11 research outputs found

    Observing the Onset of Effective Mass

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    The response of a particle in a periodic potential to an applied force is commonly described by an effective mass which accounts for the detailed interaction between the particle and the surrounding potential. Using a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87-Rb atoms initially in the ground band of an optical lattice, we experimentally show that the initial response of a particle to an applied force is in fact characterized by the bare mass. Subsequently, the particle response undergoes rapid oscillations and only over timescales long compared to that of the interband dynamics is the effective mass observed to be an appropriate description

    Tunneling Dynamics of a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    The simplicity and versatility of ultra-cold atoms make it an ideal system for studying Quantum Mechanical phenomenon like tunneling. This thesis describes progress towards experimentally measuring the time spent by a tunneling particle in the classically forbidden region. A detailed analysis of the experimental requirements to measure the tunneling time is presented along with the experimental tools developed to meet these requirements. These include a thin \SI{1.3}{\micro m} optical tunnel barrier, a smooth atomic waveguide, and a Larmor clock to measure the tunneling time. Delta-kick cooling is used to achieve the extremely low temperatures required for the tunneling time experiments. A 2.4x reduction in the atomic velocity spread is demonstrated, reducing the rms velocity spread to \SI{0.46(5)}{mm/s}. This corresponds to cooling to an effective temperature of \SI{2.0(4)}{nK}. The thin optical barrier opens up the possibility to study the decay of quasi-bound condensates via tunneling. We develop a novel trapping configuration for this purpose, in which the barrier acts as one of the walls of the trap. Inter-atomic interactions strongly dictate the escape dynamics of the condensate out of this trap, giving rise to three distinct regimes--- classical over the barrier spilling, quantum tunneling driven by interactions, and decay dominated by background losses. We show that in the tunneling regime, the decay rate depends exponentially with the chemical potential of the condensate. Experimental results show good agreement with numerical solutions of the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation.Ph.D