25 research outputs found

    Differences between cases admitted to hospital and discharged from the emergency department after emergency medical services transport

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    Objective. Rising emergency medical services (EMS) utilisation increases transport to hospital emergency departments (ED). However, some patients receive outpatient treatment (discharged) while others are hospitalised (admitted). The aims of this analysis were to compare admitted and discharged cases, to assess whether cases that were discharged from the ED could be identified using dispatch data and to compare dispatch keyword categories and hospital diagnoses. Design. Retrospective observational study using linked secondary data. Setting and participants. 78 303 cases brought to 1 of 14 ED in the city of Munich, Germany, by EMS between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2014. Main outcome measures. Characteristics of admitted and discharged cases were assessed. Logistic regression was used to estimate the association between discharge and age, sex, time of day, ambulance type and dispatch keyword category. Keyword categories were compared to hospital diagnoses. Results. 39.4% of cases were discharged. They were especially likely to be young (OR 10.53 (CI 9.31 to 11.92), comparing 70-year-olds) and to fall under the categories ‘accidents/trauma’ (OR 2.87 (CI 2.74 to 3.01)) or ‘other emergencies (unspecified)’ (OR 1.23 (CI 1.12 to 1.34) (compared with ‘cardiovascular’). Most frequent diagnoses came from chapter ‘injury and poisoning’ (30.1%) of the 10th revision of the international statistical classification of disease and related health problems (ICD-10), yet these diagnoses were more frequent at discharge (42.7 vs 22.0%) whereas circulatory system disease was less frequent (2.6 vs 21.8%). Except for accidents/trauma and intoxication/poisoning many underlying diagnoses were observed for the same dispatch keyword. Conclusion. Young age and dispatch for accidents or trauma were the strongest predictors of discharge. Even within the same dispatch keyword category the distribution of diagnoses differed between admitted and discharged cases. Discharge from the ED does not indicate that urgent response was unnecessary. However, these cases could be suitable for allocation to hospitals with low inpatient bed capacities and are of particular interest for future studies regarding the urgency of their condition

    Analyzing emergency call volume, call durations, and unanswered calls during the first two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic compared to 2019: An observational study of routine data from seven bavarian dispatch centres

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    Background: The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding implementation of measures such as stay-at-home orders and curfews had a major impact on health systems, including emergency medical services. This study examined the effect of the pandemic on call volumes, duration of calls and unanswered calls to the emergency number 112. Method: For this retrospective, descriptive study, 986,650 calls to seven emergency dispatch centres in Bavaria between January 01, 2019 and May 31, 2021 were analysed. The absolute number of calls and calls per 100,000 inhabitants as well as the number of unanswered calls are reported. The Mann‒Whitney U test was used to compare mean call durations between 2019 and 2020/2021 during several periods. Results: Call volume declined during the pandemic, especially during periods with strict lockdown restrictions. The largest decline (− 12.9 %) occurred during the first lockdown. The largest reduction in the number of emergency calls overall (− 25.3 %) occurred on weekends during the second lockdown. Emergency call duration increased, with the largest increase (+13 s) occurring during the “light” lockdown. The number of unanswered calls remained at a similar level as before the pandemic. Conclusion: This study showed that the studied Bavarian dispatch centres experienced lower call volumes and longer call durations during the first two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic (up to May 2021). Longer call durations could be the result of additional questions to identify potentially infectious patients. The fact that the number of unanswered calls hardly changed may indicate that the dispatch centres were not overwhelmed during the study period

    Preparation of hospitals for mass casualty incidents in Bavaria, Germany: care capacities for penetrating injuries and explosions in TerrorMASCALs

