84 research outputs found

    Infinite co-minimal pairs in the integers and integral lattices

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    Given two nonempty subsets A,BA, B of a group GG, they are said to form a co-minimal pair if Aβ‹…B=GA \cdot B = G, and Aβ€²β‹…B⊊GA' \cdot B \subsetneq G for any βˆ…β‰ Aβ€²βŠŠA\emptyset \neq A' \subsetneq A and Aβ‹…Bβ€²βŠŠGA\cdot B' \subsetneq G for any βˆ…β‰ Bβ€²βŠŠB\emptyset \neq B' \subsetneq B. In this article, we show several new results on co-minimal pairs in the integers and the integral lattices. We prove that for any dβ‰₯1d\geq 1, the group Z2d\mathbb{Z}^{2d} admits infinitely many automorphisms such that for each such automorphism Οƒ\sigma, there exists a subset AA of Z2d\mathbb{Z}^{2d} such that AA and Οƒ(A)\sigma(A) form a co-minimal pair. The existence and construction of co-minimal pairs in the integers with both the subsets AA and BB (Aβ‰ BA\neq B) of infinite cardinality was unknown. We show that such pairs exist and explicitly construct these pairs satisfying a number of algebraic properties

    On minimal complements in groups

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    Let W,Wβ€²βŠ†GW,W'\subseteq G be nonempty subsets in an arbitrary group GG. The set Wβ€²W' is said to be a complement to WW if WWβ€²=GWW'=G and it is minimal if no proper subset of Wβ€²W' is a complement to WW. We show that, if WW is finite then every complement of WW has a minimal complement, answering a problem of Nathanson. This also shows the existence of minimal rr-nets for every rβ©Ύ0r\geqslant 0 in finitely generated groups. Further, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of minimal complements of a certain class of infinite subsets in finitely generated abelian groups, partially answering another problem of Nathanson. Finally, we provide infinitely many examples of infinite subsets of abelian groups of arbitrary finite rank admitting minimal complements.Comment: Minor correction

    The density of ramified primes

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    Let FF be a number field, O\mathcal{O} be a domain with fraction field K\mathcal{K} of characteristic zero and ρ:Gal(Fβ€Ύ/F)β†’GLn(O)\rho: \mathrm{Gal}(\overline F/F) \to \mathrm{GL}_n(\mathcal{O}) be a representation such that ΟβŠ—Kβ€Ύ\rho\otimes\overline{\mathcal{K}} is semisimple. If O\mathcal{O} admits a finite monomorphism from a power series ring with coefficients in a pp-adic integer ring (resp. O\mathcal{O} is an affinoid algebra over a pp-adic number field) and ρ\rho is continuous with respect to the maximal ideal adic topology (resp. the Banach algebra topology), then we prove that the set of ramified primes of ρ\rho is of density zero. If O\mathcal{O} is a complete local Noetherian ring over Zp\mathbb{Z}_p with finite residue field of characteristic pp, ρ\rho is continuous with respect to the maximal ideal adic topology and the kernels of pure specializations of ρ\rho form a Zariski-dense subset of SpecO\mathrm{Spec} \mathcal{O}, then we show that the set of ramified primes of ρ\rho is of density zero. These results are analogues, in the context of big Galois representations, of a result of Khare and Rajan, and are proved relying on their result

    Variation of Weyl modules in pp-adic families

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    Given a Weil-Deligne representation with coefficients in a domain, we prove the rigidity of the structures of the Frobenius-semisimplifications of the Weyl modules associated to its pure specializations. Moreover, we show that the structures of the Frobenius-semisimplifications of the Weyl modules attached to a collection of pure representations are rigid if these pure representations lift to Weil-Deligne representations over domains containing a domain O\mathscr{O} and a pseudorepresentation over O\mathscr{O} parametrizes the traces of these lifts.Comment: 6 pages, comments welcom

    Conductors in pp-adic families

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    Given a Weil-Deligne representation of the Weil group of an β„“\ell-adic number field with coefficients in a domain O\mathscr{O}, we show that its pure specializations have the same conductor. More generally, we prove that the conductors of a collection of pure representations are equal if they lift to Weil-Deligne representations over domains containing O\mathscr{O} and the traces of these lifts are parametrized by a pseudorepresentation over O\mathscr{O}.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1410.384

