41 research outputs found

    Determination of Antimony (III) in Real Samples by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Using a Mercury Film Screen-Printed Electrode

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    This paper describes a procedure for the determination of antimony (III) by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry using a mercury film screen-printed electrode as the working electrode. The procedure has been optimized using experimental design methodology. Under these conditions, in terms of Residual Standard Deviation (RSD), the repeatability (3.81 %) and the reproducibility (5.07 %) of the constructed electrodes were both analyzed. The detection limit for Sb (III) was calculated at a value of 1.27×10−8 M. The linear range obtained was between 0.99 × 10−8 − 8.26 × 10−8 M. An analysis of possible effects due to the presence of foreign ions in the solution was performed and the procedure was successfully applied to the determination of antimony levels in pharmaceutical preparations and sea water samples

    Kontrola zywnosci w obrocie miedzynarodowym. Cz.I. Dokumenty Europejskiej Wspolnoty Gospodarczej

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    Omówiono Dyrektywę Rady Europy 89/397/EEC, harmonizującą zasady urzędowej kontroli żywności. Podano ogólne zasady obowiązujące kraje członkowskie Europejskiej Wspólnoty Gospodarczej dotyczące kontroli żywności, substancji dodatkowych i materiałów przeznaczonych do kontaktu z żywnością. Omówiono projekt uzupełnień do powyższej Dyrektywy.Council Directive (89/397/EEC) is presented which harmonize official control of foodstuffs. The main principles are given, obligatory for the Member States, concerning control of foodstuffs, food additives and materials intended to come into contact with foodstuffs performed by home authorities. The proposal of supplementary Directive is discussed, dealing with problems of qualification and competence of laboratory personnel, introduction of quality assurance systems in the laboratories and the system of information exchange of foodstuffs within the Common Market


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    La situation du marché des ferrites doux est présentée. Après un bref rappel des classes principales de ferrites doux, leurs domaines particuliers d'applications et les agents divers qui déterminent les propriétés résultantes sont décrits. Quelques résultats expérimentaux et une expression générale pour la perméabilité initiale permettent de souligner le rôle des agents non-chimiques dans le formation des propriétés résultantes de ferrites doux.The situation on the market related to soft ferrites is reviewed. Next, the main classes of soft ferrites, theirs main application groups and the basic factors defining the resultant properties of soft ferrite materials are summarized. Some experimental results and generalized formula for initial permeability are used to emphasize the role of extra-chemical factors in forming the resultant soft ferrite properties


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    Les différences des états magnétiquement neutres (DNS) d'un ferrite de Ni-Zn soumis à des désaimantations thermiques et magnétiques parallèles et perpendiculaires apparaissent dépendre distinctement de la taille moyenne des grains, ce qui est discuté.The differences in the magnetic states, DNS, of a Ni-Zn ferrite, subjected to thermal and to magnetic parallel and perpendicular neutralizations, appeared to depend distinctly on the mean grain diameter what is discussed

    Food as a source of exposure to nickel

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    According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), food is the main source of nickel intake by the general population. Based on the risk assessment, EFSA determined the tolerable daily intake of this element (TDI) from all sources at the level of 2.8 μg/kg body weight, which is for an adult 196 μg, while for a child 56 μg. The Benchmark Dose Lower Confidence Limit (BMDL₁₀) associated with dermatitis at 1.1 μg/kg body weight was also determined as well as the Margin of Exposure (MOE). Nickel intake in the Member States varies and depends on consumption habits. CONTAM Panel of EFSA considered the unlikely possibility of developing cancers related to the intake of nickel with food. According to experts, other harmful effects on the human body are more often identified. An additional aspect requiring further investigations that will allow an actual estimation of exposure associated with intake of this element by various groups of population is the issue of nickel absorption in the human body. The review of the EFSA opinion on the request of the European Commission planned in the near future based on the collected data as part of the action of the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2016/1111 on monitoring the presence of nickel in food will contribute to taking appropriate actions related to consumer protection, including the most vulnerable groups of population.Według Europejskiego Urzędu ds. Bezpieczeństwa Żywności (EFSA), głównym źródłem pobrania niklu przez populację generalną jest żywność. Na podstawie dokonanej oceny ryzyka EFSA wyznaczył wartość tolerowanego dziennego pobrania tego pierwiastka (Tolerable Daily Intake TDI) ze wszystkich źródeł na poziomie 2,8 μg/kg masy ciała, co stanowi dla osoby dorosłej 196 μg, natomiast dla dziecka 56 μg. Określono również najniższą dawkę wyznaczającą (Benchmark Dose Lower Confidence Limit) – BMDL₁₀ związaną z występowaniem zapaleń skórnych na poziomie - 1,1 μg/kg masy ciała oraz wyznaczono wartość marginesu narażenia (Margin of Exposure – MOE). Pobranie niklu w państwach członkowskich jest zróżnicowane i zależne od nawyków żywieniowych. Panel CONTAM EFSA uznał za mało prawdopodobną możliwość powstawania nowotworów związanych z pobraniem niklu z żywnością. Zdaniem ekspertów znacznie częściej identyfikowane są inne efekty szkodliwe na organizm człowieka. Dodatkowym aspektem wymagającym dalszych badań, który pozwoli na rzeczywiste oszacowanie narażenia związanego z pobraniem tego pierwiastka przez różne grupy populacji, jest kwestia wchłaniania niklu w organizmie człowieka. Planowana w najbliższym czasie na wniosek Komisji Europejskiej rewizja opinii EFSA, w oparciu o zgromadzone dane w ramach zalecenia Komisji (UE) nr 2016/1111 w sprawie monitorowania obecności niklu w żywności, przyczyni się do podjęcia odpowiednich działań związanych z ochroną konsumentów, w tym najbardziej wrażliwych grup populacji

