70 research outputs found

    Unintended facilitation between marine consumers generates enhanced mortality for their shared prey

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    We manipulated predator densities and prey vulnerability to explore how interactions between two predators affect overall mortality of their shared prey. Our three-member study system included eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and two of its major consumers: southern oyster drills (Stramonita haemastomd) and stone crabs (Menippe adina). Field experiments demonstrated that drills and crabs foraging together generated higher than expected oyster mortality based on each species operating independently, even though crabs also killed some drills. In subsequent laboratory trials, we experimentally mimicked the handling of oysters by foraging crabs and confirmed that crabs facilitated drills by breeching oyster valves, thereby granting easy access for drills to their prey. Facilitation between co-occurring predators is uncommon and typically occurs because the behavior or habitat selection of a prey species is altered by the presence of one predator, consequently making the prey more susceptible to another predator. Whereas oysters are sedentary regardless of the predator field, we observed an entirely different mechanism that resulted in predator facilitation. This involved direct attacks on the physical defenses of oysters by one predator that ultimately increased the overall consumption rate of foraging species. These dynamics significantly enhanced mortality risk for a foundation species within an estuarine ecosystem

    Emergent intraspecific multiple predator effects shape estuarine trophic dynamics across a gradient of habitat complexity

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    Estuarine ecosystems are characterized by heterogeneity in species assemblages and habitat complexity, so prey in these systems are often threatened by multiple predators across a mosaic of habitats. When several predator species or conspecifics co-occur, behavioral interactions between them can introduce non-independence to their predator-prey dynamics, which can alter the fate of shared prey. Habitat complexity may regulate these interactions and further impact prey survivorship. We conducted an experiment that manipulated the densities and identities of two ecologically similar estuarine-dependent predators, Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), within three habitat complexities. The resulting survivorships of two shared prey types were utilized to determine whether these predators are substitutable, to examine their inter- and intra-specific trophic interactions, and to investigate the impact of habitat structural complexity on their trophic dynamics. The predators differed in their prey preferences and predation pressures, indicating they are generally not substitutable. Interactions between conspecific predators were particularly important in shaping trophic dynamics, and often resulted in combined predation impacts that either enhanced or reduced the survivorship of shared prey as compared to expected values based on foraging rates of individuals. Minimal evidence of interspecific trophic interactions was detected. The observed emergent multiple predator effects differed among the habitats, and were generally intense in intermediate habitat complexity but were either intense or weak in high habitat complexity, depending on the predator combination. These results collectively indicate that prey regulation in this estuarine trophic system is highly dependent on the predator-prey assemblage and habitat context, and enhances our understanding of how multiple predators interactively shape their shared ecosystem

    Gulf-Wide Decreases in the Size of Large Coastal Sharks Documented by Generations of Fishermen

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    Large sharks are top predators in most coastal and marine ecosystems throughout the world, and evidence of their reduced prominence in marine ecosystems has been a serious concern for fisheries and ecosystem management. Unfortunately, quantitative data to document the extent, timing, and consequences of changes in shark populations are scarce, thwarting examination of long-term (decadal, century) trends, and reconstructions based on incomplete data sets have been the subject of debate. Absence of quantitative descriptors of past ecological conditions is a generic problem facing many fields of science but is particularly troublesome for fisheries scientists who must develop specific targets for restoration. We were able to use quantitative measurements of shark sizes collected annually and independently of any scientific survey by thousands of recreational fishermen over the last century to document decreases in the size of large sharks from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Based on records from fishing rodeos in three U.S. coastal states, the size (weight or length) of large sharks captured by fishermen decreased by 50-70% during the 20 years after the 1980s. The pattern is largely driven by reductions in the occurrence and sizes of Tiger Sharks Galeocerdo cuvier and Bull Sharks Carcharhinus leucas and to a lesser extent Hammerheads Sphyrna spp. This decrease occurred despite increasing fishing effort and advances in technology, but it is coincident with the capitalization of the U.S. commercial shark long-line fishery in the GOM. Received April 10, 2012; accepted March 7, 2013

    Movement ecology of a mobile predatory fish reveals limited habitat linkages within a temperate estuarine seascape

