633 research outputs found

    Acting and Christian Liturgy: Collisions and Mutual Inspiration

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá podobnostmi a rozdíly mezi theatralitou a křesťanskou praxí. Hledá původ některých aspektů herecké práce v liturgii a liturgie v divadle. Snaží se nahlédnout kolize k nimž může dojít sloučením herecké praxe a praktikované křesťanské víry (zejména katolické). Například problematiku podobnosti hereckého prožívání či práce s objektem a prožíváním vztahu k Eucharistii. Jejím cílem je jednak snaha nabídnout divadelnímu prostředí méně známé inspirační zdroje z oblasti křesťanské liturgie a praxe. Dále je cílem přispět ke zlepšení způsobu slavení liturgie zvýšením povědomí o performativní povaze a možnostech současné katolické liturgie. V neposlední řadě je cílem přispět k aktivisaci nevelkého okruhu věřících a praktikujících herců a divadlem se zaobírajících, kteří mohou být často paralisováni problémy v práci zmíněnými

    Le cinéma de Jodorowsky et la performance théâtrale : une « danse de la réalité »

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    Alejandro Jodorowsky a débuté ses performances théâtrales appelées « éphémères paniques » au Mexique en 1962 et les a poursuivies jusqu’en 1967. Cette forme d’art a influencé dans une certaine mesure ses longs métrages. La performance théâtrale et le cinéma paraissent au premier abord opposés par leurs caractéristiques techniques et dans le rapport au temps et au public qu’ils entretiennent. Art du présent, la performance théâtrale se veut plus proche du « réel » quand le cinéma est un art de l’image et a priori de l’illusion. Toutefois, Jodorowsky tourne ses films de manière à approcher les conditions de la performance théâtrale et tente d’y intégrer une part de hasard. Dans son cinéma, il engage aussi une réflexion sur l’illusion. Il met en lumière les trucages, engage le spectateur à un recul critique et parfois à un retour à sa réalité du moment. De même que les performances théâtrales de Jodorowsky luttent contre l’illusion théâtrale, ses films se posent contre l’illusion cinématographique et jouent avec les limites de cet art.Alejandro Jodorowsky began his theatrical performances called “ panic ephemera ” in Mexico in 1962 and continued them until 1967. This type of art influenced to a certain extent his feature films. The theatrical performance and the cinema seem at first sight opposed by their technical characteristics and in relation to the time and the public that they maintain. Art of the present, the theatrical performance is closer to the "real" when the cinema is an art of the image and a priori of the illusion. However, Jodorowsky turns his films so as to approach the conditions of the theatrical performance and tries to integrate a part of chance. In his cinema, he also engages a reflection on the illusion. It highlights special effects, engages the viewer to a critical retreat and sometimes to a return to its reality of the moment. Just as Jodorowsky's theatrical performances fight against the theatrical illusion, his films arise against the cinematographic illusion and play with the limits of this art

    Accretion process, magnetic fields, and apsidal motion in the pre-main sequence binary DQ Tau

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    Classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) are young stellar objects that accrete materials from their accretion disc influenced by their strong magnetic field. The magnetic pressure truncates the disc at a few stellar radii and forces the material to leave the disc plane and fall onto the stellar surface by following the magnetic field lines. However, this global scheme may be disturbed by the presence of a companion interacting gravitationally with the accreting component. This work is aiming to study the accretion and the magnetic field of the tight eccentric binary DQ Tau, composed of two equal-mass (\sim 0.6 \msun ) CTTSs interacting at different orbital phases. We investigated the variability of the system using a high-resolution spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric monitoring performed with ESPaDOnS at the CFHT. We provide the first ever magnetic field analysis of this system, the Zeeman-Doppler imaging revealed a stronger magnetic field for the secondary than the primary (1.2 kG and 0.5 kG, respectively), but the small-scale fields analysed through Zeeman intensification yielded similar strengths (about 2.5 kG). The magnetic field topology and strengths are compatible with the accretion processes on CTTSs. Both components of this system are accreting, with a change of the main accretor during the orbital motion. In addition, the system displays a strong enhancement of the mass accretion rate at periastron and apastron. We also discovered, for the first time in this system, the apsidal motion of the orbital ellipse.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Composición de la comunidad de peces en la cuenca del río Iténez (Bolivia)

