144 research outputs found

    Chiral cosmic strings in supergravity

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    We consider F and D-term cosmic strings formed in supersymmetric theories. Supersymmetry is broken inside the string core, but restored outside. In global SUSY, this implies the existence of goldstino zero modes, and the string potentially carries fermionic currents. We show that these zero modes do not survive the coupling to gravity, due to the super Higgs mechanism. Therefore the superconductivity and chirality properties are different in global and local supersymmetry. For example, a string formed at the end of D-term inflation is chiral in supergravity but non-chiral in global SUSY.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Unitarity and predictiveness in new Higgs inflation

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    In new Higgs inflation the Higgs kinetic terms are non-minimally coupled to the Einstein tensor, allowing the Higgs field to play the role of the inflaton. The new interaction is non-renormalizable, and the model only describes physics below some cutoff scale. Even if the unknown UV physics does not affect the tree level inflaton potential significantly, it may still enter at loop level and modify the running of the Standard Model (SM) parameters. This is analogous to what happens in the original model for Higgs inflation. A key difference, though, is that in new Higgs inflation the inflationary predictions are sensitive to this running. Thus the boundary conditions at the EW scale as well as the unknown UV completion may leave a signature on the inflationary parameters. However, this dependence can be evaded if the kinetic terms of the SM fermions and gauge fields are non-minimally coupled to gravity as well. Our approach to determine the model's UV dependence and the connection between low and high scale physics can be used in any particle physics model of inflation.Comment: 21+6 pages, 1 figure; final version accepted by the journal, improvements of section

    "Signature" neutrinos from photon sources at high redshift

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    The temperature of the cosmic microwave background increases with redshift; at sufficiently high redshift it becomes possible for ultrahigh-energy photons and electrons to produce muons and pions through interactions with background photons. At the same time, energy losses due to interactions with radio background and intergalactic magnetic fields are negligible. The energetic muons and pions decay, yielding a flux of ``signature'' neutrinos with energies EΜ∌1017E_\nu \sim 10^{17}eV. Detection of these neutrinos can help understand the origin of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays.Comment: 5 pages; talk presented at First International Workshop on Radio Detection of High-Energy Particles (RADHEP-2000), UCLA, Los Angeles November 16-18, 200