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    Background In a terror attack mass casualty incident (TerrorMASCAL), compared to a “normal” MASCAL, there is a dynamic course that can extend over several hours. The injury patterns are penetrating and perforating injuries. This article addresses the provision of material and personnel for the care of special injuries of severely injured persons that may occur in the context of a TerrorMASCAL. Methods To answer the research question about the preparation of hospitals for the care of severely injured persons in a TerrorMASCAL, a survey of trauma surgery departments in Bavaria (Germany) was conducted using a questionnaire, which was prepared in three defined steps based on an expert consensus. The survey is divided into a general, neurosurgical, thoracic, vascular and trauma surgery section. In the specialized sections, the questions relate to the implementation of and material and personnel requirements for special interventions that are required, particularly for injury patterns following gunshot and explosion injuries, such as trepanation, thoracotomy and balloon occlusion of the aorta. Results In the general section, it was noted that only a few clinics have an automated system to notify off-duty staff. When evaluating the data from the neurosurgical section, the following could be established with regard to the performance of trepanation: the regional trauma centers do not perform trepanation but nevertheless have the required material and personnel available. A similar result was recorded for local trauma centers. In the thoracic surgery section, it could be determined that almost all trauma centers that do not perform thoracotomy have the required material available. This group of trauma centers also stated that they have staff who can perform thoracotomy independently. The retrograde endovascular aortic occlusion procedure is possible in 88% of supraregional, 64% of regional and 10% of local trauma centers. Pelvic clamps and external fixators are available at all trauma centers. Conclusion The results of the survey show potential for optimization both in the area of framework conditions and in the care of patients. Consistent and specific training measures, for example, could improve the nationwide performance of these special interventions. Likewise, it must be discussed whether the abovementioned special procedures should be reserved for higher-level trauma centers

    Testing mechanical chest compression devices of different design for their suitability for prehospital patient transport - a simulator-based study

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    BACKGROUND Mechanical chest compression (mCPR) offers advantages during transport under cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Little is known how devices of different design perform en-route. Aim of the study was to measure performance of mCPR devices of different construction-design during ground-based pre-hospital transport. METHODS We tested animax mono (AM), autopulse (AP), corpuls cpr (CC) and LUCAS2 (L2). The route had 6 stages (transport on soft stretcher or gurney involving a stairwell, trips with turntable ladder, rescue basket and ambulance including loading/unloading). Stationary mCPR with the respective device served as control. A four-person team carried an intubated and bag-ventilated mannequin under mCPR to assess device-stability (displacement, pressure point correctness), compliance with 2015 ERC guideline criteria for high-quality chest compressions (frequency, proportion of recommended pressure depth and compression-ventilation ratio) and user satisfaction (by standardized questionnaire). RESULTS All devices performed comparable to stationary use. Displacement rates ranged from 83% (AM) to 11% (L2). Two incorrect pressure points occurred over 15,962 compressions (0.013%). Guideline-compliant pressure depth was > 90% in all devices. Electrically powered devices showed constant frequencies while muscle-powered AM showed more variability (median 100/min, interquartile range 9). Although physical effort of AM use was comparable (median 4.0 vs. 4.5 on visual scale up to 10), participants preferred electrical devices. CONCLUSION All devices showed good to very good performance although device-stability, guideline compliance and user satisfaction varied by design. Our results underline the importance to check stability and connection to patient under transport

    Are We Prepared for the Next Pandemic? Management, Systematic Evaluation and Lessons Learned from an In-Hospital COVID-19 Vaccination Centre for Healthcare Workers

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    Background: the organisation of a COVID-19 vaccination campaign for healthcare workers (HCWs) within a university hospital presents a challenge of a particularly large scale and urgency. Here, we evaluate the in-hospital vaccination process and centre for HCWs at LMU University Hospital in Munich, Germany. Methods: We executed a mixed-method process evaluation of the vaccination centre at LMU University Hospital during the first COVID-19 vaccination campaign. In a programme monitoring, we continuously assessed the implementation of the centre’s operational management including personnel resources. In evaluating the outreach to and satisfaction of the target group with the centre and process, we executed two anonymous surveys aimed at the HCWs vaccinated at the in-hospital centre (1) as well as centre staff members (2). Results: staff numbers and process time per person were reduced several times during the first vaccination campaign. Lessons concerning appointment scheduling were learned. HCWs vaccinated at the in-hospital centre were satisfied with the process. A longer waiting time between admission and inoculation, perceived dissatisfying accessibility as well as an increased frequency of observed adverse events were linked to a reduced satisfaction. Comparatively subpar willingness to adhere to non-pharmaceutical measures was observed. Centre staff reported high satisfaction and a workload relatively equal to that of their regular jobs. Our outcomes provide references for the implementation of an in-hospital vaccination centre in similar settings

    EigenstĂ€ndige Analgesie mit Piritramid durch NotfallsanitĂ€ter – retrospektive Auswertung der elektronischen Einsatzdokumentation

