5 research outputs found

    Seasonal Variation and Trend of Malaria Prevalence in the Mpohor District of Ghana

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    The objective of this study was to determine the trend and the seasonal variation of prevalence of malaria (if any) in order to assist health policy makers in the Mpohor district. Monthly malaria morbidity cases over six year period (from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2013) were analysed in the wet (March- July) and dry (November- January) seasons in four selected communities in the Mporhor District of Ghana. The Chi square test was performed to assess the nominal variable difference between malaria prevalence in wet and dry seasons.......More details can be found in the full text of the article

    Malaria prevalence in rural and urban communities of Mpohor district of Ghana

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    This study was aimed mainly at determining the prevalence of malaria in rural and urban settlements in the Mpohor district of Ghana. It was also crucial determining if malaria prevalence was dependent on age (above age of five or below the age of five).There was the need to also determine the effect of malaria incidence on hospitalization in the wet and dry seasons.....More details can be found in the full paper of the article

    Perceptions of Basic School Teachers and Parents of the Causes and Effects of Child Labour on School Attendance at Selected Surburbs of Sekondi- Takoradi

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    This study was undertaken to ascertain the relationship between Teachers and parents’ perception of child labour and their commitment to educating their children. The communities used for the study were Nkontompo, Sofokrom, Essipong, Assorkor Essaman Yabiw and Kojokrom. The target population consisted of all Teachers of the selected schools and parents whose wards were in the schools. The accessible population was made up of Teachers teaching at the Primary and JHS excluding the teachers at the KG levels. The Snowball sampling technique was used to select sixty (60) parents whiles the purposive technique was used to select sixty (60) teachers for the study. In all, the total sample size used was one hundred and twenty (120). The main research instrument used in gathering data was the questionnaire. The conduct of the research was guided by three Research questions. The statistical tools used for the analysis were frequency and percentage distributions and the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. The study revealed that even though teachers are more committed to ensuring that pupils are enrolled and retained in school, they need to be more proactive especially in following up to absentee children and their parents. Key words: Child labour, drop out, child retention, teacher commitment, parent commitmen

    Factors Affecting Girls’Completion of Senior High Schools in Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan Area

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    The aim of this work was to find out the impeding factors which lead to the drop out of Girls in senior high schools in Sekondi Takoradi. Descriptive research design was used. Two research questions were raised to guide the study. Frequency Tables and percentages were used to analyse data. The sample of the study was made up of 170 consisting of ; 50 successful Senior high school graduates (SSHG); 60 Drop out Senior high school girls (DSHG); 50 Continuing Senior high school girls ( CSHG) and 10 teachers. Purposive sampling technique was used to select SSHG, DSHG, TRS while stratified random sample technique was used to sample the Continuing students (CSHS). The result revealed that Government, parents and teachers are to blame for the non completion of Senior high school by most of the girls in Sekondi Takoradi Keywords: Completion rate, Drop out, Gender disparity, Teacher motivation, Parental motivatio

    Modelling of Malaria Risk Factors in the Mpohor District of Ghana using Logistic Regression

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    This study was aimed at assessing and deriving a predictive model for the relationship between malaria prevalence and malaria causing factors (covariates) in the Mpohor District (which is located in the Western Region of Ghana) by logistic regression. Risk factors such as seasonality (wet or dry), altitude, mining community, proximity of water body, vegetation proximity and clinic proximity were assessed using logistic regression. Collinearity test was performed to avoid information duplicate and multicolinearity by examining the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) of each covariate. The relationship between malaria and its underlying factors was analysed through stepwise logistic regression where the wald statistics and odds ratio (OR) proved their significance. The results showed that the risk factors such as altitude, seasonality, water body proximity, vegetation proximity and mining community were significant predictors of malaria morbidity in the District . However, it was found that proximity of health facility to community was not a good malaria morbidity predictor. It was recommended among other things, that further research involving more communities in the District and including other known malaria factors be carried out to provide complete and more reliable information that is useful in malaria control. Keywords: Mslaria prevalence, modelling ,odds rati