507 research outputs found

    Психічна саморегуляція негативних станів особистості

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    Потапова, С. М. Психічна саморегуляція негативних станів особистості / Світлана Миколаївна Потапова // Особистість, суспільство, закон: психологічні проблеми та шляхи їх розв’язання: тези доп. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., присвяченої пам’яті проф. С. П. Бочарової (м. Харків, 30 берез. 2017 р.) / МВС України, Харк. нац. ун-т внутр. Справ; Ін-т психології ім. Г. С. Костюка Нац. акад. пед. наук України; Консультативна місія Європейського Союзу в Україні. – Харків: ХНУВС, 2017. – С. 54-55.Психічну саморегуляцію розглянуто як системний процес, специфічну діяльність, що забезпечує адекватну умовам мінливість, пластичність життєдіяльності, свідомі дії людини на властиві їй психічні явища (процеси, властивості, стани), виконувану нею діяльність, власну поведінку з метою підтримки (збереження) або зміни характеру їх протікання.Mental self-regulation is considered as a systemic process, a specific activity that ensures variability, plasticity of life activity, conscious actions adequate to the conditions of a person on mental phenomena characteristic of him (processes, properties, states) performed by him activity, own behavior in order to support (preserve) or change their nature leakage.Психическая саморегуляция рассмотрена как системний процесс, специфическая деятельность, обеспечивающая адекватную условиям изменчивость, пластичность жизнедеятельности, осознанные воздействия человека на присущие ему психические явления (процессы, свойства, состояния), выполняемую деятельность, собственное поведение с целью поддержки (сохранения) или смены характера их протекания

    Саморегуляції в професійній діяльності правоохоронних органів

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    Потапова, С. М. Саморегуляції в професійній діяльності правоохоронних органів / Світлана Миколаївна Потапова // Бочаровські читання : матеріали наук.-практ. конф. [з міжнар. участю], присвяч. пам’яті проф. С. П. Бочарової (м. Харків, 18 берез. 2016 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2016. – С. 227-230.Визначено, що професійна діяльність працівника ОВС потребує як здатності утримувати свою працездатність на високому рівні (витривалості), так і швидкості реагування. Саме це визначає необхідність застосування прийомів саморегуляції психічних станів, що порушують надійність діяльності.It was determined that the professional activity of an employee of internal affairs bodies requires both the ability to maintain one's work capacity at a high level (endurance) and the speed of response. It is this that determines the need to use methods of self-regulation of mental states that violate the reliability of activity.Определено, что профессиональная деятельность работника органов внутренних дел нуждается как в способности удерживать свою работоспособность на высоком уровне (выносливости), так и в скорости реагирования. Именно это определяет необходимость внедрения приемов саморегуляции психических состояний, нарушающих надежность деятельности

    Саморегуляція в системі професійної підготовки працівників підрозділів поліції

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    Потапова, С.М. Саморегуляція в системі професійної підготовки працівників підрозділів поліції / Світлана Миколаївна Потапова // Психологічні та педагогічні проблеми професійної освіти та патріотичного виховання персоналу системи МВС України : тези доп. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 7 квіт. 2017 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків: ХНУВС, 2017. – С. 99-101.Досліджено роль саморегуляції працівників підрозділів поліції в забезпеченні ефективності їх діяльності. Визначено місце саморегуляції в системі професійної підготовки працівників.The role of self-regulation of employees of police units in ensuring the effectiveness of their activities. The place of self-regulation in system of professional training of employees.Исследована роль саморегуляции работников подразделений полиции в обеспечении эффективности их деятельности. Определено место саморегуляции в системе профессиональной подготовки работников


