26 research outputs found

    Klasifikasi Citra Rontgen Covid-19 dengan menggunakan Deep Learning

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    Citra adalah representasi dari suatu obyek yang ditulis ulang pada suatu medium dengan nilai tertentu (intensitas) yang memiliki koordinat x dan y. Citra Rontgent merupakan salah satu jenis citra medis yang dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi dan mempelajari suatu penyakit. Namun citra rontgen terkadang terlihat kabur sehingga sedikit sulit untuk mengintepretasi citra. Terlebih lagi adanya redaman sinar-X yang berbeda antara kelenjar pada jaringan yang normal dengan yang terpapar penyakit. Dengan mengimplementasikan deep learning dengan metode klasifikasi citra dapat memilah gambar berdasarkan ekstrasi fitur dan bobot pada jaringan syaraf tiruan. Ketika GPU yang dimiliki adalah AMD, salah satu cara agar dapat menjalankan Deep Learning menggunakan AMD adalah mnggunakan PlaidML.Tahapan yang dilakukan pada pelatihan dan pengujian adalah melakukan pre-procesessing, ektraksi fitur menggunakan lapisan JST VGG16 tanpa lapisan pengklasifikasi (konvolusi dan pooling) yang menghasilkan bottleneck.npy, kemudian membuat lapisan pengklasifikasi sendiri untuk melatih klasifikasi kelas covid dan normal menggunakan data bottleneck.npy. Tingkat akurasi yang diperoleh pada tahap pelatihan beserta validasi pada pelatihan, dan pengujian berturut-turut adalah 99%, 97%, dan 94%. Selanjutnya ketika dievaluasi dengan F1 Score mendapatkan hasil 0,939

    Perbedaan Kadar Albumin Plasma Pada Pasien Sebelum Dan Setelah Menjalani Rawat Inap Di RSUD PROF. DR Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto

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    The malnutrition rate in Indonesian hospital was hightly about 75%. The determinant of nutrition states with biochemically known by the concentration of plasma albumin. Albumin is the protein of the highest concentration in plasma. Albumin transports many small molecules in the blood (for example: bilirubin, calcium, progesterone, and drugs). It is also of prime importance in maintaining the oncotic pressure of the blood (that is, keeping the fluid from leaking out into the tissues). Decreased albumin may also be caused by malnutrition or a low protein diet. The aims of this research was to determine change in albumin before and after hospitalization in Margono Soekarjo Hospital, Purwokerto. It was analytic research with cross sectional study. The study population consisted of 69 subjects. The albumin concentrations was determined at before and after hospitalization. The average of albumin concentrations before and after hospitalization were 2,88 g/L and 2,52 g/L respectively. The t test showed that albumin concentrations after hospitalization decrease significantly (

    Keefektifan ekstra putih telur terhadap peningkatan albumin dan penurunan IL-1β pada pasien tuberkulosis dengan hipoalbuminemia

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is world health problem which still needs attention. Recently, Indonesia ranks the third in TB prevalence after India and China. Research revealed that albumin decreases significantly in TB patients, due to lack of nutritious intakes such as low-calorie intake, anorexia, increased catabolism, enteropathy and acute protein reaction. Low albumin was associated with increased IL-1β and cytokines inflammation in TB patient. Albumin had a very important role in the body and white egg known as a good quality source of protein.Objective: To assess the effect of white egg supplementation in TB patient towards the level of albumin and the level of IL-1β.Method: A single-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted with 75 patient selected for the study and divided to 37 patient as the study group and 38 as a control group. Both groups received high energy high protein diet, while the study group received, additionally, an oral egg white-based on formula calculation Baxter for 14 days. Control group received, additionally, an extra soybean curd and mungbean powder. Albumin and IL-1β were checked before and after the intervention. Data is analyzed by using Mann-Whitney.Results: Research results show that average albumin pre-intervention in the study group was 2.82 g/dL and control group was 2.85 g/dL. Average albumin difference in the study group was 3.47 g/dL and control group was 2.81 g/dL. Bivariate analysis results show significant of increasing albumin between study group and control group (p<0.05). Research results show average IL-1β pre-intervention difference in study group (0.9 pg/mL) and control group (0.67 pg/mL). The average IL-1β difference in the study group was -0.39 pg/mL and control group was 0.76 pg/mL. Bivariate analysis results show a significant difference of IL-1β depletion between study group and control group (p<0.05).Conclusion: Egg white increase albumin level and IL-1β depletion in tuberculosis patients effectively

    A case study: Gender difference in vocabulary learning strategy used by the ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Tengaran Kabupaten Semarang

