8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of underwater running machine in complex rehabilitation of patients with lumbar dorsalgia to improve local microcirculation

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    The authors describe the method of application of underwater running machine in the treatment of patients with lumbar dorsalgia. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of the inclusion of underwater running machine comprehensive rehabilitation program in patients with lumbar dorsalgia to improve the local microcirculation. Material and Methods: The study included 20 patients with lumbar dorsalgia. Results: Application of course of study on an underwater running machine provides patients with lumbosacral dorsopathy pronounced effect on a vascular component. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the use of an underwater treadmill in the complex treatment of patients with lumbosacral dorsopathy is highly effective and pathogenetically substantiated method factor in the local microcirculation and normalizes physiological static position of the spine

    The use of drug-free technologies in patients with chronic toxicochemical bronchitis

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    Aim: development and scientific substantiation of a complex application halo-inhaled and flutter-kinesiotherapy in patients with chronic obstructive toxic chemical bronchitis. Material and methods. There was an examination and treatment of 125 patients with chronic obstructive toxic chemical bronchitis at the age from 32 to 65 years (average age 52.2+3,1) with industrial experience from 5 to 27 years (average age 15.9+3,9). Results. Comparative analysis revealed an advantage of an integrated application halo-inhaled and flutter-kinesiotherapy in patients with chronic obstructive toxic chemical bronchitis as in the I, and that is especially important at the II stage of the disease, which is confirmed by the regression of the main clinical symptoms, a significant decrease in the intensity index of inflammation, recovery to normal values of factors of local immunity broncho-pulmonary system. Conclusion. Developed a comprehensive program including halo-inhaled and flutter-kinesiotherapy in patients with chronic obstructive toxic chemical bronchitis has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immunocorrection effect, improves bronchodilating function and bronchial obstruction in bronchial tubes of large, medium and small caliber. The absence of exacerbations in the past year proves that this method is highly effective secondary prevention of lung disease.</p

    Features of the process of laser welding of cast iron with steel

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    The article presents the results of research on laser welding of cast iron with steel on a robotic laser technological complex. A system of technical vision for precision focusing of laser radiation on the joint of welded elements is presented, which provides control of the movement of the laser beam along the welded joint and adjustment of the radiation power, depending on the temperature of the joint. The welding process is carried out in a protective atmosphere of inert gases. Rough guidance of the beam is carried out by the robotic complex until the point "start of welding"falls into the field of view of the technical vision system, which is built into the process head. Precision positioning of the beam focus on the seam is provided by turning the focusing lens to a certain angle by a piezo actuator. The results of metallographic studies of the welded seam of cast iron and steel are presented

    Experience of an integ rated approach to the rehabilitation of athletes with delayed fracture unions of long bones.

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    Aim. The authors have developed a comprehensive rehabilitation program promotes the formation of a full-fledged callus after fractures of the lower limbs. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of inclusion developed a comprehensive program of rehabilitation in patients with delayed consolidation of long bones. Material and Methods: The study included 10 patients with a diagnosis of fracture in the lower extremity with delayed. Results: Under the influence of a rehabilitation program that includes exercise therapy to individually develop a complex, hydrokinesitherapy, practice on robotic biomechanical complex "KonTreks" exercise on a bicycle ergometer, physiotherapy, was marked by the increase of power and functional parameters of joint and muscular legs. Conclusion: The application of the developed program of rehabilitation treatment of patients with a diagnosis of a fracture in the lower extremities with delayed consolidation is highly effective and pathogenetically substantiated by affecting the speed-strength and power performance of muscles of the lower extremities

    Revisiting the application of integrated physiotherapy in degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system

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    Aim. The authors described a comprehensive program of frozen shoulder treatment, including extracorporeal shock wave therapy and pelotherapy. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the inclusion of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and pelotherapy in rehabilitation of patients with degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Materials and Methods: there had been examined 120 patients during the study. Results: The result of the application of complex physiotherapy normalized indicators of metabolic and electrolyte imbalances that are important in the formation of a therapeutic effect. Conclusion: The application of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and in combination with pelotherapy in patients with scapula-humeral periarthritis is the elimination of metabolic and electrolyte imbalance, which is important in degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal syste

    Measurement of the 242gAm (T1/2=16.02 hour) fission cross section

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    There was performed a cycle of 242gAm fission characteristics measurements with the use of IRT-MEPhI reactor. The 242gAm isotope was produced in the course of irradiating 241Am targets in the experimental channel with the density of neutron flux ≈ 2 ×10131/(cm2.s). Then, with no isolation of americium-242 from the irradiated targets the time dependencies of induced fission fragments yield from the targets were measured. Moreover the irradiated americium targets undertook irradiation in another channel of IRT reactor with the density of thermal neutron flux ≈ 5.6 × 1010 1/(cm2.s). The fission fragments were registered with the aid of dielectric track detectors. In each time dependence of fission fragments an exponent with T1/2=16.02 hour is available; the cross section of 242gAm fission by thermal and resonance neutrons was determined by the intensity of induced fissions with the given half-life. The quantity of 242gAm nuclei in each of irradiated targets was determined basing on accumulation of 242Cm, daughter product of 242gAm decay. Based on the experimental results for the 242gAm nuclide, the evaluations of both the fission cross section by thermal neutrons and the fission resonance integral were obtained