87 research outputs found

    Budgeting system in construction organizations in conditions of process-oriented normative model of cost accounting

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article analyses the features of the structure of the budgeting system in conditions of the process-oriented normative method of cost management. The authors set out the peculiarities of budget development in the construction industry, consider the stages of implementation of process-oriented budgeting in conditions of application the process-oriented normative method of cost management in construction industry. Using this model can be very useful for construction industry companies and help them set their goals to achieve performance indicators

    Analysis of the state and prospects of innovative development of the Russian economy in conditions of its modernization

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. Today, the modernization of the production structure – with the outline of high-tech industries, spheres of science and education as key growth factors – is one of the main conditions of sustainable development of every country, as well as of growth of public prosperity. However, to reach economic stability requires the development of the system research and assessment of innovative economic development, as far as exactly the imperative to study the prospects of innovative development determines modernization of the economy as a whole. The article presents the analysis of the state of innovative development of the Russian economy and the analysis of key performance indicators of innovative development. It also considers the industrial and regional aspects, and highlights the basic trends of development and the problems of further development

    Methodical approaches to staff performance assessment

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article describes the structure of the system of Human Resources management of the company; it is proved that the development and improvement of job descriptions is a strategic direction of anti-crisis Human Resource management; the review of alternative methods for assessing the staff performance is presented; the integrated methodology that allows to use the selective approach to the problem of inclusion of workers of the organizations with different qualities and labor characteristics into the employment system, is proposed

    Idea management in the system of innovative management

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    Increased non-price competition on world markets of goods and services predetermines great demand for modern systems of control which provide qualitative increase of effectiveness of innovative activity in companies. Systems of idea management, the use of which allows to build up and to direct purposefully the innovation development processes, are an integral part of the idea management. The article considers prerequisites of origin of the systems and analyses modern practice of their application in the work of different companies. Special attention is paid to software support of generation technologies, to appraisal and support of innovation ideas

    Formation and structuring of cooperating structures in agrarian production of modern Russian economy

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article reveals that the cooperation of labor in the agricultural sector in modern conditions is connected with the specialization of production on the scale of an individual closed household (LPH, KFH, sole proprietorship) and – in terms of the level of socialization of production – acts as a simple form of cooperation, and it is realized in the form of large forms of economic management on the basis of association of part of material-financial and human resources of various agricultural forms of economic management that is reflected in the complex form of agricultural cooperative business

    Differentiation of the territory of tatarstan republic into zones due to their significance for domestic and national and international tourism

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    © MCSER-Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. Tourism has an advantageous multiplier effect and severs as an accelerator of the social-economic development. Using a method of a component analysis the most significant indexes for differentiation of territory of Republic Tatarstan with purposes of recreation and tourism were detected. Map - models were constructed and by their superposition the integrated map of a recreational potential of Tatar Republic was obtained and the attractive areas for rest and tourism were detected

    Competitiveness assessment the construction industry of the Republic of Tatarstan

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All right reserved. The article presents the results of a study aimed at testing the methodology for assessing the competitiveness of the regional construction sector. Assessment of competitiveness of the construction sector of the regional economy was conducted on three groups of indicators. The first group includes such indicators as the share of unprofitable enterprises in the construction, investment activity (share of investment in output). The second group of indicators includes labor Productivity, capital productivity, tend-vaginitis. The third group includes the ratio of wages in construction with the subsistence minimum working age population in the region, the degree of depreciation of fixed assets in the regional construction, the share of workers of construction organizations, working in conditions that do not meet hygienic standards of working conditions. The study showed that the competitive status of the construction industry of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the three-factor model is the highest in the Volga Federal district. However, several challenges were identified. For example, regional authorities in the management of competitiveness of the construction complex of the region should pay attention to several issues related to performance and business activity in production and working conditions of their workers

    Experience of field geomorphological research study on the territory of the Volzhsko-Kamsky natural reserve

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    © MCSER-Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. Since the 1940s on the territory of the Raifsky site of Bolshoy Volzhsko-Kamsky biospherical reserve (BVKBR) "UNESCO" the geomorphological conditions are subject to very detailed study. The study of modern geomorphological phenomena and processes on the territory of the Raifsky reserve was the main purpose of the work and geomorphological studies. Formation of the relief the territory under study is closely connected with the history of development of the valley of the Volga River. The territory of the reserve is very heterogeneous by morphology, genesis and history of the development of land forms. It is important to identify the interaction of the relief with the processes of territory development and settlement, i.e. geomorphological conditions are the pledge of successful development of the region

    The role of meteorological factor in long-term variability of the river streamflow of the territory of north of the Russian (East European) plain

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. As is well-known, the river stream-flow as the main source of water resources, is formed and changed under the influence of climate conditions and physiographic characteristics of watershed basins. Snow storage, liquid precipitation in the period of snow-melt flood, degree of moisture of the area, etc. are the main hydro-climatic factors determining the amount of the annual river flow. On the territory under consideration, in this case the region of the North of the Russian Plain is selected as which, flow fluctuations are well-defined as a result of changes in space and time of the main forming it factors and, mainly, the meteorological factor. In this regard, the main objective of the work is to find the connection between rainfall and river flow, as well as to identify patterns of spatial and temporal changes of river flow and precipitation. During the study, the authors identified the dependencies between precipitation and the layer of the run-off in hydrological seasons. In particular, the closest connection was established between precipitation and the flow of summer-autumn period, where the correlation coefficient (r) for posts of Soyana - Soyana, Mudyug - Patrakeevskaya is r = 0,7 – 0,8, reaching r = 0,9 (Codina - Codino). Comparison of precipitation of the winter-spring period and the spring run-off did not reveal very close connection, except the site location of Sysola - Pervomajskij (the basin of the Northern Dvina), where r = 0,86. It is determined that during a year there are two maxima and two minima in the distribution of precipitation, while in the overland runoff they do not fully coincide with precipitation in time. Synchronous increase of share of precipitation and runoff was observed from May to July and in October, except August (precipitation) and April (run-off), where these periods did not coincide

    Determination of the development potential of urban territories on the basis of integrated assessment of the social-ecomomic zoning by the example of the city of Kazan

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. State city-planning policy and management should provide favorable conditions of human life and society through, in particular, integrated programs (projects) of development that determine the problems and priorities of the area under study. Functional zoning scheme is the starting point of design and planning decisions. In this work the potential of urban areas is considered on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the city of Kazan
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