45 research outputs found

    MAELi: Masked Autoencoder for Large-Scale LiDAR Point Clouds

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    The sensing process of large-scale LiDAR point clouds inevitably causes large blind spots, i.e. regions not visible to the sensor. We demonstrate how these inherent sampling properties can be effectively utilized for self-supervised representation learning by designing a highly effective pre-training framework that considerably reduces the need for tedious 3D annotations to train state-of-the-art object detectors. Our Masked AutoEncoder for LiDAR point clouds (MAELi) intuitively leverages the sparsity of LiDAR point clouds in both the encoder and decoder during reconstruction. This results in more expressive and useful initialization, which can be directly applied to downstream perception tasks, such as 3D object detection or semantic segmentation for autonomous driving. In a novel reconstruction approach, MAELi distinguishes between empty and occluded space and employs a new masking strategy that targets the LiDAR's inherent spherical projection. Thereby, without any ground truth whatsoever and trained on single frames only, MAELi obtains an understanding of the underlying 3D scene geometry and semantics. To demonstrate the potential of MAELi, we pre-train backbones in an end-to-end manner and show the effectiveness of our unsupervised pre-trained weights on the tasks of 3D object detection and semantic segmentation.Comment: 16 page

    GACE: Geometry Aware Confidence Enhancement for Black-Box 3D Object Detectors on LiDAR-Data

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    Widely-used LiDAR-based 3D object detectors often neglect fundamental geometric information readily available from the object proposals in their confidence estimation. This is mostly due to architectural design choices, which were often adopted from the 2D image domain, where geometric context is rarely available. In 3D, however, considering the object properties and its surroundings in a holistic way is important to distinguish between true and false positive detections, e.g. occluded pedestrians in a group. To address this, we present GACE, an intuitive and highly efficient method to improve the confidence estimation of a given black-box 3D object detector. We aggregate geometric cues of detections and their spatial relationships, which enables us to properly assess their plausibility and consequently, improve the confidence estimation. This leads to consistent performance gains over a variety of state-of-the-art detectors. Across all evaluated detectors, GACE proves to be especially beneficial for the vulnerable road user classes, i.e. pedestrians and cyclists.Comment: ICCV 2023, code is available at https://github.com/dschinagl/gac

    TAP: Targeted Prompting for Task Adaptive Generation of Textual Training Instances for Visual Classification

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    Vision and Language Models (VLMs), such as CLIP, have enabled visual recognition of a potentially unlimited set of categories described by text prompts. However, for the best visual recognition performance, these models still require tuning to better fit the data distributions of the downstream tasks, in order to overcome the domain shift from the web-based pre-training data. Recently, it has been shown that it is possible to effectively tune VLMs without any paired data, and in particular to effectively improve VLMs visual recognition performance using text-only training data generated by Large Language Models (LLMs). In this paper, we dive deeper into this exciting text-only VLM training approach and explore ways it can be significantly further improved taking the specifics of the downstream task into account when sampling text data from LLMs. In particular, compared to the SOTA text-only VLM training approach, we demonstrate up to 8.4% performance improvement in (cross) domain-specific adaptation, up to 8.7% improvement in fine-grained recognition, and 3.1% overall average improvement in zero-shot classification compared to strong baselines.Comment: Code is available at: https://github.com/jmiemirza/TA

    LaFTer: Label-Free Tuning of Zero-shot Classifier using Language and Unlabeled Image Collections

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    Recently, large-scale pre-trained Vision and Language (VL) models have set a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) in zero-shot visual classification enabling open-vocabulary recognition of potentially unlimited set of categories defined as simple language prompts. However, despite these great advances, the performance of these zeroshot classifiers still falls short of the results of dedicated (closed category set) classifiers trained with supervised fine tuning. In this paper we show, for the first time, how to reduce this gap without any labels and without any paired VL data, using an unlabeled image collection and a set of texts auto-generated using a Large Language Model (LLM) describing the categories of interest and effectively substituting labeled visual instances of those categories. Using our label-free approach, we are able to attain significant performance improvements over the zero-shot performance of the base VL model and other contemporary methods and baselines on a wide variety of datasets, demonstrating absolute improvement of up to 11.7% (3.8% on average) in the label-free setting. Moreover, despite our approach being label-free, we observe 1.3% average gains over leading few-shot prompting baselines that do use 5-shot supervision

    Sit Back and Relax: Learning to Drive Incrementally in All Weather Conditions

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    In autonomous driving scenarios, current object detection models show strong performance when tested in clear weather. However, their performance deteriorates significantly when tested in degrading weather conditions. In addition, even when adapted to perform robustly in a sequence of different weather conditions, they are often unable to perform well in all of them and suffer from catastrophic forgetting. To efficiently mitigate forgetting, we propose Domain-Incremental Learning through Activation Matching (DILAM), which employs unsupervised feature alignment to adapt only the affine parameters of a clear weather pre-trained network to different weather conditions. We propose to store these affine parameters as a memory bank for each weather condition and plug-in their weather-specific parameters during driving (i.e. test time) when the respective weather conditions are encountered. Our memory bank is extremely lightweight, since affine parameters account for less than 2% of a typical object detector. Furthermore, contrary to previous domain-incremental learning approaches, we do not require the weather label when testing and propose to automatically infer the weather condition by a majority voting linear classifier.Comment: Intelligent Vehicle Conference (oral presentation

    MAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Language Knowledge

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    Large scale Vision-Language (VL) models have shown tremendous success in aligning representations between visual and text modalities. This enables remarkable progress in zero-shot recognition, image generation & editing, and many other exciting tasks. However, VL models tend to over-represent objects while paying much less attention to verbs, and require additional tuning on video data for best zero-shot action recognition performance. While previous work relied on large-scale, fully-annotated data, in this work we propose an unsupervised approach. We adapt a VL model for zero-shot and few-shot action recognition using a collection of unlabeled videos and an unpaired action dictionary. Based on that, we leverage Large Language Models and VL models to build a text bag for each unlabeled video via matching, text expansion and captioning. We use those bags in a Multiple Instance Learning setup to adapt an image-text backbone to video data. Although finetuned on unlabeled video data, our resulting models demonstrate high transferability to numerous unseen zero-shot downstream tasks, improving the base VL model performance by up to 14\%, and even comparing favorably to fully-supervised baselines in both zero-shot and few-shot video recognition transfer. The code will be released later at \url{https://github.com/wlin-at/MAXI}.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 202

    MATE: Masked Autoencoders are Online 3D Test-Time Learners

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    We propose MATE, the first Test-Time-Training (TTT) method designed for 3D data. It makes deep networks trained in point cloud classification robust to distribution shifts occurring in test data, which could not be anticipated during training. Like existing TTT methods, which focused on classifying 2D images in the presence of distribution shifts at test-time, MATE also leverages test data for adaptation. Its test-time objective is that of a Masked Autoencoder: Each test point cloud has a large portion of its points removed before it is fed to the network, tasked with reconstructing the full point cloud. Once the network is updated, it is used to classify the point cloud. We test MATE on several 3D object classification datasets and show that it significantly improves robustness of deep networks to several types of corruptions commonly occurring in 3D point clouds. Further, we show that MATE is very efficient in terms of the fraction of points it needs for the adaptation. It can effectively adapt given as few as 5% of tokens of each test sample, which reduces its memory footprint and makes it lightweight. We also highlight that MATE achieves competitive performance by adapting sparingly on the test data, which further reduces its computational overhead, making it ideal for real-time applications.Comment: Minor fix in citation