25 research outputs found

    Implicit computation of minimum-cost feedback-vertex sets for partial scan and other applications

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    The contribution of this paper is an implicit method for computing the minimum cost feedback vertex set for a graph. For an arbitrary graph, we efficiently derive a Boolean function whose satisfying assignments directly correspond to feedback vertex sets of the graph. Importantly, cycles in the graph are never explicitly enumerated, but rather, are captured implicitly in this Boolean function. This function is then used to determine the minimum cost feedbackvertex set. Even though computing the minimum cost satisfying assignmentfor a Boolean function remains an NP-hard problem, we can exploit the advances made in the area of Boolean function representation in logic synthesis to tackle this problem efficiently in practice for even reasonably large sized graphs. The algorithm has obvious application in flip-flop selection for partial scan. Our algorithm was the first to obtain the MFVS solutions for many benchmark circuits.

    Simulation Vector Generation from HDL Descriptions for Observability-Enhanced Statement Coverage

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    Validation of RTL circuits remains the primary bottleneck in improving designturnaround time, and simulation remains the primary methodology for validation. Simulation-based validation has suffered from a disconnect between the metrics used to measure the error coverage of a set of simulation vectors, and the vector generation process. This disconnect has resulted in the simulation of virtually endless streams of vectors which achieve enhanced error coverage only infrequently. Another drawback has been that most error coverage metrics proposed have either been too simplistic or too inefficient to compute. Recently, an effective observability-based statement coverage metric was proposed along with a fast companion procedure for evaluating it. The contribution of our work is the development of a vector generation procedure targeting the observability-based statement coverage metric. Our method uses repeated coverage computation to minimize the number of vectors generated. For vector gen..

    Technology Mapping for Low Power in Logic Synthesis

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    Traditionally, three metrics have been used to evaluate the quality of logic circuits -- size, speed and testability. Consequently, synthesis techniques have strived to optimize for one or more of these metrics, resulting in a large body of research in optimal logic synthesis. As a consequence of this research, we have today very powerful techniques for synthesis targeting area and testability; and to a lesser extent, circuit speed. The last couple of years have seen the addition of another dimension in the evaluation of circuit quality -- its power requirements. Low power circuits are emerging as an important application domain, and synthesis for low power is demanding attention. The research presented in this paper addresses one aspect of low power synthesis. It focuses on the problem of mapping a technology independent circuit to a technology specific one, using gates from a given library, with power as the optimization metric. We believe that the difficulty in obtaining accurate mo..

    Toward Formalizing a Validation Methodology Using Simulation Coverage

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    The biggest obstacle in the formal verification of large designs is their very large state spaces, which cannot be handled even by techniques such as implicit state space traversal. The only viable solution in most cases is validation by functional simulation. Unfortunately, this has the drawbacksof high computational requirements due to the large number of test vectors needed, and the lack of adequate coverage measures to characterize the quality of a given test set. To overcome these limitations, there has been recent interest in hybrid techniques which combine the strengths of formal verification and simulation. Formal verification-based techniques are used on a test model (usually muchsmaller than the design) to derive a set of functional test vectors, which are then used for design validation through simulation. The test set generated typically satisfies some coverage measure on the test model. Recent research has proposed the use of state or transition coverage. However, no effor..

    Guarded Evaluation: Pushing Power Management to Logic Synthesis/Design

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    The need to reduce the power consumption of the next generation of digital systems is clearly recognized. At the system level, power management is a very powerful technique and delivers large and unambiguous savings. This paper describes the development and application of algorithms that use ideas similar to power management, but that are applicable to logic level synthesis/design. The proposed approach is termed guarded evaluation. The main idea here is to determine, on a per clock cycle basis, which parts of a circuit are computing results that will be used, and which are not. The sections that are not needed are then “shut off”, thus saving the power used in all the useless transitions in that part of the circuit. Initial experiments indicate substantial power savings and the strong potential of this approach. While thi

    Partition-Based Decision Heuristics for Image Computation using SAT and BDDs

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    Methods based on Boolean satisfiability (SAT) typically use a Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) representation of the Boolean formula, and exploit the structure of the given problem through use of various decision heuristics and implication methods. In this paper, we propose a new decision heuristic based on separator-set induced partitioning of the underlying CNF graph. It targets those variables whose choice generates clause partitions with disjoint variable supports. This can potentially improve performance of SAT applications by decomposing the problem dynamically within the search. In the context of a recently proposed image computation method combining SAT and BDDs, this results in simpler BDD subproblems. We provide algorithms for CNF partitioning – one based on a clause-variable dependency matrix, and another based on standard hypergraph partitioning techniques, and also for the use of partitioning information in decision heuristics for SAT. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed partition-based heuristic with practical results for reachability analysis of benchmark sequential circuits.

    SAT-based Image Computation with Application in Reachability Analysis

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    Image computation finds wide application in VLSI CAD, such as state reachability analysis in formal verification and synthesis, combinational verification, combinational and sequential test. Existing BDD-based symbolic algorithms for image computation are limited by memory resources in practice, while SAT-based algorithms that can obtain the image by enumerating satisfying assignments to a CNF representation of the Boolean relation are potentially limited by time resources. We propose new algorithms that combine BDDs and SAT inorder to exploit their complementary benefits, and to offer a mechanism for trading off space vs. time. In particular, (1) our integrated algorithm uses BDDs to represent the input and image sets, and a CNF formula to represent the Boolean relation, (2) a fundamental enhancement called BDD Bounding is used whereby the SAT solver uses the BDDs for the input set and the dynamically changing image set to prune the search space of all solutions, (3) BDDs are used to compute all solutions below intermediate points in the SAT decision tree, (4) a ne-grained variable quantification schedule is used for each BDD subproblem, based on the CNF representation of the Boolean relation. These enhancements coupled with more engineering heuristics lead to an overall algorithm that can potentially handle larger problems. This is supported by our preliminary results on exact reachability analysis of ISCAS benchmark circuits