366 research outputs found

    Fermionic decays of scalar leptoquarks and scalar gluons in the minimal four color symmetry model

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    Fermionic decays of the scalar leptoquarks S=S1(+),S1(−),Sm S=S_1^{(+)}, S_1^{(-)}, S_m and of the scalar gluons F=F1,F2F=F_1, F_2 predicted by the four color symmetry model with the Higgs mechanism of the quark-lepton mass splitting are investigated. Widths and branching ratios of these decays are calculated and analysed in dependence on coupling constants and on masses of the decaying particles. It is shown that the decays S1(+)→tlj+,S1(−)→νib~,Sm→tν~j,F1→tb~,F2→tt~ S_1^{(+)}\to tl^+_j, S_1^{(-)}\to \nu_i\tilde b, S_m\to t\tilde \nu_j, F_1\to t\tilde b, F_2\to t\tilde t are dominant with the widths of order of a few GeV for mS,mF<1m_S, m_F<1 TeV and with the total branching ratios close to 1. In the case of mS<mtm_S < m_t the dominant scalar leptoquark decays are S_1^{(+)}\to cl_j^+, S_1^{(-)}\to \nu_i\tilde b, S_m\to b\l_j^+, S_m\to c\tilde \nu_j with the total branching ratios Br(S1(+)→cl+)≈Br(S_1^{(+)}\to cl^+) \approx Br(S1(−)→νb~)≈1Br(S_1^{(-)}\to \nu\tilde b) \approx 1, Br(Sm→bl+)≈0.9Br(S_m\to bl^+) \approx 0.9 and Br(Sm→cν~)≈0.1.Br(S_m\to c\tilde \nu) \approx 0.1. A search for such decays at the LHC and Tevatron may be of interest.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, to be published in Modern Physics Letters

    Color Octet Scalar Bound States at the LHC

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    One possible extension of the Standard Model scalar sector includes SU(2)_L doublet scalars that are color octets rather than singlets. We focus on models in which the couplings to fermions are consistent with the principle of minimal flavor violation (MFV), in which case these color octet scalars couple most strongly to the third generation of quarks. When the Yukawa coupling of color octet scalars to Standard Model fermions is less than unity, these states can live long enough to bind into color-singlet spin-0 hadrons, which we call octetonia. In this paper, we consider the phenomenology of octetonia at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Predictions for their production via gluon-gluon fusion and their two-body decays into Standard Model gauge bosons, Higgs bosons, and \bar{t}t are presented.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    Bounds on scalar leptoquark and scalar gluon masses from S, T, U in the minimal four color symmetry model

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    The contributions into radiative correction parameters S, T, U from scalar leptoquark and scalar gluon doublets are investigated in the minimal four color symmetry model. It is shown that the current experimental data on S, T, U allow the scalar leptoquarks and the scalar gluons to be relatively light (with masses of order of 1 TeV or less), the lightest particles are preferred to lie below 400 GeV. In particular, the lightest scalar leptoquarks with masses below 300 GeV are shown to be compatible with the current data on S, T, U at χ2<3.1(3.2)\chi^2 < 3.1 (3.2) for mH=115(300)GeVm_H = 115 (300) GeV in comparison with χ2=3.5(5.0)\chi^2 = 3.5 (5.0) in the Standard Model. The lightest scalar gluon in this case is expected to lie below 850 (720) GeV. The possible significance of such particles in the t-quark physics at LHC is emphasized.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Physics Letters
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