4 research outputs found

    Bee community and trophic resources in Joinville, Santa Catarina

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    Aiming to verify the relationships between native bees and floral resources in an urban area, their interactions were observed in Joinville, state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Observations were established, lasting 8 hours daily, during different periods from 2009 to 2015. Bees and plants, after preparation, were identified and registered in a database. We sampled 3,073 bees, all of which 1042 were wild native species. The collected bees are included in 34 species and 44 morphospecies (Halictinae-35, Megachilinae-17, Apinae non corbiculate-15, Apinae corbiculate- 10, Andreninae-1). With the exception of Apis mellifera, the most abundant bee taxa sampled were Trigona spinipes (330 individuals), Xylocopa brasilianorum (92) and Pseudaugochlora graminea (92). Euglossini females and species poorly sampled in inventories such as Leiopodus lacertinus, Thygater (Thygater) armandoi, Anthodioctes megachiloides and Coelioxys aculeaticeps were captured. The bees were sampled over 83 botanical species of 38 families. The most visited botanical families were Lamiaceae and Asteraceae. The richness of the studied area is lower than those of other nearby compared places, indicating probably a decrease of the apifauna. The found diversity previews the place as a possible refuge

    Pollinic characterization of Raulinoa echinata R. S. Cowan (Rutaceae), Dyckia brevifolia Baker and Dyckia ibiramensis Reitz (Bromeliaceae), reophyte and saxicolous endemic species of river Itajaí-Açu, Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    Aiming to contribute with elements about the reproduction of the reophytes Raulinoa echinata, Dyckia brevifolia and Dyckia ibiramensis as well as to support their taxonomic definition,  their pollinic characterization was carried out. Fresh pollen grains were prepared by acetolysis. Observations occurred on a light microscope and a scanning electron microscope. Measures were done of the polar (P) and equatorial diameters (E) and thickness of the exine and are expressed as means in micrometers. R. echinata: monad; radial symmetry; medium size; P=49,07±3,33; E=33,95±3,94; prolate (ratio P / E); ambitus subtriangular; 3-aperturated with long colpi and lalongate endoapertures; exine striated with  thickness 1.54 ± 0,32. Dyckia brevifolia: monad; bilateral symmetry; medium size; P=25,16 ± 3,02; E=43,16±3,50 x 28,12±3,26; ambitus elliptical; monoaperturated with one long sulcus; exine reticulate with thickness 1,66 ± 0,31. D. ibiramensis: monad; bilateral symmetry; medium size; P=29,54±3,17; E=42,36±3,60 x 28,43±3,38; ambitus elliptical; monoaperturated with one long sulcus; exine reticulate with thickness 1,73 ± 0,28. Data obtained can allow to verify hydrophily for the three species as well as suggest Raulinoa proximity with Metrodorea and Esenbeckia (both Pilocarpinae) and confirm D. brevifolia e D. ibiramensis to Pitcairnioideae.

    Palynological characterization of species of Verbenaceae J. St.-Hil. and Lamiaceae Martinov (Lamiales Bromhead)

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    Clerodendrum splendens A. Chev., Clerodendrum x speciosum Tiej. & Binn, Clerodendrum thomsonae Balf. F., Clerodendrum ugandense L., Congea tomentosa Roxb., Duranta erecta L., Petrea volubilis L. and Petrea volubilis f. albiflora (Standl.) Standl. pollen grains were acetolyzed, photographed and measured under light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Values presented are averages in micrometers. Grains are monads, radially symmetrical, isopolar, large (C. ugandense, very large, C. tomentosa, small-medium and D. erecta, medium),tricolpate (P. volubilis f. albiflora, dimorphic grains with 3-4 colpus). Ambitus is circular (C. tomentosa and D. erecta, sub-circular, P. volubilis , triangular, P. volubilis f. albiflora, triangular-quadrangular). The form is oblate-spheroidal (C. splendens, C. x speciosum, C. ugandense), prolate-spheroidal (C. thomsonae), prolate (C. tomentosa), suboblate (D. erecta) and oblate (P. volubilis, P. volubilis f. albiflora). Exine thickness is in C. splendens 4,28, C. x speciosum 4,19, C. ugandense 4,33, C. thomsonae 4,18, C. tomentosa 1,4, D. erecta 1,55, P. volubilis 2,49, P. volubilis f. albiflora 2,68. Ornamentation is micro-echinate (C. splendens, C. x speciosum, C. thomsonae), echinate (C. ugandense), reticulate (C. tomentosa), psilate (D. erecta, P. volubilis, P. volubulis f. albiflora). Duranta and Petrea are close to Verbenaceae pattern, Congea to Lamiaceae and Clerodendrum loosely to Lamiaceae

    Fitossociologia comparada da comunidade herbáceo-subarbustiva de restinga em duas geoformações de dunas na planície costeira de Santa Catarina

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    Dunas são geoformações arenosas produzidas exclusivamente pela ação eólica que se dispõem a partir da região pós-praia. Sobre as dunas desenvolvem-se comunidades vegetais de restinga tipicamente herbáceo-subarbustivas condicionadas pelos fatores ambientais limitantes que influenciam sua organização sociológica. O presente estudo objetivou identificar, por meio do levantamento fitossociológico, possíveis diferenças estruturais entre comunidades instaladas em dois tipos de dunas (frontais e parabólicas). Foi alocado um total de 250 unidades amostrais para caracterização dos parâmetros de cobertura e frequência, absolutas e relativas, e valor de importância das espécies amostradas, além de índices de diversidade e similaridade. Foram levantadas 39 espécies, distribuídas em 37 gêneros e 23 famílias, sendo a maior diversidade observada nas dunas parabólicas e a maior dominância nas dunas frontais, além de certa coocorrência de espécies. As famílias mais ricas em espécies foram Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae e Cyperaceae. Os resultados obtidos sinalizam que a organização sociológica das comunidades herbáceo-subarbustivas de restinga sobre dunas frontais e parabólicas difere entre si em diversidade, composição e dominância de espécies, as quais devem ser fortemente influenciadas pelas condições ambientais, principalmente pelo vento, que atuam em diferentes níveis sobre essas comunidades. Tais informações podem contribuir com ações de conservação ambiental e da biodiversidade da restinga ante a elevada pressão antrópica na costa catarinense