267 research outputs found

    The Development of Performance-based Model Authentic Assessment on Archival Subject

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    The developed assessment models use two types of test or non-test instruments which are divided into three aspects: performance, knowledge, and social behavior [23]. The purpose of this research is to develop a product in the form of an authentic assessment instrument package based on the performance of Archival Subject in Vocational High School using the research and development research technique. Borg and Gall describe the expedient of the instruments through expert validations & readability try-outs and describing the result of the implementation using the quasiexperimental method design by using the technique of analyzing the quantitative and qualitative data. Authentic assessment model is developed as an assessment model that constructs learning [36] and increases the concept of knowledge, behavior, and skills of the students comprehensively and objectively to fulfill the assessment criteria.   Keywords: authentic assessment, performance assessment, archival learning, vocational high schoo

    Pengaruh Guided Imagery Terhadap Tingkat Nyeri Anak Usia 7-13 Tahun Saat Dilakukan Pemasangan Infus Di RS Royal Prima Jambi

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    Pemasangan infuse dapat  menimbulkan  nyeri pada anak.Guided Imagery merupakan strategi nonfarmakologi yang dapat menurunkan nyeri.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pengaruh Guided Imagery terhadap tingkat nyeri anak saat pemasangan infuse.Jenis penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan sampel 30 intervensi dan 30 kontrol di RS Royal Prima Jambi.             Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Tingkat nyeri responden saat di lakukan pemasangan infus di kaji dengan menggunakan Wong Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale. Tingkat nyeri responden antara Kelompok intervensi dengan Kelompok control di yang menunjukkan 50% responden mengalami nyeri sedang sebelum dilakukan tindakan relaksasi guided imagery, dan sisanya sebanyak 43,3% mengalami nyeri berat, 6,7%  responden mengalami nyeri tak tertahankan. 80 % responden mengalami nyeri sedang setelah dilakukan tindakan relaksasi guided imagery, dan sisanya sebanyak 20 % mengalami nyeri berat, 0% mengalami nyeri tak tertahankan.             Ada pengaruh signifikan antara relaksasi guided imagery terhadap tingkat nyeri pada pasien pada saat pemasanagn infus di RS Royal Prima Jambi (p-value : 0,002, 95% CI). Perubahan tingkat nyeri pasien terhadap pemasangan infus sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan relaksasi guided imagery

    Implementasi Peraturan Desa Tentang Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Desa (Apbdes) di Desa Kuala Terusan Kecamatan Pangkalan Kerinci Kabupaten Pelalawan Tahun 2010

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the implementation of the Regulation on Budget Rural Village ( APBdes ) in the village of Kuala canal and explain the obstacles that prevent the implementation of village regulations on the implementation of the APBDes . Implementation of rural development programs through the village of financing by using the appropriate regulatory APBDes village where the village chief and his staff Kuala canal should invite the public to rural development programs, so that people know that the program will be conducted, but no socialization village chief and his staff to the community. It Regulations APBDes conducted village of Kuala Canal Village Chief District of Pangkalan Kerinci in accordance with Regulation No. 7 of 2010 the village has not been completely worked well, which is not the implementation of good communication between the head of the village with his staff and the community, especially in the delivery of information and invitations are usually performed by IHC or forum through Friday prayer meeting did not take place and also the low village of personnel resources. In the implementation, a village about APBDes in 2010 has not been the implementation of the disposition of the work and the tasks and responsibilities within the organization structure in the village of Kuala canal is still not fully implemented, it is due to the implementation in 2010, a village about APBDes ineffectiveness caused everything about the work and the implementation of entirely APBDes handled by the village head Kuala Canal. Keywords : Communication , Resources , Disposition , Bureaucratic Structur

    Collectibility Analysis for Small and Medium Enterprise – Bank BUKOPIN Case

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    In Indonesia, small and medium enterprises (SME) have experienced 68% growth in 2008 and47% growth in 2007. The simple structure made it able to respond quickly to changingeconomic conditions and meet local customers' needs, growing sometimes into large andpowerful corporations or failing within a short time of the firm's inception. Unfortunately,lack of access to finance has been cited as an important problem for SMEs, being theconstraint in the creation, development or diversification of their economic activities. Lendinginstitution such as banks conduct an intensive assessment (usually called credit scoring) tofind out the creditworthiness of applicants in order to mitigate the risk. This paper,“Collectability Analysis in Small and Medium Enterprise”, is purposed for creatingappropriate credit scoring model to support the judgmental analysis approach in small andmedium enterprise, finding out how generic and plafond-specific variables affect thecollectability of the debtors from different plafond level (< Rp. 500 Million and > Rp. 500Million), and providing early detector for the bank to predict about future loan performanceof its debtors, thus the bank can be more careful in selecting qualified debtors

    Bioactivity of Antibacterial Compounds Produced by Endophytic Actinomycetes From Neesia Altissima

