111 research outputs found

    The causal effect of family size on child labor and education

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    This paper investigates the causal relationship between family size and child labor and educationamong brazilian children. More especifically, it analyzes the impact of family size on child labor,school attendance, literacy and school progression. It explores the exogenous variation in familysize driven by the presence of twins in the family. The results are consistent under the reasonableassumption that the instrument is a random event. Using the nationally representative brazilianhousehold survey (Pnad), detrimental effects are found on child labor for boys. Moreover,significant effects are obtained for school progression for girls caused by the exogenous presenceof the young siblings in the household.

    The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Well-Being of Families in Brazil

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    This study examines the impact of the economic crisis occurred in Brazil in the years 1987 to 1991 on the well-being of families. The outcomes of interest are measures of education, health and poverty. Our main findings are that and economic crisis: i) reduces the probability that children of an age to begin school will actually do so, and increases that they will be delayed in school later on compared to other cohorts; ii) crisis increases the probability that a child will die before six months of age compared to other cohorts; and iii) increases the incidence of poverty in general for the overall population and has a strong negative impact among young children. Taken together, the results suggest that, given the absence of solid safety nets at that time, the economic crisis had deleterious effects on the well-being of families.economic crisis, Brazil, family well-being, education, health, and poverty


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    This article focuses on the reform of Social Security in Brazil, initiated in 2003. We estimate the fiscal impact of the original government proposal, as well as of the proposal approved at the House of Representatives, and the final format approved at the Senate. We also estimated both, the balancing contribution rate and the effective contribution rate, in the three phases of the reforming process. Results indicate that although the final impact was considerably reduced from the initial project, a great deal of progress has been made towards both, the reduction of annual Social Security deficit and its transformation into a more equitable system.

    Decentralization And Education Performance: A First View To The Brazilian Process

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    This paper analyses the impact of the decentralization in educational system that is taking place in Brazil inthe last decade, as a result of several laws that encourage municipalities to invest in fundamental education.The proficiency tests undertaken by the government allows to follow some public schools in two points intime. Therefore we were able to create an experimental group with the schools that were under state system inthe SAEB exam and have migrated to the municipality system by the time of Prova Brasil and a control groupwith the schools that were under the state system between the two exams and compare the difference in theirresults using a fixed effect panel data analysis. The difference in difference estimator indicates that there is nosignificant change in the performance of the students.

    Mudanças na Previdência Social: Uma Avaliação dos Efeitos de Reformas Paramétricas no RGPS

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    Neste artigo são quantificados os impactos de algumas reformas paramétricas no Regime Geral de Previdência Social (RGPS). Nas reformas estudadas foram modificados o tempo de contribuição necessário, a idade de aposentadoria e a duração da transição para o novo regime. Também foram estimados efeitos de mudanças no valor do salário mínimo. Foram feitas diversas combinações das alterações nessas variáveis, de forma que é possível analisar seu efeito separado e conjunto. Os resultados mostram que elevações no salário mínimo têm forte impacto sobre as despesas da previdência. Os dados também mostram que prolongar o período de transição não reduz de maneira significativa os impactos da reforma. Esta pode ser uma estratégia do governo para vencer resistências e aprovar medidas de mudança.Previdência Social, Reforma Previdenciária, Reforma Paramétrica, Brasil