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    The perspective of development of trade relations between the Russian Federation and the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has been considered. The following projects: transport (“Russian Railways” OJSC with Indonesia; PJSC “Gazprom” projects, the South China Sea; “Petros” company projects), as well as the “East Siberia-Pacific Ocean” oil pipeline project have been considered. The import and export of Russia with some of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries for today and over the past ten years have been analysed. The prospect of a comprehensive association between Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Eurasian Economic Union has been proposed. The most substantial and significant moments in maintaining the data of trade relations between countries have been highlighted. The possible reasons for the lack of large-scale and strong ties in some areas of activity between the Russian Federation and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have been revealed, various options for creating and supporting mutually beneficial trade relations also have been offered

    Саморегуляція як професійно важлива якість працівника ОВС

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    Potapova, S.M. and Zemlyanskaya, E.V. (2015), “Self-regulation as professionally important quality of a police officer” [“Samorehuliatsiia yak profesiino vazhlyva yakist pratsivnyka OVS”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 3, pp. 150–154Потапова, С. М. Саморегуляція як професійно важлива якість працівника ОВС / С. М. Потапова, О. В. Землянська // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 3 (58). - С. 150–154.Висвітлено психологічні аспекти діяльності працівника ОВС на сучасному етапі розвитку суспільства. Підкреслено особливості професійної діяльності працівників у підрозділі правоохоронної системи. Проаналізовано поняття саморегуляції, її зміст та функції. Саморегуляцію розглянуто як професійно важливу якість особистості.The psychological aspects of the police officers’ activity at the modern stage of the development of the society are highlighted. It is emphasized that the professional activities of the officers in a law enforcement unit has its own characteristics that require not only professional competency, but also some personal qualities, which guarantee the effectiveness of the professional activities. Self-regulation is considered as professionally important quality that guarantees the success of professional activity; in difficult, extreme conditions of performing official tasks it is of great importance. The main functions of self-regulation and self-control within the activity are: 1) address or retention of processes, actions and deeds; 2) switching mental activity; 3) the acceleration or deceleration of mental activity; 4) increase or decrease of the activity; 5) coordination of intentions; 6) control over the activities by the way of comparing its program with the ongoing actions; 7) coordination of actions. In managing the mental states the functions of self-regulation and self-control are as follows: 1) awareness of the content and level of own emotions; 2) self-assessment of physical and mental resources; 3) reflection of the causes of a certain emotional state; 4) overcoming negative state by using willpower; 5) use of measures of psychological discharge. It is concluded that internal reserves of a man that provide him the relative freedom from the circumstances and the possibility of updating even in the most difficult conditions are revealed in the process of self-regulation. An obligatory requirement for effectiveness of the personnel’s actions is its thorough psychological preparation.Освещены психологические аспекты деятельности работника ОВД на современном этапе развития общества. Подчёркнуты особенности профессиональной деятельности в подразделении правоохранительной системы. Проанализированы понятие саморегуляции, её содержание и функции. Саморегуляция рассмотрена как профессионально важное качество личности

    Promising source material for winter triticale breeding under the conditions of the Middle Urals

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    Background. The northern border of cereal crop cultivation passes through the territory of Sverdlovsk Province. Cultivars of winter triticale developed in the regions of Russia located to the south are grown there, but they die under unfavorable winter conditions. The breeding of this crop in local climate is at an early stage, so a study of source material for breeding new highyielding cultivars adapted to local conditions seems quite pertinent.Materials and methods. In 2017–2020, the Ural Research Institute of Agriculture in Yekaterinburg conducted a study of 78 winter triticale genotypes from 10 regions of Russia and 7 foreign countries. The seeds were obtained from the VIR genebank and breeding centers of Russia. Sowing was carried out in clean fallow on August 20–25 on 1 m2 plots in 3-4 repetitions, with the reference ‘Bashkirskaya korotkostebelnaya’ sown on every 10th plot. Plants were assessed for winter hardiness, yield, density of productive stems, plant height, ear length, number of spikelets and grains per ear, weight of 1000 grains, and ear productivity in accordance with published guidelines.Results. Cvs. ‘Privada’, ‘Tsekad 90’ and ‘Nemchinovsky 58’ combined high winter hardiness (70–81%) with resistance to damage by snow mold (15–20%), high density of productive stems (324–425 pcs/m2), and high yield (562–616 g/m2). They had high 1000 grain weight (45.4–49.1 g) and ear productivity (2.63–2.68 g). High yield (571–670 g/m2) and density of productive stems (285–436 pcs/m2 ) with reduced winter hardiness (62–72%) and resistance to snow mold (30–35%) was observed in cvs. ‘Sirs 57’, ‘Sotnik’, ‘Germes’, ‘Antey’, ‘Beta’, ‘Don’, and lines 1/1 and 8003 from Sweden

