73 research outputs found


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    Contramodules are module-like algebraic structures endowed with infinite summation (or, occasionally, integration) operations satisfying natural axioms. Introduced originally by Eilenberg and Moore in 1965 in the case of coalgebras over commutative rings, contramodules experience a small renaissance now after being all but forgotten for three decades between 1970-2000. Here we present a review of various definitions and results related to contramodules (drawing mostly from our monographs and preprints arXiv:0708.3398, arXiv:0905.2621, arXiv:1202.2697, arXiv:1209.2995, arXiv:1512.08119, arXiv:1710.02230, arXiv:1705.04960, arXiv:1808.00937) - including contramodules over corings, topological associative rings, topological Lie algebras and topological groups, semicontramodules over semialgebras, and a "contra version" of the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand category O. Several underived manifestations of the comodule-contramodule correspondence phenomenon are discussed.Comment: LaTeX 2e with pb-diagram and xy-pic; 93 pages, 3 commutative diagrams; v.4: updated to account for the development of the theory over the four years since Spring 2015: introduction updated, references added, Remark 2.2 inserted, Section 3.3 rewritten, Sections 3.7-3.8 adde

    Pseudo-dualizing complexes and pseudo-derived categories

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    The definition of a pseudo-dualizing complex is obtained from that of a dualizing complex by dropping the injective dimension condition, while retaining the finite generatedness and homothety isomorphism conditions. In the specific setting of a pair of associative rings, we show that the datum of a pseudo-dualizing complex induces a triangulated equivalence between a pseudo-coderived category and a pseudo-contraderived category. The latter terms mean triangulated categories standing "in between" the conventional derived category and the coderived or the contraderived category. The constructions of these triangulated categories use appropriate versions of the Auslander and Bass classes of modules. The constructions of derived functors providing the triangulated equivalence are based on a generalization of a technique developed in our previous paper arXiv:1503.05523.Comment: LaTeX 2e with pb-diagram, xy-pic, and tikz-cd, 60 pages, 14+3 commutative diagrams; v.4: sections 10-12 added, new subsections 0.8 and 0.10 inserted in the Introduction; v.5: subsection 0.2 shortened, basic definitions added in section 1, explanations added in the proof of Theorem 4.2, several references added; v.7: misprints corrected, references updated -- this is intended as the final versio
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