2 research outputs found

    3D Natural State Modeling of Mount Iyang-Argopuro Geothermal Area, East Java, Indonesia

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    Mount Iyang-Argopuro is one of the geothermal working areas in the East Java. Mount Iyang-Argopuro has the potential of 185 MWe of reserves and 110 MWe of resources.  It is estimated to have a liquid dominated reservoir with temperature up to 250-275 oC. An early 3D natural state numerical model of Mount Iyang-Argopuro Field is created using TOUGH2 simulator in order to identify the undisturbed condition of reservoir and resource assessment. Since Mount Iyang-Argopuro geothermal area is still in the exploration stage, the model created based on based on geological, geophysical, and geochemical data. The model has an area 14 km x 8.2 km and 9180 m in thickness. The model consists of 7410 of rectangular cell blocks with the roughest cell size is 1000 m x 1000 m and the finest is 200 m x 500 m. The model is verified by matching the model temperature and pressure profiles to the calculated geothermometer temperature and pressure, which shows good match enough

    Engineering Design and Feasibility Analysis of Geothermal-heated Swimming Pool in Lembang, West Java

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    A heated swimming pool has long been known as a tourist destination, sports, to stress therapy. Warm water is obtained from burning fuels such as fossil fuel that is not environmentally friendly. Then technologies based on an alternative energy source is needed to be an optimal solution to the heating of a swimming pool, which can be very expensive in terms of energy demand and environment conservation. Due to the sizeable geothermal potential owned by Indonesia and only 3% of the total potential that has been successfully used for electricity generation (PLTP), therefore a design of a heated swimming pool heated by geothermal fluid was made to utilize clean and environmentally friendly energy sources in the Lembang region, West Java. The pool, which is designed to have an area of 10 x 10 m2, has a temperature of 26-30 oC and is heated by a geothermal fluid at a rate of 12.7 l/s and a temperature of 110 oC. The total heat energy utilized is 170 to 330 W/m2. Economic analysis shows an NPV of more than one and an IRR of 17% for a 10-year economic life. Hence, this warm swimming pool deserves to be developed