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    Identification of alternate bioactive compounds isolated from microbial endophytes from plants may lead to better solution against antibiotic resistance. Main objective of this research is to determine the bioactivity of antibacterial compounds produced by endophytic actinomycetes, which was isolated from stem bark of Neesia altissima Bl. at Halimun Salak Mount. Detection of bioactive compounds was assayed using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) by employing bioautography. Bioactivity was assayed using crude extract against five microorganisms using agar diffusion methods. Tetracycline was used as a positive control. The result of antibacterial activity from endophytic actinomycetes isolate revealed that the bioactive compounds were effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria Bacillus cereus (1.25 mm), Salmonella typhimurium (5.75 mm), and Shigella flexneri (4.37 mm). Bioactivity of ethyl acetate extract from bioactive compounds of endophytic actinomycetes has an antibacterial activity against bacteria Bacillus cereus (13.00 mm) and Staphylococcus aureus (15.90 mm), at a concentration of 250,000 ppm. Each of TLC fraction was able to inhibit growth of B. cereus at a minimum concentration of 10,000 ppm. In conclusion, the bioactive compounds produced by endophytic actinomycetes can have inhibitory effect towards B. cereus. The category of that compounds are narrow spectrum. The bioactive compound isolated from endophytic actinomycetes may have other implications such as anticancer, antifungal, and antioxidant

    Complete Resolution of Right Atrial Free-floating Thrombus After Warfarin Therapy in Chemotherapy-induced Cardiomyopathy: a Case Report

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    Free-floating right heart thrombus is a rare phenomenon and has dismal rognosis. The optimal management of free-floating right thrombus remains controversial with no clear consensus. We present a case of right atrial free-floating thrombus in 56-year-old woman in chemotherapy inducedcardiomyopathy. Three weeks of warfarin treatment showed complete thrombus resolution. To the best of our knowledge, no such case has previously been reported in Indonesia

    Kinerja Waiters Lingga Restaurant di Hotel Ladiva Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this research is to know the performance of Lingga Restaurant waiters at Hotel Ladiva Pekanbaru, to know what factors affect the performance of waiters Lingga Restaurant, and efforts in improving the performance of waiters.This research uses descriptive quantitative method to analyze the problem. The sample used was 30 respondents and the data obtained through questionnaires, observations, and interviews. By using Likert scale as a measuring instrument to determine the length of the interval.Based on the results of research, the performance of waiters at Lingga Restaurant at Hotel Ladiva Pekanbaru consisting of six indicators are: ability, motivation, attitude, situatation, knowledge, skill. The performance of the most unfortunate waiters is on the ability of waiters


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    Objective: This study was aimed to understand and determine the effectiveness of allopurinol extraction in herbal medicine from three extraction methods based on parameters of accuracy and precision. Methods: The study consisted of three methods including dissolving and filtering, liquid-liquid extraction, and solid-phase extraction with mixed-mode cation exchanger (SPE-MCX). The procedures were carried out using NaOH and HCl in dissolving and filtering method; methanol, HCl, and ethyl acetate in liquid-liquid extraction; and NH4OH elution solvent in SPE-MCX. Results: The results showed that extraction effectiveness based on accuracy level was the dissolving and filtering method>SPE-MCX>liquid-liquid extraction with % recovery+SD of 91.314+2.903%, 87.533+4.950%, and 54.549+3.517%, respectively. The precision level was the dissolution and filtering method>SPE-MCX>liquid-liquid extraction based on % relative standard deviations (RSD) of 3.18%, 5.226%, and 6.446%, respectively. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the allopurinol extraction method with the highest effectiveness based on accuracy and precision parameters in herbal medicine is the dissolving and filtering method

    Motivasi Petani dalam Mempertahankan Sistem Tradisional pada USAhatani Padi Sawah di Desa Parbaju Julu Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Propinsi Sumatera Utara

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    This research aims to identify factors correlated significantly to the motivation of farmers in perseving traditional rainfed farming systems, such as using local seeds and planting once a year. The population of this study is farmer who still perform the traditional paddy farming system in the Village of North Tapanuli Parbaju Julu County North Sumatra Province. As much as 48 respondents randomly selected from 160 farmers. A descriptive analyse and Spearman rank correlation are applied in this study. The study showed that formal education, farmers' perception of the traditional system of rice farming are correlated significantly to farmer motivation in preserving tradional farming system while non-formal education, the traditional system of farming experience, farm size, number of family members are not. Factors that correlated significantly to farmer motivation in maintaining local seed is non-formal education, farming experience, while the traditional system of formal education, farmers' perception of traditional rice farming system, farm size, number of family members are not correlated significantly. Furthermore, the number of family members is merely factor that correlated significantly to the farmers motivation in maintaining once a year plantings while others factors are not correlated
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