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    Large predatory fishes, capable of traveling great distances, can facilitate energy flow linkages among spatially separated habitat patches via extended foraging behaviors over expansive areas. Here, we tested this concept by tracking the movement of a large mobile estuarine fish, red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Specifically, we addressed the following two questions: (i) What are the spatial and temporal patterns of red drum movement (rates of dispersal) and activity space? (ii) Does red drum movement facilitate linkages among estuarine marsh complexes? Dispersal from the release location was greatest during the first 2 weeks at liberty before declining to less than 0.5 km·week–1 for the remainder of the study. Activity space initially increased rapidly before reaching an asymptote at 2.5 km2 2 weeks postrelease. Connectivity indices calculated among marsh complexes corroborated these observations, suggesting high residency and limited seascape-scale linkages via red drum movement behaviors. These data highlight potential within-estuary spatial structure for mobile fishes and could inform subsequent efforts to track energy flows in coastal food webs, predict the footprint of local habitat restoration benefits, and enhance the design of survey regimes to quantify overall population demography

    Fish and invertebrate use of restored vs. natural oyster reefs in a shallow temperate latitude estuary

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    Coastal marine habitats continue to be degraded, thereby compelling large-scale restoration in many parts of the world. Whether restored habitats function similarly to natural habitats and fully recover lost ecosystem services is unclear. In estuaries, oyster reefs have been degraded by multiple anthropogenic activities including destructive fishing practices and reduced water quality, motivating restoration to maintain oyster fisheries and other ecosystem services, often at relatively high cost. We compared fish and invertebrate communities on recently restored (0–1 year post-restoration), older restored (3–4 years post-restoration), and natural oyster reefs to determine if and when restored reefs support functionally similar faunal communities. To test the influence of landscape setting on the faunal communities, the restored and natural reefs, as well as a control without reef present, were distributed among three landscapes (on the edge of salt marsh away from seagrass [salt marsh landscape], on mudflats [mudflat landscape], and near to seagrass and salt marsh [seagrass landscape]). Oyster density and biomass were greatest on restored reef habitat, as were those of non-oyster bivalve species. Total abundance of invertebrates was much greater on oyster reefs than in control plots, regardless of reef or landscape type, yet were frequently highest on older restored reefs. Meanwhile, juvenile fish densities were greatest on natural reefs, at intermediate densities on older restored reefs, and least abundant on controls. When comparing the effects of reef age and landscape setting, juvenile fish densities were greatest on younger reefs within the mudflat landscape. Collectively, these results indicate that oyster reefs harbor higher densities of resident invertebrate prey, which may explain why reef habitat is also important for juvenile fish. Laboratory and field experiments supported the notion that gag grouper (a predatory demersal fish) forage more effectively on oyster reefs than on unstructured mud bottom, whereas our experiments suggest that flounders that utilize oyster reefs likely forage on adjacent mud bottom. Because landscape setting influenced fish and invertebrate communities on restored reefs, the ecological consequences of landscape setting should be incorporated into restoration decision making and site selection to enhance the recovery of ecosystem goods and services

    A Historiometric Examination of Machiavellianism and a New Taxonomy of Leadership

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    Although researchers have extensively examined the relationship between charismatic leadership and Machiavellianism (Deluga, 2001; Gardner & Avolio, 1995; House & Howell, 1992), there has been a lack of investigation of Machiavellianism in relation to alternative forms of outstanding leadership. Thus, the purpose of this investigation was to examine the relationship between Machiavellianism and a new taxonomy of outstanding leadership comprised of charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leaders. Using an historiometric approach, raters assessed Machiavellianism via the communications of 120 outstanding leaders in organizations across the domains of business, political, military, and religious institutions. Academic biographies were used to assess twelve general performance measures as well as twelve general controls and five communication specific controls. The results indicated that differing levels of Machiavellianism is evidenced across the differing leader types as well as differing leader orientation. Additionally, Machiavellianism appears negatively related to performance, though less so when type and orientation are taken into account.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Wear of Fluorapatite Single Crystals : IV. Influence of Sliding Direction on Frictional Behavior and Surface Failure

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    Frictional anisotropy of the basal plane of natural fluorapatite single crystals was observed ; the coefficient of friction (β) in the [2110] direction (β = 0.217) was approximately 12% higher than that in the [0110] direction (β = 0.193). The load at which the ductile-to-brittle transition occurred (Ω) was significantly higher in the [2110] direction (Ω = 77 gm) than in the [0110] direction (Ω = 15 gm). A mechanism is proposed involving the maximum normal stress and probable cleavage planes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67194/2/10.1177_00220345730520050401.pd
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