325 research outputs found

    Structure and reactions of 11Be: many-body basis for single-neutron halo

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    The exotic nucleus 11Be has been extensively studied and much experimental information is available on the structure of this system. Treating, within the framework of empirically renormalised nuclear field theory in both configuration and 3D-space, the mixing of bound and continuum single-particle states through the coupling to collective particle-hole (p,h) and pairing vibrations of the 10Be core, as well as Pauli principle acting not only between the particles explicitly considered and those participating in the collective states, but also between fermions involved in two-phonon virtual states it is possible, for the first time, to simultaneously and quantitatively account for the energies of the 1/2+,1/2- low-lying states, the centroid and line shape of the 5/2+ resonance, the one-nucleon stripping and pickup absolute differential cross sections involving 11Be as either target or residual nucleus, and the dipole transitions connecting the 1/2+ and 1/2- parity inverted levels as well as the charge radius, thus providing a unified and exhaustive characterisation of the many-body effects which are at the basis of this paradigmatic one-neutron halo system.Comment: Supplemental materials include

    The 9Li(d,p) reaction, a specific probe of 10Li, paradigm of parity--inverted nuclei around N=6 closed shell

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    We show, within the framework of renormalized nuclear field theory and of the induced reaction surrogate formalism, that the highly debated 10^{10}Li structure, observed in a recent 9^9Li(d,p)10^{10}Li one--neutron transfer experiment is consistent with or better, requires the presence of a virtual 1/2+1/2^+ state of similar single--particle strength than that of the 1/2−1/2^- resonance at 0.45±\pm 0.03 MeV. Based on continuum spectroscopy self-energy techniques, we find that the physical mechanism responsible for parity inversion in 310^{10}_3Li is the same as that at the basis of the similar phenomenon observed in 411^{11}_4Be and to that needed in 11^{11}Li to have an important ss--wave ground state component. Furthermore, it is also consistent with the (normal) sequence of the 1p1/21p_{1/2} and 2s1/22s_{1/2} levels in the N=7N=7 isotones 512^{12}_5B and 613^{13}_6C.Comment: Revised text and figures. The paper includes supplemental materia

    Radioactive beams and inverse kinematics: probing the quantal texture of the nuclear vacuum

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    The properties of the quantum electrodynamic (QED) vacuum in general, and of the nuclear vacuum (ground) state in particular are determined by virtual processes implying the excitation of a photon and of an electron--positron pair in the first case and of, for example, the excitation of a collective quadrupole surface vibration and a particle--hole pair in the nuclear case. Signals of these processes can be detected in the laboratory in terms of what can be considered a nuclear analogue of Hawking radiation. An analogy which extends to other physical processes involving QED vacuum fluctuations like the Lamb shift, pair creation by γ−\gamma-rays, van der Waals forces and the Casimir effect, to the extent that one concentrates on the eventual outcome resulting by forcing a virtual process to become real, and not on the role of the black hole role in defining the event horizon. In the nuclear case, the role of this event is taken over at a microscopic, fully quantum mechanical level, by nuclear probes (reactions) acting on a virtual particle of the zero point fluctuation (ZPF) of the nuclear vacuum in a similar irreversible, no--return, fashion as the event horizon does, letting the other particle, entangled with the first one, escape to infinity, and eventually be detected. With this proviso in mind one can posit that the reactions 1^1H(11^{11}Be,10^{10}Be(2+(2^+;3.37 MeV{\rm MeV}))2^2H and 1^{1}H(11^{11}Li,9^9Li(1/2−1/2^-; 2.69 MeV{\rm MeV}))3^3H together with the associated γ−\gamma-decay processes indicate a possible nuclear analogy of Hawking radiation

    One- and two- neutron halo at the dripline. From 11Be to 11Li and back: 10Li and parity inversion

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    The nuclei 11Be and 11Li provide paradigmatic examples of one-and two- neutron halo systems. Because the reaction 1H(11Li,9Li)3H is dominated by successive transfer, one can use the quantitative picture emerging from a nu- clear field theory description of the structure and reaction mechanism of the above Cooper pair transfer process and of the 2H(10Be,11Be)1H and 1H(11Be,10Be)2H reactions, to shed light on the structure of 10Li. This analysis provides important support for a parity inverted scenario with a 1/2+ virtual state at about 0.2 MeV.Comment: Proceedings of the 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanism

    Characterization of vorticity in pygmy resonances and soft-dipole modes with two-nucleon transfer reactions

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    The properties of the two-quasiparticle-like soft E1-modes and PDR have been and are systematically studied with the help of inelastic and electromagnetic experiments which essentially probe the particle-hole components of these vibrations. It is shown that further insight in their characterisation can be achieved with the help of two-nucleon transferreactions, in particular concerning the particle-particle components of the modes, in terms of absolute differential cross sections which take properly into account successive and simultaneous transfer mechanisms corrected for non-orthogonality, able to reproduce the experimental findings at the 10% level. The process 9^9Li(t,p)11(t,p)^{11}Li(1−^-) is discussed, and absolute cross sections predicted.Comment: Typo corrected with respect to previous versio

    From bare to renormalized order parameter in gauge space: structure and reactions

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    The physical reason why one can calculate with similar accuracy, as compared to the experimental data, the absolute cross section associated with two-nucleon transfer processes between members of pairing rotational bands, making use of simple BCS (constant matrix elements) or of many-body (Nambu-Gorkov (NG), nuclear field theory (NFT)) spectroscopic amplitudes, is not immediately obvious. Restoration of spontaneous symmetry breaking and associated emergent generalised rigidity in gauge space provides the answer, and points to a new emergence: a physical sum rule resulting from the intertwining of structure and reaction processes and closely connected with the central role induced pairing interaction plays in structure together with the fact that successive transfer dominates Cooper pair tunnelling

    Cooper pair transfer in nuclei

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    The second order DWBA implementation of two-particle transfer direct reactions which includes simultaneous and successive transfer, properly corrected by non-orthogonality effects is tested with the help of controlled nuclear structure and reaction inputs against data spanning the whole mass table, and showed to constitute a quantitative probe of nuclear pairing correlations
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