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    La distribución de los peces es influenciada por diferentes tipos de variables bióticas y abióticas que actúan a diferentes escalas espaciales y temporales, las cuales son vistas como una sucesión de filtros jerárquicos que determinan la composición y estructura de las comunidades de peces. El presente trabajo compara la composición de las comunidades de peces en ríos y lagunas de la cuenca del río Iténez. La riqueza y composición específica, abundancia y biomasa de las principales especies así como variables ambientales se cuantificaron en 40 sitios de pesca representativos de seis subcuencas del río Iténez en Bolivia (Blanco, Machupo, Itonamas, Paraguá, San Martín e Iténez), clasificados por el tipo de agua (turbias o transparentes) y de hábitat (río, bahía y laguna). Un total de 261 especies fueron capturadas, pertenecientes a 8 órdenes y 30 familias. Los Characiformes y Siluriformes dominaron las comunidades ícticas tanto en riqueza como en biomasa. Los resultados sobre la distribución de las especies soportan la idea de que la composición y abundancia de las especies está controlada por factores ambientales. Las diferencias entre aguas turbias y transparentes operan como un primer filtro a nivel de subcuencas. Se encontraron 52 especies exclusivas de los ríos de aguas turbias y 60 exclusivas de los de aguas transparentes. Al contrario, dentro de las subcuencas, las diferencias de composición entre los tipos de hábitat (río, laguna y bahía) no son muy claras. Siguiendo el modelo PTM propuesto por Rodríguez & Lewis (1997), existe una relación entre la transparencia del agua y la abundancia de los órdenes Characiformes y Gymnotiformes, no presentándose para los Siluriformes. Los resultados demuestran que los indicadores clásicos como la riqueza, la abundancia y la biomasa total no reflejan las diferencias de composición observadas.A distribuigao dos peixes é influenciada por diferentes tipos de variáveis bióticas e abióticas que atuam em diferentes escalas espaciais e temporais, as quais sao vistas como urna sucessão de filtros hierárquicos que determinam a composigao e estrutura das comunidades de peixes. O presente trabalho compara a composição das comunidades de peixes nos ríos e lagos da bacia do rio Iténez*. A riqueza e composição específica, abundancia e biomassa das principais espécies assim como as variáveis ambientais foram quantificadas em 40 sitios de pesca representativos de seis subbacias do rio Iténez na Bolivia (Blanco, Machupo, Itonamas, Paraguá, San Martín e Iténez), classificados por tipo de água (águas turvas ou transparentes) e tipo de hábitat (rio, baia e lago). Um total de 261 espécies foram capturadas, pertencentes a 8 ordens e 30 familias. Os Characiformes e Siluriformes dominaram as comunidades ícticas tanto em riqueza como em biomassa. Os resultados de distribuição das espécies suportam a idéia de que a composigáo e abundáncia das espécies sao controladas por fatores ambientais. As diferenças entre águas turvas e transparentes atuam como um primeiro filtro no nivel das sub-bacias. Identificou-se 52 espécies exclusivas dos ríos de águas brancas e 60 exclusivas de rios de águas transparentes. Ao contrario, dentro das sub-bacias as diferen§as de composição entre os tipos de hábitat (rio, laguna e baia) nao sao muito claras. Seguindo o modelo PTM proposto por Rodríguez & Lewis (1997), existe una relação entre transparencia da água e abundancia de ordens para os Characiformes e Gymnotiformes. Ao contrario, essa relação nao existe para os Siluriformes.* Iténez e denominado rio Guaporé no Brasil.Fish distribution is influenced by abiotic and biotic factors playing at different spatial and temporal scales which can be considered as a hierarchical succession of filters that determine the structure and composition of fish communities. The present work compares the composition of fish communities from lakes and rivers of the Iténez* basin. It interprets the differences in relation to the regional factor of water type (inter sub-basin scale) and the local factor of habitat type (intra sub-basin scale). Fish species richness, specific composition, abundance and biomass of the principal species were quantified in 40 fishing locations that represented six sub-basins of the Iténez river in Bolivia: Blanco, Machupo, Itonamas, Paraguá, San Martín and Iténez. Each location was classified according to water type (turbid or transparent waters) and habitat type (lake, river or creek). 261 species were captured, belonging to 8 orders and 30 families. Characiformes and Siluriformes dominated the fish community in richness, abundance and biomass. Species distribution data supported the hypothesis that fish community composition and species abundance are controlled by environmental factors. Water type operated as a first level filter at the sub-basin scale: 52 species were exclusive of turbid waters and 60 species of transparent waters. Conversely, composition differences between habitat types were not clear. Following the PTM model proposed by Rodríguez & Lewis (1997), a quantitative relation existed between water transparency and Characiformes and Gymnotiformes fishes. However, this relation was not significant for the Silurifomes. Our results demonstrated that classical indicators such as richness, total abundance and biomass were not responsible for these differences, which rather originated from changes in specific abundance and composition.* The Iténez river is known as Guaporé river in Brasil

