16 research outputs found

    Development of Learning Outcome Based E-Portfolio Model Emphasizing on Cognitive Skills in Pedagogical Blended E-Learning Environment for Undergraduate Students at Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University

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    AbstractThis research aims to develop the learning outcome based e-portfolio model that emphasizes cognitive skills in pedagogical blended e-learning environment. The model was developed based on the survey of 360 students, and the interview from 3 administrators and 12 instructors at Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Then, it was tested by 36 undergraduate students at Faculty of Education. Analysis of repeated measures ANOVA indicated that there was statistical difference at .05 level of significant. Then, the model was approved by the experts. Accordingly, the results showed that the model should consist of 6 elements along with 8 steps

    The Effects of 4c/Id-Based Adaptive Procedural Simulation on Safety Awareness in Undergraduate Students Majoring in Gems and Jewelry

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    Researchers had developed 4C/ID-based Adaptive Procedural Simulation (4C/APS) Learning System, which was an adaptive learning system based on van Merriënboer's four-component instructional design with procedural simulation in jewelry production. The goal of the system was to promote learner’s safety awareness, which comprises of three aspects: 1) awareness of hazardous environment, 2) awareness of responsibility, and 3) awareness of rules and regulations. To test the effects of the learning system on learner’s safety awareness, an experiment was conducted on 26 undergraduate students majoring in gems and jewelry at Poh-Chang Academy of Arts. The 4C/APS learning system was implemented in “Metalware and Jewelry Making 2” course for the duration of 8 weeks. The result found that even though the average pretest score had been as high as 4.289 out of 5.000, the posttest mean score increased to 4.761. Paired samples t-test confirmed significant increases from pretest to posttest in safety awareness with p<.001

    The Using Results of OER Mobile Application to Enhance 21st Century Skills in Information Media and Technology Skills for Humanities and Social Sciences

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    The purpose of this research was to study the using results of OER mobile application to enhance 21st century skills in information media and technology skills for humanities and social sciences learners. The sample included 33 students who studied in an autonomous university in the Humanities and Social Sciences field. Research instruments consisted of self-assessment form before and after studying, behavior observation form, and assignment evaluation form. Data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test, and one way repeated measure.The results showed that information, media and technology skills had average scores after studying higher than before studying with statistical significance at the level of .05 (t = 17.382, p = .000). Students had learning behavior with OER mobile application at very high level (M = 4.52, SD = .26). The analysis of one way repeated measure of assignment evaluation in each period (week 2, week 4, week 6) showed statistically significant at the .05 level

    Open Online Assessment Management System Platform and Instrument to Enhance the Information, Media, and ICT Literacy Skills of 21st Century Learners

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    Information literacy (IL), media literacy (ML), and information communication and technology literacy (ICT Literacy: ICTL) are some of the most important skills for 21st century learning and which help promote other skills, including life and career skills and learning and innovation skills. This kind of learning allows students to connect as a learning network without barriers or borders. It fully supports the use of equipment and technology to develop the skills necessary for life. The purpose of this research study is two-fold: first, to develop a research-based Open Online Assessment Management System (OOAMS), and second to develop the standardized measurement for an assessment of IL, ML, and ICTL for higher education learners. The sample group consists of 2,300 higher educa-tion learners and the methodology was divided into 3 phases: (1) developing the conceptual framework, definition, and features of IL, ML, and ICTL for higher education learners; (2) examining requirements, designing wireframes, and de-veloping an OOAMS for higher education students; and (3) testing the quality of OOAMS for IL, ML, and ICTL using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmation factor analysis (CFA) statistical methods. The research result found that, first, the specific features of the system included development using PHP and MySQL database and the design to interact with users with a responsive UI framework. The system is compatible with MOOCs and the Open edX platform, or can be used as a stand-alone application. It can create, share, copy, and extend both Likert scales and rubrics evaluation forms. It can also generate reports in both CSV and PDF formats. Secondly, the results of this research provided a standardized measurement for assessing IL (49 items), ML (63 items), and ICTL (69 items). Also, it can be improved or enhanced for online learning in a ubiqui-tous learning context such as e-learning, blended learning, virtual learning and MOOCs effectively

    The Using Results of OER Mobile Application to Enhance 21st Century Skills in Information Media and Technology Skills for Humanities and Social Sciences

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    The purpose of this research was to study the using results of OER mobile application to enhance 21st century skills in information media and technology skills for humanities and social sciences learners. The sample included 33 students who studied in an autonomous university in the Humanities and Social Sciences field. Research instruments consisted of self-assessment form before and after studying, behavior observation form, and assignment evaluation form. Data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test, and one way repeated measure.The results showed that information, media and technology skills had average scores after studying higher than before studying with statistical significance at the level of .05 (t = 17.382, p = .000). Students had learning behavior with OER mobile application at very high level (M = 4.52, SD = .26). The analysis of one way repeated measure of assignment evaluation in each period (week 2, week 4, week 6) showed statistically significant at the .05 level.</p

    Students’ Beliefs Regarding the Use of E-portfolio to Enhance Cognitive Skills in a Blended Learning Environment

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    This paper reports on a quantitative study on ICT readiness among undergraduate students in Thailand, students’ beliefs about use of e-portfolios in the Blended Learning Environment (BLE), and students’ beliefs about using e-portfolios to enhance their cognitive skills in the BLE. The sample group comprised 360 undergraduate students, divided by study fields. The data collection tool was a questionnaire of students’ beliefs. The reliability value of the questionnaire was 0.889. Data was analyzed using statistical analysis and f-test. The beliefs and needs were ranked by PNI modified. The research found that every student had a computer connected to the Internet. The analysis results of students’ beliefs about the use of e-portfolios in the BLE were positive and the top five results were: (1) learning by creating work, (2) enhancing creativity, (3) enhancing the problem solving skill, (4) enhancing critical thinking, and (5) enhancing authentic assessment. The current state of using e-portfolios to enhance cognitive skills in the BLE was at average level, while the needs were at the high level