    Minimal additive complements in finitely generated abelian groups

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    Given two non-empty subsets W,Wβ€²βŠ†GW,W'\subseteq G in an arbitrary abelian group GG, Wβ€²W' is said to be an additive complement to WW if W+Wβ€²=GW + W'=G and it is minimal if no proper subset of Wβ€²W' is a complement to WW. The notion was introduced by Nathanson and previous work by him, Chen--Yang, Kiss--S\`andor--Yang etc. focussed on G=ZG =\mathbb{Z}. In the higher rank case, recent work by the authors treated a class of subsets, namely the eventually periodic sets. However, for infinite subsets, not of the above type, the question of existence or inexistence of minimal complements is open. In this article, we study subsets which are not eventually periodic. We introduce the notion of "spiked subsets" and give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of minimal complements for them. This provides a partial answer to a problem of Nathanson.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Infinite co-minimal pairs involving lacunary sequences and generalisations to higher dimensions

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    The study of minimal complements in a group or a semigroup was initiated by Nathanson. The notion of minimal complements and being a minimal complement leads to the notion of co-minimal pairs which was considered in a prior work of the authors. In this article, we study which type of subsets in the integers and free abelian groups of higher rank can be a part of a co-minimal pair. We show that a majority of lacunary sequences have this property. From the conditions established, one can show that any infinite subset of any finitely generated abelian group has uncountably many subsets which is a part of a co-minimal pair. Further, the uncountable collection of sets can be chosen so that they satisfy certain algebraic properties

    A Cheeger type inequality in finite Cayley sum graphs

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    Let GG be a finite group and SS be a symmetric generating set of GG with ∣S∣=d|S| = d. We show that if the undirected Cayley sum graph CΞ£(G,S)C_{\Sigma}(G,S) is an expander graph and is non-bipartite, then the spectrum of its normalised adjacency operator is bounded away from βˆ’1-1. We also establish an explicit lower bound for the spectrum of these graphs, namely, the non-trivial eigenvalues of the normalised adjacency operator lies in the interval (βˆ’1+h(G)4Ξ·,1βˆ’h(G)22d2]\left(-1+\frac{h(G)^{4}}{\eta}, 1-\frac{h(G)^{2}}{2d^{2}}\right], where h(G)h(G) denotes the (vertex) Cheeger constant of the dd-regular graph CΞ£(G,S)C_{\Sigma}(G,S) and Ξ·=29d8\eta = 2^{9}d^{8}. Further, we improve upon a recently obtained bound on the non-trivial spectrum of the normalised adjacency operator of the non-bipartite Cayley graph C(G,S)C(G,S).Comment: Grant number adde

    Asymptotic complements in the integers

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    Let WβŠ†ZW\subseteq \mathbb{Z} be a non-empty subset of the integers. A nonempty set CβŠ†ZC\subseteq \mathbb{Z} is said to be an asymptotic complement to WW if W+CW+C contains almost all the integers except a set of finite size. CC is said to be a minimal asymptotic complement if CC is an asymptotic complement, but Cβˆ–{c}C\setminus \lbrace c\rbrace is not an asymptotic complement βˆ€c∈C\forall c\in C. Asymptotic complements have been studied in the context of representations of integers since the time of Erd\H{o}s, Hanani, Lorentz and others, while the notion of minimal asymptotic complements is due to Nathanson. In this article, we study minimal asymptotic complements in Z\mathbb{Z} and deal with a problem of Nathanson on their existence and their inexistence.Comment: Final version, to appear in the Journal of Number Theor

    On non-minimal complements

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    The notion of minimal complements was introduced by Nathanson in 2011. Since then, the existence or the inexistence of minimal complements of sets have been extensively studied. Recently, the study of inverse problems, i.e., which sets can or cannot occur as minimal complements has gained traction. For example, the works of Kwon, Alon--Kravitz--Larson, Burcroff--Luntzlara and also that of the authors, shed light on some of the questions in this direction. These works have focussed mainly on the group of integers, or on abelian groups. In this work, our motivation is two-fold: (i) to show some new results on the inverse problem, (ii) to concentrate on the inverse problem in not necessarily abelian groups. As a by-product, we obtain new results on non-minimal complements in the group of integers and more generally, in any finitely generated abelian group of positive rank and in any free abelian group of positive rank. Moreover, we show the existence of uncountably many subsets in such groups which are "robust" non-minimal complements
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