113 research outputs found

    Factoring the Strong CP Problem

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    We present a new mechanism to solve the strong CP problem using N2N\geq2 axions, each dynamically relaxing part of the θˉ\bar\theta parameter. At high energies MΛQCDM\gg\Lambda_{QCD} the SU(3)cSU(3)_{c} group becomes the diagonal subgroup of an SU(3)NSU(3)^{N} gauge group, and the non-perturbative effects in each individual SU(3)SU(3) factor generate a potential for the corresponding axion. The vacuum is naturally aligned to ensure θˉ=0\bar\theta=0 at low energies, and the masses of these axions can be much larger than for the standard QCD axion. This mechanism avoids the introduction of a discrete Z2Z_2 symmetry and associated 'mirror' copies of the SM fermions, and also avoids the introduction and stabilization of new light colored states to modify the running of the QCD gauge coupling found in other heavy axion models. This strengthens the motivation for axion-like particles solving the strong CP problem at points beyond the standard QCD axion curve in the (ma,fa)(m_a, f_a) plane.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Clockwork Axions in Cosmology: Is Chromonatural Inflation Chrononatural?

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    Many cosmological models rely on large couplings of axions to gauge fields. Examples include theories of magnetogenesis, inflation on a steep potential, chiral gravitational waves, and chromonatural inflation. Such theories require a mismatch between the axion field range and the mass scale appearing in the aFF~a F \widetilde{F} coupling. This mismatch suggests an underlying monodromy, with the axion winding around its fundamental period a large number of times. We investigate the extent to which this integer can be explained as a product of smaller integers in a UV completion: in the parlance of our times, can the theory be "clockworked"? We argue that a clockwork construction producing a potential μ4cos(ajFa)\mu^4 \cos(\frac{a}{j F_a}) for an axion of fundamental period FaF_a will obey the constraint μ<Fa\mu < F_a. For some applications, including chromonatural inflation with sub-Planckian field range, this constraint obstructs a clockwork UV completion. Alternative routes to a large coupling include fields of large charge (an approach limited by strong coupling) or kinetic mixing (requiring a lighter axion). Our results suggest that completions of axion cosmologies that explain the large parameter in the theory potentially alter the phenomenological predictions of the model

    Flavored Dark Matter

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    Astrophysical observations point to the fact that most of the matter density in the universe is in the form of a non-luminous &ldquo;dark matter&rdquo;. No particles detected so far satisfy the criteria to be dark matter candidates. If the present day dark matter density is set by thermal freeze out due to the expansion of the universe, then the dark matter particles likely have weak-scale interactions with ordinary matter. This opens up the possibility of detecting them in current experiments. We focus on a novel class of models &mdash; flavored dark matter &mdash; which contains multiple copies, or flavors, of dark matter particles, in analogy with the three copies of matter particles observed in nature. We classify such models and consider their implications for various dark matter searches. As an example, we choose one specific model with tau flavored dark matter, and consider its prospects for detection at the Large Hadron Collider

    Flavored dark matter beyond Minimal Flavor Violation

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    We study the interplay of flavor and dark matter phenomenology for models of flavored dark matter interacting with quarks. We allow an arbitrary flavor structure in the coupling of dark matter with quarks. This coupling is assumed to be the only new source of violation of the Standard Model flavor symmetry extended by a U(3)χU(3)_\chi associated with the dark matter. We call this ansatz Dark Minimal Flavor Violation (DMFV) and highlight its various implications, including an unbroken discrete symmetry that can stabilize the dark matter. As an illustration we study a Dirac fermionic dark matter χ\chi which transforms as triplet under U(3)χU(3)_\chi, and is a singlet under the Standard Model. The dark matter couples to right-handed down-type quarks via a colored scalar mediator ϕ\phi with a coupling λ\lambda. We identify a number of "flavor-safe" scenarios for the structure of λ\lambda which are beyond Minimal Flavor Violation. For dark matter and collider phenomenology we focus on the well-motivated case of bb-flavored dark matter. The combined flavor and dark matter constraints on the parameter space of λ\lambda turn out to be interesting intersections of the individual ones. LHC constraints on simplified models of squarks and sbottoms can be adapted to our case, and monojet searches can be relevant if the spectrum is compressed.Comment: 40 pages, 19 figures, 3 tables. Clarifying comments and some references added, matches published versio