    Genetic control of plasticity of oil yield for combined abiotic stresses using a joint approach of crop modeling and genome-wide association

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    Understanding the genetic basis of phenotypic plasticity is crucial for predicting and managing climate change effects on wild plants and crops. Here, we combined crop modeling and quantitative genetics to study the genetic control of oil yield plasticity for multiple abiotic stresses in sunflower. First we developed stress indicators to characterize 14 environments for three abiotic stresses (cold, drought and nitrogen) using the SUNFLO crop model and phenotypic variations of three commercial varieties. The computed plant stress indicators better explain yield variation than descriptors at the climatic or crop levels. In those environments, we observed oil yield of 317 sunflower hybrids and regressed it with three selected stress indicators. The slopes of cold stress norm reaction were used as plasticity phenotypes in the following genome-wide association study. Among the 65,534 tested SNP, we identified nine QTL controlling oil yield plasticity to cold stress. Associated SNP are localized in genes previously shown to be involved in cold stress responses: oligopeptide transporters, LTP, cystatin, alternative oxidase, or root development. This novel approach opens new perspectives to identify genomic regions involved in genotype-by-environment interaction of a complex traits to multiple stresses in realistic natural or agronomical conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Plant, Cell and Environmen

    Molecular Basis of Incomplete O

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    Diagnóstico de la contaminación por mercurio en la cuenca boliviana del río Iténez

