan metode penentuan arah kiblat dengan teknologi survei pemetaan, yaitu Total Station, sekaligus bersama-sama dengan masyarakat setempat melakukan kegiatan pengukuran di lapangan. Kegiatan pengabdian akan terlaksana dalam dua tahap yaitu persiapan (pra pelaksanaan) dan pelaksanaan di lapangan. Kegiatan pra pelaksanaan meliputi survei lokasi dan persiapan peralatan yang akan digunakan di lapangan. Dengan menggunakan prinsip perhitungan segitiga bola dalam ilmu Matematika Geodesi dan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi penentuan posisi secara akurat, Total Station dan kompas digunakan untuk mengukur arah kiblat setelah sebelumnya dilakukan koreksi arah utara sejati dengan bantuan benda langit seperti matahari. Dengan demikiran, hasil pengukuran yang didapatkan akan memiliki akurasi yang baik. Dari pengukuran arah kiblat yang telah dilakukan di masjid Nurus Sabil, diperoleh sudut arah kiblat dari utara ke barat sebesar 66o 50’ 59.83” atau azimuth kompas sebesar 293o 9’ 0.17”. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tersebut terdapat perbedaan azimuth sebesar 12° dari azimuth/ arah kiblat awal masjid disana. Hal ini terjadi karena memang masjid tersebut dari awal berdirinya belum pernah dilakukan penetapan dan penegasan arah kiblat secara teliti dan resmi