5 research outputs found

    Role of mitochondria in the pheromone- and amiodarone-induced programmed death of yeast

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    Although programmed cell death (PCD) is extensively studied in multicellular organisms, in recent years it has been shown that a unicellular organism, yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, also possesses death program(s). In particular, we have found that a high doses of yeast pheromone is a natural stimulus inducing PCD. Here, we show that the death cascades triggered by pheromone and by a drug amiodarone are very similar. We focused on the role of mitochondria during the pheromone/amiodarone-induced PCD. For the first time, a functional chain of the mitochondria-related events required for a particular case of yeast PCD has been revealed: an enhancement of mitochondrial respiration and of its energy coupling, a strong increase of mitochondrial membrane potential, both events triggered by the rise of cytoplasmic [Ca2+], a burst in generation of reactive oxygen species in center o of the respiratory chain complex III, mitochondrial thread-grain transition, and cytochrome c release from mitochondria. A novel mitochondrial protein required for thread-grain transition is identified

    Functional Interaction between Phosducin-like Protein 2 and Cytosolic Chaperonin Is Essential for Cytoskeletal Protein Function and Cell Cycle Progression

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    The C haperonin Containing Tcp1 (CCT) maintains cellular protein folding homeostasis in the eukaryotic cytosol by assisting the biogenesis of many proteins, including actins, tubulins, and regulators of the cell cycle. Here, we demonstrate that the essential and conserved eukaryotic phosducin-like protein 2 (PhLP2/PLP2) physically interacts with CCT and modulates its folding activity. Consistent with this functional interaction, temperature-sensitive alleles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae PLP2 exhibit cytoskeletal and cell cycle defects. We uncovered several high-copy suppressors of the plp2 alleles, all of which are associated with G1/S cell cycle progression but which do not appreciably affect cytoskeletal protein function or fully rescue the growth defects. Our data support a model in which Plp2p modulates the biogenesis of several CCT substrates relating to cell cycle and cytoskeletal function, which together contribute to the essential function of PLP2