18 research outputs found

    Management of sales advisers and service climate: an experiment

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    International audiencePurpose: Although experts agree on the importance of service quality, sales force management practices are often far from conforming to their recommendations. The current use of sales contests with quantitative objectives on turnover or profit margin is evidence of this divergence. Sharma notes the need for a better understanding of the impact of such incentives on quality of service. In response to this call, the concept of "service climate" as an internal indicator of customer perception of service quality is studied. More specifically, the purpose of this paper is to consider which type of sales contest best preserves service climate.Design/methodology/approach: Four characteristics of sales contests are examined through an experimental approach. Salespeople's perception of service climate are measured. Hypotheses are tested with ANOVA.Findings: The study shows that sales contest can have a negative impact on the service climate. The results give indications as to which incentives are optimal in terms of service climate. Surprisingly, selective contests, with a ranked competition and few winners, would affect service climate to a lesser extent.Practical implications: The findings of this study are unexpected and indicate that sales managers need to pay attention not only to sales contest's characteristics but also their interaction. The sales contest is not an addition to but a combination of modalities.Originality/value: This study has both managerial and research implications for design and implementation of sales contest

    De la congruence de valeurs Ă  la marque employeur: quelles consĂ©quences pour l'identification et le bouche‐à‐oreille vis‐à‐vis de l'organisation?

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    International audienceThe war for talent has led organizations to develop a strong employer brand to attract and retain skilled employees. Few studies have examined the antecedents and consequences of the internal employer brand. We focus on the influence of employee‐organization values congruence on the employee's perception of the employer brand and on the influence of the employer brand on organizational identification and positive word‐of‐mouth vis‐à‐vis the employer. Results from a survey of 308 employees show that the employer brand fully mediates the relationship between values congruence and organizational identification and positive word‐of‐mouth. These results have theoretical and managerial implications in terms of employer branding.La guerre des talents pousse les organisations Ă  dĂ©velopper une marque employeur forte afin d'attirer et retenir les salariĂ©s compĂ©tents. NĂ©anmoins, peu d'Ă©tudes portent sur les antĂ©cĂ©dents et les consĂ©quences de la marque employeur interne. Cette recherche s'intĂ©resse d'une part, Ă  l'influence de la congruence des valeurs collaborateur‐entreprise sur les perceptions de la marque employeur et d'autre part, Ă  l'influence de celle‐ci sur l'identification organisationnelle et le bouche‐à‐oreille positif vis‐à‐vis de l'employeur. Les rĂ©sultats de l'enquĂȘte menĂ©e auprĂšs de 308 salariĂ©s montrent que la marque employeur mĂ©diatise complĂštement la relation entre, d'une part, la congruence des valeurs et, d'autre part, l'identification organisationnelle et le bouche‐à‐oreille positif des collaborateurs. Ces rĂ©sultats ont des implications thĂ©oriques et managĂ©riales concernant la gestion de la marque employeur

    Le comportement non-Ă©thique des vendeurs durant un concours de vente : L’effet mĂ©diateur du climat Ă©thique perçu du concours

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    International audienceL’objet de cet article est d’approfondir les travaux de Murphy (2004) des consĂ©quences des concours de vente en montrant qu’il existe une relation entre les variables psychographiques (esprit de compĂ©tition et ambition des commerciaux), le climat Ă©thique perçu du concours et les comportements non-Ă©thiques observĂ©s pendant celui-ci. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es par un questionnaire adressĂ© Ă  des conseillers commerciaux vendant des produits financiers dans quatre banques françaises. 747 questionnaires complets ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©s et les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es par l’approche PLS (Partial Least Square). Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les concours de vente peuvent crĂ©er un climat Ă©thique spĂ©cifique qui est mĂ©diateur de la relation entre l’esprit de compĂ©tition, l’ambition des commerciaux et leur comportement non-Ă©thique durant le concours

    Designing Sales Contests in Call Centers: Understand Telemarketers’ Preferences and Recommendations for Compensation

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    International audienceSales contests are widely used by firms to motivate employees, reduce absenteeism and limit staff turnover. The objective here is to determine the reward preferences of call center employees in terms both of the type of sales contests and of rewards. We conduct an experiment and use the conjoint analysis method to measure employee preferences

    De la congruence de valeurs à la marque employeur: quelles conséquences pour l'identification et le bouche-à-oreille vis-à-vis de l'organisation ?

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    International audienceThe war for talent has led organizations to develop a strong employer brand to attract and retain skilled employees. Few studies have examined the antecedents and consequences of the internal employer brand. We focus on the influence of employee‐organization values congruence on the employee's perception of the employer brand and on the influence of the employer brand on organizational identification and positive word‐of‐mouth vis‐à‐vis the employer. Results from a survey of 308 employees show that the employer brand fully mediates the relationship between values congruence and organizational identification and positive word‐of‐mouth. These results have theoretical and managerial implications in terms of employer branding