14 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we will try to understand a rather new phenomena for contact linguistics - priming, superdiversity, triggering, simultaneity and bivalence. Analysis of the language as a changing substance, mixed and unlimited, is very important for modern linguists. They have been trying to reproduce communicative situations artificially for the definition of new techniques of speech generation in bilingual speech. The most promising phenomenon for the organization of verbal and written communication of the bilinguals who use code-switching regularly is priming, which can be described as an uncontrolled impact on the interlocutors used to disclose and describe the mechanisms of perception of particular information. Less studied to this day are the phenomena of superdiversity, triggering, simultaneity and bivalence which we will try to understand in this article.В данной работе мы попытаемся понять достаточно новые для контактной лингвистики явления - прайминг, сверхдиверситет, триггеринг, одновременность и бивалентность. Анализ языка как изменяющейся субстанции, смешанной и неограниченной, является очень важным для современных лингвистов. В последнее время они пытаются искусственно воспроизвести коммуникативные ситуации для определения новых техник речепорождения в речи билингвов. Самым перспективным явлением для организации речевой и письменной коммуникации билингвов, регулярно переключающих код, является прайминг, который представляет собой неконтролируемое воздействие на собеседников, использующееся для раскрытия и описания механизмов восприятия той или иной информации. Менее изученными по сей день остаются явления сверхдиверситета триггеринга, одновременноста и бивалентноста, в которых мы постараемся разобраться в данной статье

    Features of chemical-mineralogical composition and processing properties for medium-ferrous bauxites

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    The features of chemical-mineralogical composition and processing properties of bauxites from Iksinsk and Severoonezhsk deposits are investigated in the paper. It is found that the studied bauxites are coarsely dispersed and low-dispersive, high-alumina clay raw materials with a high content of colouring oxides. According to their mineralogical composition, Iksinsk and Severoonezhsk bauxites are boehmite-hydrargillite-kaolinite clay bauxites. Moreover, Iksinsk bauxite samples are characterized by the total absence of quartz impurities. The samples of plastic molding based on Iksinsk bauxites are fully sintered at 1500 °C with the formation of strong structures with a compressive strength of 70-120 MPa (depending on the variety of bauxites). The samples based on Severoonezhsk bauxites are fully sintered at 1450 °C, and they are characterized by a compressive strength to 70 MPa in the sintered state

    Features of chemical-mineralogical composition and processing properties for medium-ferrous bauxites

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    The features of chemical-mineralogical composition and processing properties of bauxites from Iksinsk and Severoonezhsk deposits are investigated in the paper. It is found that the studied bauxites are coarsely dispersed and low-dispersive, high-alumina clay raw materials with a high content of colouring oxides. According to their mineralogical composition, Iksinsk and Severoonezhsk bauxites are boehmite-hydrargillite-kaolinite clay bauxites. Moreover, Iksinsk bauxite samples are characterized by the total absence of quartz impurities. The samples of plastic molding based on Iksinsk bauxites are fully sintered at 1500 °C with the formation of strong structures with a compressive strength of 70-120 MPa (depending on the variety of bauxites). The samples based on Severoonezhsk bauxites are fully sintered at 1450 °C, and they are characterized by a compressive strength to 70 MPa in the sintered state

    Reflection of the notion "prestige" through code-switching in Kevin Kwan’s novel "Sex and Vanity" as a cultural symbol of the elite society

