8,872 research outputs found

    Tight bounds for break minimization

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    We consider round-robin sports tournaments with n teams and n − 1 rounds. We construct an infinite family of opponent schedules for which every home-away assignment induces at least 1/4 n(n−2) breaks. This construction establishes a matching lower bound for a corresponding upper bound from the literature

    Energy-momentum conservation in pre-metric electrodynamics with magnetic charges

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    A necessary and sufficient condition for energy-momentum conservation is proved within a topological, pre-metric approach to classical electrodynamics including magnetic as well as electric charges. The extended Lorentz force, consisting of mutual actions by F=(E, B) on the electric current and G=(H, D) on the magnetic current, can be derived from an energy-momentum "potential" if and only if the constitutive relation G=G(F) satisfies a certain vanishing condition. The electric-magnetic reciprocity introduced by Hehl and Obukhov is seen to define a complex structure on the tensor product of 2-form pairs (F,G) which is independent of but consistent with the Hodge star operator defined by any Lorentzian metric. Contrary to a recent claim in the literature, it does not define a complex structure on the space of 2-forms itself.Comment: 8 pages, 1 fugur

    Infinite families of superintegrable systems separable in subgroup coordinates

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    A method is presented that makes it possible to embed a subgroup separable superintegrable system into an infinite family of systems that are integrable and exactly-solvable. It is shown that in two dimensional Euclidean or pseudo-Euclidean spaces the method also preserves superintegrability. Two infinite families of classical and quantum superintegrable systems are obtained in two-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean space whose classical trajectories and quantum eigenfunctions are investigated. In particular, the wave-functions are expressed in terms of Laguerre and generalized Bessel polynomials.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Maxwell's theory on a post-Riemannian spacetime and the equivalence principle

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    The form of Maxwell's theory is well known in the framework of general relativity, a fact that is related to the applicability of the principle of equivalence to electromagnetic phenomena. We pose the question whether this form changes if torsion and/or nonmetricity fields are allowed for in spacetime. Starting from the conservation laws of electric charge and magnetic flux, we recognize that the Maxwell equations themselves remain the same, but the constitutive law must depend on the metric and, additionally, may depend on quantities related to torsion and/or nonmetricity. We illustrate our results by putting an electric charge on top of a spherically symmetric exact solution of the metric-affine gauge theory of gravity (comprising torsion and nonmetricity). All this is compared to the recent results of Vandyck.Comment: 9 pages, REVTeX, no figures; minor changes, version to be published in Class. Quantum Gra

    A General Class of Metamaterial Transformation Slabs

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    In this paper, we apply transformation-based optics to the derivation of a general class of transparent metamaterial slabs. By means of analytical and numerical full-wave studies, we explore their image displacement/formation capabilities, and establish intriguing connections with configurations already known in the literature. Starting from these revisitations, we develop a number of nontrivial extensions, and illustrate their possible applications to the design of perfect radomes, anti-cloaking devices, and focusing devices based on double-positive (possibly nonmagnetic) media. These designs show that such anomalous features may be achieved without necessarily relying on negative-index or strongly resonant metamaterials, suggesting more practical venues for the realization of these devices.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures; minor changes in the tex

    Calculations of Energy Losses due to Atomic Processes in Tokamaks with Applications to the ITER Divertor

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    Reduction of the peak heat loads on the plasma facing components is essential for the success of the next generation of high fusion power tokamaks such as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) 1 . Many present concepts for accomplishing this involve the use of atomic processes to transfer the heat from the plasma to the main chamber and divertor chamber walls and much of the experimental and theoretical physics research in the fusion program is directed toward this issue. The results of these experiments and calculations are the result of a complex interplay of many processes. In order to identify the key features of these experiments and calculations and the relative role of the primary atomic processes, simple quasi-analytic models and the latest atomic physics rate coefficients and cross sections have been used to assess the relative roles of central radiation losses through bremsstrahlung, impurity radiation losses from the plasma edge, charge exchange and hydrogen radiation losses from the scrape-off layer and divertor plasma and impurity radiation losses from the divertor plasma. This anaysis indicates that bremsstrahlung from the plasma center and impurity radiation from the plasma edge and divertor plasma can each play a significant role in reducing the power to the divertor plates, and identifies many of the factors which determine the relative role of each process. For instance, for radiation losses in the divertor to be large enough to radiate the power in the divertor for high power experiments, a neutral fraction of 10-3 to 10-2 and an impurity recycling rate of netrecycle of ~ 10^16 s m^-3 will be required in the divertor.Comment: Preprint for the 1994 APSDPP meeting, uuencoded and gzipped postscript with 22 figures, 40 pages

    Semirelativistic stability of N-boson systems bound by 1/r pair potentials

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    We analyze a system of self-gravitating identical bosons by means of a semirelativistic Hamiltonian comprising the relativistic kinetic energies of the involved particles and added (instantaneous) Newtonian gravitational pair potentials. With the help of an improved lower bound to the bottom of the spectrum of this Hamiltonian, we are able to enlarge the known region for relativistic stability for such boson systems against gravitational collapse and to sharpen the predictions for their maximum stable mass.Comment: 11 pages, considerably enlarged introduction and motivation, remainder of the paper unchange