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    Hintergrund Schmerzen sind ein hĂ€ufiger Behandlungsgrund in der prĂ€hospitalen Notfallmedizin. In Bayern delegieren die Ärztlichen Leiter Rettungsdienst (ÄLRD) bei subjektiv nichttolerablen Schmerzen nach isoliertem ExtremitĂ€tentrauma an NotfallsanitĂ€ter (NotSan) landesweit einheitlich die Kurzinfusion von 7,5 mg des Opioidanalgetikums Piritramid. Methode Die Routineeinsatzdokumentation aller EinsĂ€tze im bayerischen Rettungsdienst mit Heranziehungen des Delegationsalgorithmus „Isolierte ExtremitĂ€tenverletzung“ der ÄLRD nach § 4 Abs. 2 Nr. 2c NotfallsanitĂ€tergesetz wurde ĂŒber einen 2‑Jahres-Zeitraum ausgewertet. Evaluiert wurden der Effekt auf die SchmerzintensitĂ€t nach der numerischen Rating-Skala (NRS) und dem Vorliegen nichttolerabler Schmerzen, Auswirkungen auf die Vitalfunktionen sowie die Notwendigkeit von bestimmten weitergehenden Interventionen. Ergebnisse Bei 7151 identifizierten EinsĂ€tzen erfolgte in 6097 FĂ€llen eine eigenstĂ€ndige Analgesie durch NotSan entlang der Delegation der ÄLRD. Die SchmerzintensitĂ€t nach der NRS konnte von im Median 7 (Interquartilsabstand [IQR] 2) auf 3 (IQR 2, p < 0,001) gesenkt und in 96,9 % ein aus Patientensicht tolerables Niveau erreicht werden. In 9,4 % der FĂ€lle wurde ein Notarzt nachgefordert und in 5,0 % eine ergĂ€nzende Analgesie verabreicht. Etwa jeder zehnte Patient erhielt Sauerstoff. Atemwegsinterventionen waren in wenigen EinzelfĂ€llen notwendig, eine Antagonisierung nur nach höheren als den delegierten Opiatdosen. Schlussfolgerung Eine vom ÄLRD delegierte und von NotSan eigenstĂ€ndig durchgefĂŒhrte Opiatgabe senkt das Schmerzniveau relevant. Wesentliche Hinweise auf eine PatientengefĂ€hrdung fanden sich nicht. Durch dieses Verfahren konnten in Bayern jĂ€hrlich geschĂ€tzt ca. 2500 NotarzteinsĂ€tze vermieden werden

    Use of pre-hospital emergency medical services in urban and rural municipalities over a 10 year period: an observational study based on routinely collected dispatch data

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    Abstract Background Pre-hospital emergency medical services (EMS) are an integral part of emergency medical care. EMS planning can be achieved by analyzing patterns of use. However, long-term time trends of EMS use have rarely been studied. The objective of this retrospective study was to investigate utilization patterns over a ten year period, and to compare utilization trends between urban and rural municipalities and between events with and without prehospital emergency physician (PEP) dispatch. Methods Routine data collected by 26 dispatch centers in the federal state of Bavaria, Germany, from 2007 to 2016 was analyzed. Emergency locations were classified into five levels of rurality. Negative binomial mixed effects regression models were fitted to predict emergency rates and to investigate differences in rates and utilization trends. Graphical representation methods were used to compare distribution of transport rates and distribution across daytime and weekday. Results Twelve million two hundred thousand one hundred fifty-five dispatches assigned to 7,725,636 single emergencies were included. The mean number of emergencies per year and 1000 population (emergency rate) was 42.8 (±16.0) in rural municipalities and 80.7 (±9.3) in large cities. Compared to rural municipalities, cities had higher emergency rates without (IRR = 3.0, CI 2.2–4.0) and with pre-hospital physicians (IRR = 1.5, CI 1.2–2.0). Between 2007 and 2016, the absolute number of emergencies increased by 49.1%. Estimated annual percent change of emergency rates without physician activation ranged from 5.7% (CI 4.3–7.1) in cities to 7.8% (CI 7.6–7.9) in rural areas. Changes in emergency rates with physician attendance were lower, with estimated increases between 1.3 and 2.4%. The average proportion of patients transported to a hospital was lower in cities and remained unchanged. There were no considerable differences or changes in the distribution across daytime and weekdays. Conclusion Differences between cities and other areas suggest that the planning of EMS should be targeted to regional characteristics. A substantial increase in emergency rates was observed across all areas of Bavaria, but did not impact transport rates or temporal distributions. Further research is needed to better understand the urgency of emergency events and reasons behind increasing EMS utilization