    IgE antibody repertoire in nasal secretions of children and adults with seasonal allergic rhinitis: a molecular analysis

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    Background: There is growing interest both in testing IgE in nasal secretions (NS) and in molecular diagnosis of seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR). Yet, the reliability of nasal IgE detection with the newest molecular assays has never been assessed in a large cohort of pollen allergic patients. Objective: To investigate with microarray technology and compare the repertoires of specific IgE (sIgE) antibodies in NS and sera of a large population of children and adults with SAR. Methods: Nasal secretions were collected with an absorbent device (Merocel 2000®, Medtronic) and a minimal dilution procedure from 90 children and 71 adults with SAR. Total IgE (tIgE) (ImmunoCAP, Thermo Fisher Scientific (TFS)) and sIgE antibodies against 112 allergen molecules (ISAC-112, TFS) were measured in NS and serum. Results: Nasal sIgE was detectable in 68.3% of the patients. The detected nasal sIgE antibodies recognized airborne (88%), vegetable (10%), and animal food or other (<1%) allergen molecules. The prevalence and average levels of sIgE in NS and serum were highly interrelated at population level. A positive nasal sIgE antibody to a given molecule predicted the detection of the same antibody in the patient's serum with a specificity of 99.7% and a sensitivity of 40%. Conclusions: The concentration of sIgE is much lower in nasal secretions than in the serum. sIgE assays with very high analytical sensitivity and sampling methods with minimal dilution will be therefore needed to validate nasal secretions as alternative to serum in testing the sIgE repertoire

    Ethnicity-specific distribution of <em>TRPM8</em> gene variants in Eurasian populations: signs of selection

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    The TRPM8 gene encodes the ion channel, which is a cold receptor in afferent neurons of the mammalian somatosensory system. We studied the frequency of haplotype distribution from six SNPs in the TRPM8 gene in Eurasian human populations, including Russians, Kazakhs and Chukchi. Four of the six SNPs are located in exon 7 (rs13004520, rs28901637, rs11562975, rs17868387), rs7593557 is in exon 11. These exons encode parts of the N-terminus, which is necessary for channel functioning in the plasma membrane of neurons. The rs11563071 is in exon 23 encoding part of the C-terminus. The primary difference in population distribution of haplotypes determines the SNP from exon 11 which leads to Ser419Asn substitution in protein. The most pronounced dif­ferences in the patterns of diversity and frequencies of haplotypes were observed between Chukchi and Russians. The frequency of major H1 haplotype encompassing the 419Ser gene variant differs in examined populations; 0.738 (Russians), 0.507 (Kazakhs) and 0.337 (Chukchi), p &lt; 0.001. The TRPM8 gene variants encoding 419Asn and carrying the minor alleles of rs28901637 (P249P) and rs11562975 (L250L) in exon 7 are characteristic of Asian populations. The frequency of all 419Asn variants in Chukchi is comparable to that in Africans, however, the minor allele frequencies of rs28901637, rs11562975 in Africans is low. Apparently in the process of human colonization of Eurasia, minor alleles of these SNPs diverged depending on rs7593557 structure in exon 11. We analyzed sequences of five TRPM8 mRNA isoforms extracted by researchers from different tissues. Sequence analysis demonstrates that they are transcribed from major H1 variant of the TRPM8 gene but contain different translation start codons, which are generated by alternative splicing from pro-mRNA