54 research outputs found

    Aktualisasi Pancasila dalam Sepak Bola Indonesia

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    Aktualisasi Pancasila sebagai pandangan hidup dalam segala aspek kehidupan perlu untuk diwujudkan. Salah satu upaya mengaktualisasikan nilai nilai Pancasila dapat melalui bidang olah raga, dalam hal ini khususnya adalah sepak bola Indonesia. Tujuan yang penelitian ini ingin mengulas tentang aktualisasi Pancasila melalui olah raga sepak bola. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penentuan subjek penelitian mengunakan teknik sampel bertujuan (purposive sampling) yakni pelatih dan pemain. Sebagai pelengkap hasil penelitian, sumber data yang digunakan berasal dari hasil penelitian yang relevan dan berita di media massa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya aktualisasi Pancasila melalui aktivitas sepak bola di lapangan saat pertandingan maupun di luar lapangan. Aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh pelatih, pemain, dan perangkat pertandingan telah menunjukan pengalaman nyata nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam sila-sila Pancasila. Melalui aktualisasi yang terdapat pada masing-masing sila Pancasila dapat memberikan sebuah pemahaman kembali mengenai arti pentingnya nilai-nilai pancasila itu sendiri. Sehingga sepak bola dapat dijadikan metode untuk pengembangan, pemahaman, dan pengamalan nilai-nilai Pancasila. The actualization of Pancasila as a view of life in all aspects of life needs to be realized. One of the efforts to actualize the values of Pancasila can be through the field of sports, in this particular case is Indonesian football. The purpose of this study is to review the actualization of Pancasila through soccer. This type of research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. Determination of research subjects using purposive sampling technique, namely coaches and players. As a complement to research results, the data sources used come from relevant research results and news in the mass media. The results of this study indicate the actualization of Pancasila through football activities on the field during matches and outside the field. Activities carried out by coaches, players, and match equipment have shown real experience of the values contained in the principles of Pancasila. Through the actualization contained in each Pancasila principle, it can provide a re-understanding of the importance of the values of Pancasila itself. So that football can be used as a method for developing, understanding and practicing the values of Pancasila.


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    Stock-recruitment relationship of Bali sardine was investigated based on Beverton-Holt model by assuming inter-specific competition. Model is modified to incorporate the effect of fishing pressure that is density-independent to population dynamic by developing scenario fishing on adult and/or juvenile population. The results show that harvested adult the dramatic decline of recruitment supply. However, harvested juvenile is led to the positive response to population size, as an increase in fishing mortality rate will reduce competition mortality rate. Precautionary approach required by considering bipartite life cycle.


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    Abstract: Using the Media Flip Chart Science Learning Improvement in Primary Schools. The purpose of this study is to describe the procedures for using a flip chart that can enhance science learning and describe the constraints and their solutions from the use of a flip chart. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in 3 cycles with each cycle consisting of four phases: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques are observation, interview and test. The validity of the data sources and using triangulation techniques. The results showed that the flip chart can enhance science learning. Keywords: flip chart, learning sains Abstrak: Penggunaan Media Flip Chart Dalam Peningkatan Pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan prosedur penggunaan flip chart yang dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran IPA dan mendeskripsikan kendala beserta solusi dari penggunaan flip chart. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 3 siklus dengan tiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah observasi, wawancara, dan tes. Validitas data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa flip chart dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran IPA. Kata kunci: flip chart, pembelajaran IP


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    Armada penangkapan dominan yang berkembang di Laut Arafura ialah pukat udang dan pukat ikan. Kedua armada tersebut memiliki kesamaan dalam hal lokasi penangkapan, musim penangkapan dan hasil tangkapan, namun spesifikasi alat tangkap tersebut berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji interaksi perikanan pukat hela dan potensi konflik dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan di Laut Arafura. Metode yang digunakan ialah analisis kualitatif (conflict wheel dan conflict tree) statistik deskriptif menggunakan data perikanan PPN Ambon tahun 2007-2010. Hasil analisis potensi konflik menunjukkan interaksi kedua perikanan tersebut berpeluang menjadi konflik, karena faktor dinamis sulit dikonsolidasikan pada kondisi kebijakan pengelolaan saat ini. Peringkat peluang penerapan penyelesaian masalah dari penelitian sebelumnya berturut-turut, yakni: (1) pemanfaatan hasil tangkapan sampingan; (2) penerbitan izin yang selektif dan ketat; (3) pengelolaan berbasis kelompok (kluster); (4) pemasangan TED dengan disain yang optimal; serta (5) moratorium penangkapan.Dominant fishing fleet that is growing in Arafuru sea is shrimp trawl and midwater trawl. Both fleets have the same fishing ground, fishing seasons and catch, but different in specifications of the gears. This study aims to assess the trawl fishery interactions and potential conflicts in the utilization of fish resources in Arafura Sea. The method used was qualitative analysis (wheel conflict and conflict tree) descriptive statistics using data from Ambon Archipelagic Fishing Port in 2007-2010. The results showed that interaction between both trawl fisheries have opportunity to become conflict, because dynamic factors difficult to be compromise in are current management policy. Furthermore, opportunity level of solution from previous studies: (1) utilization of the catch side, (2) selective and strict licensing, (3) management based groups (clusters), (4) installation TED with an optimal design; and (5) moratorium of fishing licensing respectively

    Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Reconstituted Sand under Different Stress Paths in True Triaxial Tests