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    La cuenca del río Iténez es afectada por actividades antrópicas que aumentan los riesgos de contaminación por mercurio, como son la minería aurífera y la deforestación. Este artículo presenta los resultados de un diagnóstico de los niveles de mercurio en sólidos suspendidos del agua, peces y pobladores ribereños. El estudio fue realizado en 2007 en el río Iténez, colector de aguas procedentes de diferentes áreas degradadas, y en dos ríos que drenan una cuenca poco intervenida (ríos San Martín y Blanco). Las tasas de mercurio contenido en los sólidos arrastrados por los ríos aparecen bastante homogéneas en los diferentes sectores estudiados, a excepción de los arroyos que drenan la mina aurífera de San Simón (que presentan hasta 40 veces más mercurio que los demás). Existe una relación directa entre la cantidad de mercurio particular transportada por el río y su carga de sólidos. Sin embargo, aunque naturalmente de aguas claras, los ríos que presentan un impacto (mina o deforestación) presentan un nivel de mercurio similar a los ríos de aguas blancas. Las concentraciones de mercurio en los peces del río Iténez son superiores a las encontradas en los peces de los ríos poco intervenidos. Las especies comerciales, en general carnívoras, presentan las tasas de mercurio más altas, sin embargo pocos individuos sobrepasan el límite aceptable para el consumo humano propuesto por la OMS (0.5 µg.g-1)-Los niveles de mercurio en los pobladores ribereños se encuentran también por debajo de los límites de riesgo para la salud con un promedio de 2.98 µg.g-1 de cabello. Sin embargo, los niveles de mercurio encontrados en las comunidades situadas en la proximidad del río Iténez son mayores con relación a las comunidades de las zonas de referencia. En conclusión, se destaca que el río Iténez presenta concentraciones de mercurio en aguas, peces y poblaciones ribereñas más altas que lo que se espera en condiciones naturales, las cuales sin embargo aún no son críticas. La determinación de la velocidad de evolución de esa contaminación es recomendable para poder estimar cuales son los riesgos de alcanzar un nivel de concentración crítico y el tiempo en que se llegaría a ella.A bacía do rio Iténez* é afetada pelas atividades humanas que aumentam o risco de contaminaçãn por mercurio, como o garimpo e o desmatamento. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de urna avaliação diagnóstica dos níveis de mercurio nos sedimentos da água, peixes e moradores ribeirinhos. O estudo foi realizado em 2007 no rio Iténez, coletou-se água de diferentes áreas degradadas, e de dois ríos situados em urna bacía pouco interferida (ríos San Martín e Blanco). As taxas de mercurio contidas nos sedimentos transportados pelos ríos sao bastante uniformes nos diferentes setores estudados, com exceção para os córregos que drenam a mina de ouro de San Simon (que tém até 40 vezes mais mercurio do que os outros pontos). Existe urna relação direta entre a quantidade de mercurio particulado transportadas pelo rio e sua carga de sedimentos. No entanto, embora naturalmente ríos de águas claras que tém um impacto (mineração ou desmatamento) possuam um nivel similar de mercurio aos rios de água branca. As concentrações de mercurio nos peixes do rio Iténez sao mais elevadas do que aqueles encontrados em peixes de rios pouco explorados. As espécies comerciais, em geral carnívoras, apresentam as maiores taxas de mercurio, mas alguns individuos excedem o limite aceitável para consumo humano proposto pela OMS (0,5 pg.g-1). Os níveis de mercurio em moradores ribeirinhos também sao inferiores aos limites de risco para a saúde, com urna média de 2,98 µg.g-1 de cabelo. No entanto, os níveis encontrados nas comunidades localizadas junto ao rio Iténez tém altas concentrações de mercurio em relação às comunidades nas áreas em quesão. Em conclusao, destaca-se que o rio Iténez apresenta concentrares de mercurio na água, peixes e populações ribeirinhas mais elevadas do que o esperado em condições naturais. No entanto, atualmente, as concentrares encontradas nos compartimentos estudados nao sao críticas. A determinação da velocidade da evolução dessa contaminação é aconselhável para poder estimar quais serão os riscos de atingir um nivel crítico de concentrado a curto e prazo.* Iténez e denominado rio Guaporé no Brasil.The Iténez* basin is impacted by anthropogenic activities which are known to increase mercury contamination risk, such as gold mining and deforestation. This paper presents results of a diagnostic study about mercury levels in river sediments, fish and humans. The study was conducted in 2007 in the Iténez main river that drains waters from degraded areas, and in two other rivers (San Martín and Blanco), draining waters from lowly impacted regions. Mercury level in water sediments appeared similar in all the studied sectors, except in some streams situated near San Simón gold mine that presented until 40 time more mercury than the other rivers. A positive relationship existed between water mercury level and particular sediment fraction of the water. However, although they naturally presented clear waters, rivers impacted by deforestation or gold mining contained similar mercury level than white waters (with high sediment load). Fish mercury concentrations were higher in the Iténez river (impacted area) than in the two lowly impacted ones. Commercial fish species, generally camivores, showed the highest mercury level, however only few fishes presented higher concentrations than the WHO sanitary level (0.5µg.g-1). Hair mercury concentrations in riverside human communities, with an average of 2.98 µg.g-1, were also below the accepted health risk level. In spite of this, mercury levels were higher in humans living on the Iténez riverside than in the other communities. Water sediment, fish and human mercury concentrations were higher in the Iténez river, which is impacted by anthropogenic activities, than in natural, lowly impacted, rivers in the same region. Nevertheless, no critical levels were recorded. A follow-up of the evolution of mercury contamination is recommended in order to estímate the risk of reaching critical levels.* The Iténez river is known as Guaporé river in Brasil