    Exposure assessment of the population in Poland to the toxic effects of nickel from vegetable and their products

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    Background. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), vegetable and vegetable products can significantly contribute to dietary nickel intake. Consumption of vegetable across European Union can vary significantly and depends on consumption habits in individual Member States. Toxicity of Ni is dependent on the chemical form, the route of exposure and solubility of nickel compounds. Objectives. Determination of nickel content in commercially available vegetables and vegetable products and assessment of consumer exposure to Ni intake with these groups of foodstuffs. Materials and methods. 66 samples of vegetables and their products were analysed for nickel content. Nickel was determined after microwave mineralization of samples by atomic absorption spectrometry with a graphite furnace atomization (GFAAS). Nitric acid and perhydrol were used for the mineralization of the samples. The estimated exposure for adults and children was compared with the tolerable daily intake (TDI -Tolerable Daily Intake) set by the European Food Safety Authority at 2.8 μg /kg body weight (b.w.) per day. Results. Mean (MB-middle bound) Ni content from all investigated vegetable samples was 0.09 mg/kg (95th percentile MB 0.23 mg/kg). In vegetable products, mean Ni concentration was 0.191 mg/kg (95th percentile: 0.67 mg/kg). The highest nickel level was determined in the sample of roman lettuce (0.32 mg/kg), whereas lowest contamination was observed in the sample of onion (0.04 mg/kg). Contamination of investigated fruiting and leaf vegetable with nickel was slightly higher than root and bulb vegetables. The estimated average adults exposure to nickel from vegetable taking into account maximum absorption was 4.8% of TDI and 16.8% of TDI and does not pose a health risk. Exposure to nickel from vegetable products was 1.9% and 6.8% TDI, respectively. Conclusions. Obtained results demonstrate that dietary nickel intake from vegetables and their products do not constitute a significant health threat to consumers in Poland.Wprowadzenie. Warzywa i produkty warzywne należą do grupy środków spożywczych, które według Europejskiego Urzędu ds. Bezpieczeństwa Żywności (EFSA) mogą wnosić istotny udział do pobrania niklu z dietą. Spożycie warzyw w Unii Europejskiej może się znacznie różnić i zależy od nawyków konsumpcyjnych panujących w poszczególnych państwach członkowskich. Toksyczność niklu zależy od postaci chemicznej, drogi narażenia i rozpuszczalności związków niklu. Cel badań. Oznaczenie zawartości niklu w warzywach i produktach warzywnych dostępnych w obrocie handlowym oraz ocena narażenia konsumentów na pobranie niklu z tymi grupami środków spożywczych. Materiał i metody. Analizie na zawartość niklu poddano 66 próbek warzyw i ich produktów, pochodzących z obrotu handlowego. Zawartość niklu oznaczono po mineralizacji mikrofalowej próbek metodą absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej z wykorzystaniem kuwety grafitowej (GFAAS). Do mineralizacji próbek wykorzystano kwas azotowy oraz perhydrol. Oszacowane narażenie w odniesieniu do osób dorosłych oraz dzieci porównano z wartością tolerowanego dziennego pobrania (TDI –Tolerable Daily Intake) ustaloną przez Europejski Urząd ds. Bezpieczeństwa Żywności ustaloną na poziomie 2,8 μg/kg m.c./dzień). Wyniki. Średnia zawartość Ni (MB – middle bound) ze wszystkich badanych próbek warzyw wyniosła 0,09 mg/kg (95-percentyl MB 0,23 mg/kg). W produktach roślinnych średnie stężenie Ni wynosiło 0,191 mg/kg (95-percentyl: 0,67 mg/kg). Najwyższy poziom niklu oznaczono w próbce sałaty rzymskiej (0,32 mg/kg), natomiast najniższe zanieczyszczenie niklem zaobserwowano w próbce cebuli (0,04 mg/kg). Zanieczyszczenie badanych warzyw owocowych i liściastych niklem było nieco wyższe niż warzyw korzeniowych i cebulowych. Oszacowane średnie narażenie dla osób dorosłych na nikiel pochodzący z warzyw, biorąc pod uwagę maksymalne wchłanianie, wyniosło 4,8% TDI i 16,8% TDI i nie stanowi zagrożenia dla zdrowia. Narażenie na nikiel z produktów warzywnych wyniosło odpowiednio: 1,9% i 6,8% TDI. Wnioski. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że pobranie niklu w diecie z warzyw i ich produktów nie stanowi istotnego zagrożenia dla zdrowia konsumentów w Polsce

    Occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in human diet - exposure and risk assessment to consumer health

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    Background. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are environmental pollutants, they are also present in food, in which their presence results from environmental pollution and food processing processes. Many compounds from this group, such as benzo(a)pyrene show important toxicity, including genotoxic carcinogenicity. In food heavier PAHs significantly toxic are observed. Objective. The aim of the study was assessment of consumers exposure to PAHs from the diet of surveyed respondents. The assessment of contaminants content in daily food rations is characterized by less uncertainty factor than the assessment based on data on the contamination of individual foodstuffs and their consumption by humans. Material and methods. Research material consisted of daily diets obtained from respondents participating in the study. Content of 22 PAHs (fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(c)fluorene, benz(a)anthracene, chrysene, 5-methylchrysene, perylene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(j)fluoranthene, benzo(e) pyrene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(ghi)perylene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, dibenzo(a,e)pyrene, dibenzo(a,l)pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)pyrene, dibenzo(a,i)pyrene) in each of diets was tested using liquid chromatography with a fluorescence detector. The samples were purified by saponification, size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and solid phase extraction (SPE). Results. 52 respondents (n=52) took part in the study. The highest median of PAHs were found for pyrene (1.412 μg/ kg), phenantrene (1.276 μg/kg), fluorene (1.151 μg/kg) and fluoranthene (1.087 μg/kg), they were about 10-80 higher than the levels of heavier PAHs. In group of heavy PAHs quantitatively prevailed benzo(e)pyrene (0.109 μg/kg), benzo(b) fluroanthene (0.070 μg/kg), benzo(ghi)perylene (0.065 μg/kg) and perylene (0.059 μg/kg). Generally the median level of contamination with light PAHs was 6.045 μg/kg, while with heavy ones 0.504 μg/kg, in the case of the sum of 4 PAHs regulated in EU law content was 0.301 μg/kg. In the tested samples average 24% of the PAH content was pyrene, light PAHs with a lower toxicity potential accounted for 92% of the content of tested compounds. Sum of 4 regulated PAHs accounted for 58% of content compounds selected by the EU as significant for the assessment of food contamination by PAHs. The composition of the participants' diets was analyzed in terms of determining factors influencing on high levels of PAHs. They were high fat level and presence of smoked or grilled meat and fish products. The mean exposure to benzo(a)pyrene was 0.52 ng/kg b.w. per day, while for the sum of 4 PAHs 3.29 ng/ kg b.w. per day. For light PAHs high exposure was 90.6 ng/kg b.w. per day, while for heavy PAH it was 10.7 ng/kg b.w. per day. Risk assessment was performed by calculating the value of margin of exposure (MoE), which for benzo(a)pyrene and for sum of 4 PAHs were above 25,000 in both considered: mean and high exposure scenario. Conclusions. Studied diets were a source of exposure to PAHs. Higher levels have been reported for light, less toxic PAH as compared to heavy PAH. In both considered scenarios margin of exposure were >25 000. In case of studied diets no risk for consumer was foun

    Characteristic and Antimicrobial Resistance of Bacillus cereus Group Isolated from Food in Poland

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    Bacillus cereus is a foodborne pathogen causing food safety issues due to the formation of difficult to eliminate spores and biofilms. The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of B. cereus (conducted as part of monitoring in 2017-2018) and the presence of a toxin gene in strains isolated from retail products (pastries/cakes; vegetables, spices, delicatessen products) in Poland, and to determine the susceptibility of these microorganisms to different antimicrobial agents. A total of 267 B. cereus isolates from food products were examined, of which 95.51% were found positive for the presence of at least one toxin gene, with the highest frequency of the nhe gene (91.39%). The hbl and cytK genes were detected in 53.56% and 44.19% of B. cereus strains, respectively. The lowest frequency was found for the ces gene (2.62%). The susceptibility of B. cereus isolates to 16 antimicrobials was investigated. Ampicillin and penicillin resistance was the most common resistance phenotype and was identified in 100% of the B. cereus isolates. In addition, the tested isolates exhibited resistance to: amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (96.25%), cephalothin (67.79%), ceftriaxone (64.42%), rifampicin (46.82%), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (5.62%), quinupristin/dalfopristin (4.87%), chloramphenicol (3.75%), clindamycin (2.62%), teicoplanin (1.87%), erythromycin (1.87%), ciprofloxacin (0.75%), imipenem (0.75%), tetracycline (0.37%), and gentamicin (0.37%). The study results contribute to characterizing the diversity of B. cereus isolated from various food products in Poland and their impact on food safety and public health. This study delivers practical information on antibiotic resistance and the frequency of toxin genes among strains isolated from food

    Quality, accreditation and certification in the light of European standards

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    Omówiono proces akredytacji i certyfikacji na podstawie norm europejskich serii EN 45000. Podano cele powołania, przedmiot i zakres stosowania tych norm. Przedstawiono aktualną sytuację prawną w kraju.Process of acreditation and certification on the ground of series of european standards EN 45000 was discussed. Purpose of establishing, subject and field of application of these standards were presented. Current legal situation in Poland in the domain of accreditation and certification was described