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    To improve the geotechnical stress"“strain analysis, the stress"“strain behavior of geomaterial under general three-dimensional stress conditions prevailing in the field need to be captured. The true triaxial apparatus is an enhanced version of the conventional triaxial apparatus, which allows to simulate stresses by applying loadings independently in 3 orthogonal directions. This study evaluated the strength and deformation behavior of Bangka sand under true triaxial test conditions. The test specimens were prepared by means of the multi-sieve sand pluviation method. Various true triaxial test stress paths were applied under axial compression, lateral extension, axial extension, and lateral compression with the objective of understanding and developing the empirical correlation of coarse-grained soil strength parameters in axial compression stress paths related to other stress paths. The test results showed that an increase in the value of b, the parameter used to quantify the relative magnitude of the intermediate principal stress to the other principal stresses, resulted in an increase of the internal friction angle and a decrease of the peak stress ratio. In addition it was observed that the Lade-Duncan failure criterion fitted the results of this study better than other failure criteria, namely the extended von Mises, Mohr-Coulomb, and Matsuoka-Nakai failure criteria


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    Abstrak: Keberagaman dalam masyarakat merupakan suatu hal yang wajar dan biasa terjadi dalam situasi dan kondisi apapun. Secara ideal, perbedaan hendaknya diatur dan dibiasakan sebagai alat pemersatu dalam masyarakat. Meskipun pada kenyataan sehari-hari, banyak dijumpai keberagaman dan perbedaan yang justru dianggap sebagai alat untuk memecah belah. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika sebagai semboyan dan simbol, merupakan sebuah alat yang dapat digunakan sebagai media pemersatu dalam masyarakat. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengingat kembali dan membangkitkan kembali semangat Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dalam masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan pada pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah sosialisasi dengan diskusi dua arah yang terpadu, dapat menghasilkan berbagai macam masukan serta dapat mendengarkan secara langsung mengenai hal-hal yang terjadi dalam masyarakat mengenai pelaksanaan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Respon yang sangat baik dari masyarakat Kapanewon Seyegan, memberikan gambaran bahwa kegiatan sosialisasi menjadi sebuah agenda yang sangat bermanfaat.Abstract:  Diversity in society is a natural and common thing in any situation and condition. Ideally, differences should be organized and accustomed as a unifying tool in society. Although in everyday reality, there is a lot of diversity and differences that are actually considered as tools to divide. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as a motto and symbol, is a tool that can be used as a unifying in society. The purpose of this community service is to recall and revive the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in the community. Through the method of socialization with an integrated two-way discussion, it can produce a variety of inputs and can listen directly about the things that occur in the community regarding the implementation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. The method used in this community service is socialization with integrated two-way discussions, can generate various kinds of input and can listen directly to things happening in society regarding the implementation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Excellent response from the community of Kapanewon Seyegan, giving an idea that socialization activities become a very useful agenda

    HUBUNGAN ANTARA BURNOUT TERHADAP ACADEMIC PROCRASTINATION (Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi)

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    Education is an essential thing and is a method used to obtain learning from various disciplines. Education also cannot be separated from human life in the family, community, and nation. Education's level of success can also determine a nation's progress. Burnout and Academic Procrastination are widespread phenomena in the academic field where students delay academic tasks such as studying for exam preparation, completing assignments, and performing educational administration. This study aims to analyze the effect of Burnout on academic procrastination in FKIP students at PGRI Banyuwangi University. In this study, data collection was obtained using an online questionnaire. The sample in the survey used 5th-semester students of FKIP Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi, with as many as 101 respondents. The results of this study indicate that Burnout has a significant effect on academic procrastination, with a 70% Rsquere on the value of simple linear regression. This study suggests that improved time management for FKIP students and teaching staff should better understand the student's current condition.


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    Two species of scad fish (Decapterus russelli and D. macrosoma) is a major catch of purse seine in almost fishing area, its contributed approximately 58%. Production data of scad fish is based on catch data of purse seine which having fishing base in Java (2006-2007). Chlorophyll-a concentration, sea surface temperature and Photosyntetic Available Radiation (PAR) was derived from satellite imagery AQUA MODIS. That data is used to estimate primary productivity with Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM). The effect of ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) to scad fish fisheries also discussed. This research is aimed to get information about the effects of ENSO to primary productivity and abundance of scads in the southern part of Makassar Strait. Results showed scad fish abundance in the waters of the southern Makassar Strait fluctuates according to season, the peak abundance lasted for three months between November to January. Utilization of scad fish as 3th tropic level component showed percentage of utilization is 8,93% in 2006 and 14,59% in 2007. AQUA MODIS image data showed the highest chlorophyll concentrations occurred between February to April each year. While the highest sea surface temperature occurs in November-January period. There are indication that ENSO have indirect effect to chlorophyll-a consentrations and sea surface temperature. Both of them having relations with scad fish abundance in Makassar Strait

    Design and Development of Student Attention System using Face Recognition Based on MTCNN and FaceNet

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    Employees use their level of attendance or absence to demonstrate their presence at work or absence from it in an agency. This absence is connected to how discipline is applied, which is decided by each organization or institution. It can be inferred from this that student absenteeism in a setting where there is activity serves to increase discipline and demonstrate attendance. With IP Camera technology, it can be applied to the attendance system using the MTCNN method as face detection and FaceNet to extract high-quality features from the face. The system created can detect faces at a distance of 40 cm – 180 cm with an accuracy of 90.5% and can detect more than 1 object in 1 frame so that the IP Camera function is in accordance with the design in real-time. Tested the object of 3 pairs of twin faces produces a maximum accuracy of 90% where the level of match between the faces and the data is appropriate