57 research outputs found
Kako razumjeti identitet u anonimnoj kompjuterski posredovanoj komunikaciji
In this paper I will discuss several problems concerning the question of identity in anonymous computer-mediated communication. Internet should enable the individual to discover new viewpoints of his/her own personality. The potential of virtual reality lies actually in the very process of redefinition of identity itself, which is very typical for this reality.
The first problem concerns the fact that virtual persons are still “the same” persons. As far as identity construction is concerned, meta-message “this is only a game” can have productively a very successful function. This meta-message – especially if we take into account the inherent anonymity of the user – enables the individual to articulate various hidden truths about himself, because he is aware that he “is only playing” a game on the screen. We must point out that inherent playfulness can enable and project very real feelings because individuals also show themselves without the “mask”.U članku se obrađuju različiti problemi koji se dodiru pitanja identiteta u anonimnoj kompjutorski posredovanoj komunikaciji. Internet bi morao omogućiti pojedincima i pojedinkama da otkriju nove aspekte svojega vlastitog identiteta. Potencijal virtualne realnosti nalazi se upravo u samom procesu redefiniranja samog identiteta; taj proces redefiniranja po nekim je teorijama tipičan element virtualne realnosti.
Prvi problem nalazi se u činjenici, da su virtualne osobe još uvijek “iste osobe”. Što se tiče same konstrukcije identiteta, sama metaporuka “to je samo igra” može imati vrlo produktivnu funkciju. Ta metaporuka naime, i pogotovo ako uzmemo u obzir inherentnu anonimnost, koju imaju on-line osobe, omogućuje pojedincima i pojedinkama, da artikuliraju različite skrivene istine o njima samima, jer znaju da “samo igraju” igru na kompjutorskom ekranu. Moramo upozoriti da inherentna “igrarija” omogućuje da pojedinci i pojedinke sami sebe prezentiraju bez obične “maske” koju nose u svakidašnjem životu
Charmless Final State Interaction in B-> pi pi decays
We estimate effects of the final state interactions in B -> pi pi decays
coming from rescattering of pi pi via exchange of rho, sigma, f_0 mesons. Then
we include the rho rho rescattering via exchange of pi, omega, a_1 mesons and
finally we consider contributions of the a_1 pi rescattering via exchange of
rho. The absorptive parts of amplitudes for these processes are determined. In
the case of pi^+ pi^- decay mode, due to model uncertainties, the calculated
contribution is |M_A| =< 1.7 x 10^-8 GeV. This produces a small relative strong
phase for the tree and color-suppressed B -> pi pi amplitudes consistent with
the result of a recent phenomenological analysis based on the BaBar and Belle
results for the B -> pi pi branching ratios and CP asymmetries.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
Computer Mediated Communication and the Problem of Sexual Identity
Kod analize komunikacije i komunikacijskih obrazaca, koji se upotrebljavaju u kompjutorski posredovanoj komunikaciji, spol je najprimjereniji faktor kojim možemo mjeriti do koje granice virtualni prostor zadržava predvirtualne komunikacijske prakse. Kako muškarci, tako i žene donekle predvidljivo prenose već naučene komunikacijske obrasce koji su značajni za predvirtualni svijet. Dakle, u kompjutorski posredovanoj komunikaciji održava se dualizam muškog i ženskog govora sa svojim karakteristikama. Istraživanja često ukazuju na spolno diferenciran diskurs te na spoznaju da hipotetički potencijali internetske kulture nisu u skladu sa stvarnim iskustvima korisnika i korisnica. Pogotovo korisnice često upozoravaju da dolazi do prijenosa misaonih i iskustvenih obrazaca koji su karakteristični za situacije izvan virtualne kulture - u prostore, odnose i komunikacijske interakcije unutar internetske komunikacije. Diskurzivne analize kompjutorski posredovane komunikacije pokazuju da ženski govor uključuje opravdanja, pitanja, potporu sugovornicima, dok su za govor muškaraca karakteristične tvrdnje, samopromocija i slično. Za žensku je on-line komunikaciju karakterističan rapport talk, dok je za muškarce karakterističan report talk.
Dakle, svaki je virtualni svijet ujedno ovisan i o fizičkom, i o društvenom i o prethodnom svijetu, a tu nit održavaju upravo pojedinci i pojedinke. Matrica internetskih situacija i značenja upravo zato znači samo nastavljanje njezine "originalne" matrice, to jest matrice predvirtualnog svijeta, jer su bića pred ekranom još uvijek isti ljudi. Upravo je zato virtualna kultura i dalje samo dio, ekstenzija - i ne potpuna alternativa - realne kulture.When analyzing communication and communicational patterns which are used in the computer mediated communication (CMC), we find the sex to be the most suitable factor which can help us to establish up to which degree virtual space withholds previrtual communication practice. Both men and women transfer in somewhat predictable manner already acquiered communicational patterns which are significant for previrtual world. Therefore, computer mediated communication reflects the duality of male and female discourse together with their particularities. Researches often point to sexually differentiated discourse and also to the fact that hypothetical potential of the internet culture is in tune with real life experience of the users of both sexes, because, as female users often point out there is a transfer of mental and empirical patterns which are typical for situations outside virtual culture and also to spaces, relations and communicational interaction within internet communication. Discourse analysis of computer mediated communication shows that female discourse involves excuses, questions, and support, while male discourse is full of assertion, self-advertisment etc. Female on-line communication is characterized by rapport talk, while male discourse is characterized by report talk.
To sum up, every virtual world is at the same time dependant on a physical, social and "previous" world and that dependance is maintained by the individuals of both sexes. The matrix of internet situations and meanings therefore presents merely a new addition to its original matrix, that is, the previrtual world matrix, because the people in front of the screen are still the same people as in the real life. That is the reason the virtual culture is only a part, that is, exstension, of the real culture, and not its alternative
Non-factorizable contributions to
It is pointed out that decays of the type have no
factorizable contributions, unless at least one of the charmed mesons in the
final state is a vector meson. The dominant contributions to the decay
amplitudes arise from chiral loop contributions and tree level amplitudes
generated by soft gluon emissions forming a gluon condensate. We predict that
the branching ratios for the processes ,
and are all of
order , while has a
branching ratio 5 to 10 times bigger. We emphasize that the branching ratios
are sensitive to corrections.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Based on talk by J.O. Eeg at BEACH 2004, 6th
international conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons, Illionois
Institute of Technology, Chicago, june. 27 - july 3, 200
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