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    This article deals with the phenomenon of code-switching from English into French as a reflection of the prestige concept using the examples of a book about elite high society in Asia and America. The research is based on the novel by Kevin Kwan, for most of the characters are the representatives of a highly educated circle, and they are all fluent in French, which is one of the main second languages taught in private schools around the world. This language is usually used in the novel for stylistic and empathic reasons, since code-switching is a tool used by bilinguals to express prestige and social status. Bilingual speakers are believed to remember both language systems and activate them simultaneously when they need to communicate their message more clearly. Based on examples from the book, the authors attempt to link the theoretical context of language prestige theory to its actual literary use and explore the ways that linguists use, in order to give an accurate definition for each phenomenon. The authors conclude that foreign language inclusions may be "prestigious "and "socially motivated" in order to convey the specific emphatic connotation of the speaker’s intentions. The author of "Sex and Vanity" implies French inclusion to express the prestige of the surroundings and cultural affiliation of the elite groups. French is usually used in the conversations between two or more characters from the high-ranked society, who will definitely understand the message. For citation Tutova E.V., Potapova A.V., Grekhanova I.P., Vorontsova I.S., Safaralieva L.A. (2020) Reflection of the notion "prestige" through code-switching in Kevin Kwan’s novel "Sex and vanity" as a cultural symbol of the elite society. Kul'tura i tsivilizatsiya [Culture and Сivilization], 10 (5А), pp. 51-57. DOI: 10.34670/AR.2020.98.27.005 Keywords Elite, code switching, prestige, social status, bilingualism, concept, language.В статье рассматривается феномен переключения кода с английского языка на французский как отражение концепции престижа на примерах из книги об элитном высшем обществе Азии и Америки. Исследование основано на романе Кевина Квана, в котором большинство персонажей являются представителями высокообразованной публики и свободно говорят на французском языке, являющемся одним из основных вторых языков, изучаемых в частных школах по всему миру. Этот язык обычно используется в романе из стилистических соображений, поскольку переключение кода - инструмент, используемый билингвами для выражения престижа и социального статуса. Считается, что билингвы запоминают обе языковые системы и активируют их одновременно, когда им нужно более четко передать свое сообщение. Основываясь на примерах из книги, авторы предпринимают попытку связать теоретический контекст теории престижа языка с его реальным литературным использованием и рассматривают способы, которые используют лингвисты, чтобы дать точное определение каждому явлению. Авторы приходят к выводу, что включение иностранного языка может быть «престижным» и «социально мотивированным», когда нужно передать конкретный эмоциональный оттенок слов говорящего. Автор произведения «Секс и тщеславие» использует французский язык для подчеркивания престижа окружающих и культурной принадлежности элитных групп. Французский язык обычно используется в разговорах между двумя или более персонажами из высокопоставленного общества, которые обязательно поймут сообщение

    Evaluation of Wheat Resistance to Snow Mold Caused by Microdochium nivale (Fr) Samuels and I.C. Hallett under Abiotic Stress Influence in the Central Non-Black Earth Region of Russia

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    Microdochium nivale is one of the most harmful fungal diseases, causing colossal yield losses and deteriorating grain quality. Wheat genotypes from the world collection of the N.I. Vavilov Institute (VIR) were evaluated for fifty years to investigate their resistance to biotic stress factors (M. nivale). Between 350 to 1085 of winter wheat genotypes were investigated annually. Ten out of fifty years were identified as rot epiphytotics (1978, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2021). The wheat collection was investigated by following the VIR methodological requirements and CMEA unified classification of Triticum aestivum L. The field investigations were carried out in the early spring during fixed-route observations and data collection was included on the spread and development degree of the disease, followed by microbiological and microscopic pathogen identifications. The observations revealed that the primary reason for pink snow mold to infect the wheat crops was abiotic stress factors, such as thawed soil covered in snow that increased the soil temperature by 1.0–4.6◦ C above normal. Under these conditions, the plants kept growing, quickly exhausting their carbohydrate and protein resources, thus weakening their immune systems, which made them an easy target for different infections, mainly cryophilic fungi, predominantly Microdochium nivale in the Moscow region. In some years, the joint effect of abiotic and biotic stresses caused crop failure, warranting the replanting of the spring wheat. The investigated wheat genotypes exhibited variable resistance to pink snow mold. The genotypes Mironovskaya 808 (k-43920) from Ukraine;l Nemchinovskaya 846 (k-56861), from Russia; Novobanatka (k-51761) from Yugoslavia; Liwilla (k-57580) from Poland; Zdar (UH 7050) from the Czech Republic; Maris Plowman (k-57944) from the United Kingdom; Pokal (k-56827) from Austria; Hvede Sarah (k-56289) from Denmark; Moldova 83 (k-59750) from Romania; Compal (k-57585) from Germany; Linna (k-45889) from Finland and Kehra (k-34228) from Estonia determined the sources, stability and tolerance to be used in advanced breeding programs. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Composition of biologically active compounds, biological and pharmacological activity of the three-part beggarticks (Bidens tripartita L.)

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    This reviewcontains the analysis data on phytochemical composition ofthree-part beggarticks(Bidens tripartitaL.) and full biological activity spectrum of themedicinalraw material. Flavonoids, essentialoils, phenolcarboxylic acids, polysaccharides, aromatic hydroxy aldehydes, coumarins, tannins, and polyacetylenes are biologically active substances (BAS)ofB. tripartita.Various BAS cause multiple pharmacological and biological effects of theplant. Extracts possess antimycotic, antiinflammatory, antithrombotic, antiradical, antioxidant, antibacterial, antidiabetic, antiulcerogenic, and antitumor effects. The extracts are also ofanalgesic, antipyretic, antiallergic, hepatoprotective, immunostimulating,and hypotensive pharmacological effects. There is also a possibility to inhibit the main enzymes as well as to protect DNA. The B. tripartita medicinal raw material is of great importance for development and making of new drugs