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    Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pembelajaran kosakata (VLS) yang digunakan oleh siswa laki-laki dan perempuan di SMP Negeri 4 Tengaran Kabupaten Semarang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan taksonomi Schmitt berupa kuesioner terbuka, wawancara dan observasi. Kuesioner terdiri dari 31 pernyataan yang diberikan kepada 32 siswa kelas sembilan. Wawancara dan observasi yang melibatkan 10 siswa laki-laki dan 10 siswa perempuan juga dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut dari para partisipan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, siswa menerapkan strategi memori, strategi kognitif, strategi meta-kognitif, strategi determinasi, strategi sosial pembelajaran kosa kata tetapi kedua gender menggunakan strategi yang berbeda. Aktivitas gabungan dalam pembelajaran kosa kata adalah yang paling nyaman bagi mereka. Peran guru dan guru ekstrakurikuler cenderung mempengaruhi siswa dalam mempelajari kosa kata. Kedua, lingkungan pembelajaran bahasa, guru, guru ekstrakurikuler dan program di sekolah memiliki pengaruh terbesar terhadap pembelajaran kosa kata


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    THE ANALYSIS OF FACTORS RELATED TO FOOD INTAKE ON THALASSEMIA PATIENT IN BANYUMAS HOSPITALBackground : Nutritional deficiencies in long time can impair growth in thalassemia children, and the low energy reserves and existence of hypercatabolic make nutrition status of children leading to wasting condition. Result of initial survey in Instalation of Integrated Thalassemia Service, Banyumas Hospital, energy intake on thalassemia patient 54% is deficiency category. Objective : To find factors related to food intake on thalassemia patient who receive regular blood transfusion in Banyumas Hospital.Methods : The kind of research is inferential with cross sectional design. The number of subject is 57 patients, age 6-15 years. Statistic analysis is used to chi square test.Results : The part of subject energy intake is deficit, with mean of energy intake is 85,74 ± 13,62% AKG. All of subject do not experience side effect of gastrointestinal disturbance from consuming iron chelation. 66,7% subject consume supplement according to doctor prescription, 57,9% subject have good of nutrition knowledge, and 63,2% subject get good support from family. Result of statistic analysis is p value for consuming supplement variabel is 0,003; 0,57 for nutrition knowledge and 0,01 for family support.Conclusion : There are relation about consuming supplement and family support with food intake, but there are no relation about nutrition knowledge with food intake

    Pengaruh propolis terhadap profil lipid plasma tikus model hiperkolesterolemia

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    Background: Nowadays, cardiovascular disease caused by hypercholesterolemia has become the main cause of death. Propolis has been used widely to reduce plasma cholesterol levels.Objective: The aims of this research was to study the effect of propolis on lipid profile of hypercholesterolemic Sprague Dawley rats.Method: This was an experimental study with pre-post test. Twenty four (24) male Sprague Dawley rats aged 12-16 week old, weighing 125-200 g were allocated into 4 groups. Group I received standard meal + aquadest-gavage; group II received high cholesterol meal + PTU 0,01 + aquadest gavage; group III received high cholesterol meal + PTU 0,01 + 0,027 g propolis gavage; group IV received high cholesterol meal + PTU 0,01 + 0,054 g propolis gavage. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels before and after treatment were measured. The data were then analyzed with One Way Anova.Results: The study showed that there were no significant differences in changes of body weight. There were significant differences in total cholesterol levels between all groups of treatment. Triglyceride levels were significantly different among all groups, except between group I and IV. Furthermore, the HDL cholesterol levels of group I vs III and group I vs IV were significantly different. However, there were no differences found in LDL cholesterol levels among all groups of treatment.Conclusion: Provision of 0,027 g and 0,054 g propolis improve lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels) of hypercholesterolemic rats

    Pengaruh propolis terhadap profil lipid plasma tikus model hiperkolesterolemia = The effect of propolis on lipid profile of hypercholesterolemic rat model

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    Background: Nowadays, cardiovascular disease caused by hypercholesterolemia has become the main cause of death. Propolis has been used widely to reduce plasma cholesterol levels. Objective: The aims of this research was to study the effect of propolis on lipid profile of hypercholesterolemic Sprague Dawley rats. Method: This was an experimental study with pre-post test. Twenty four (24) male Sprague Dawley rats aged 12-16 weeks, weighing 125-200 g were allocated into 4 groups. Group I received standard meal + aquadest-gavagegroup II received high cholesterol meal + PTU 0,01 + aquadest gavagegroup III received high cholesterol meal + PTU 0,01 + 0,027 g propolis gavagegroup IV received high cholesterol meal + PTU 0,01 + 0,054 g propolis gavage. Total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels before and after treatment were measured. The data were then analyzed with One Way Anova. Results: The study showed that there were no significant differences in changes of body weight. There were significant differences in total cholesterol levels between all groups of treatment. Triglyceride levels were significantly different among all groups, except between group I and IV. Furthermore, the HDL cholesterol levels of group I vs III and group I vs IV were significantly different. However, there were no differences found in LDL cholesterol levels among all groups of treatment. Conclusion: Provision of 0,027 g and 0,054 g propolis improve lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels) of hypercholesterolemic rats