22 research outputs found

    Energy recovery from vinery waste: Dust explosion issues

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    The concern about global warming issues and their consequences is more relevant than ever, and the H2020 objectives promoted by the EU are oriented towards generating climate actions and sustainable development. The energy sector constitutes a difficult challenge as it plays a key role in the global warming impact. Its decarbonization is a crucial factor, and significant efforts are needed to find efficient alternatives to fossil fuels in heating/electricity generation. The biomass energy industry could have a contribution to make in the shift to renewable sources; the quest for a suitable material is basically focused on the energy amount that it stores, its availability, logistical considerations, and safety issues. This work deals with the characterization of a wine-waste dust sample, in terms of its chemical composition, fire behavior, and explosion violence. This material could be efficiently used in energy generation (via direct burning as pellets), but scarce information is present in terms of the fire and explosion hazards when it is pulverized. In the following, the material is analyzed through different techniques in order to clearly understand its ignition sensitivity and fire effects; accelerating aging treatment is also used to simulate the sample storage life and determine the ways in which this affects its flammability and likelihood of explosion

    Biomass from winery waste: Evaluation of dust explosion hazards

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    Food and drink supply chains have significant environmental impacts due to their use of resources, emissions, and waste production. An efficient method to reduce this impact is the valorisation of biomass waste through energy recovery by using it as a source of heat. The European energy system faces several fundamental challenges being currently the largest emitter of greenhouse gases due to its large dependence on fossil fuels (mostly natural gas). Therefore, the energy sector's decarbonization will play a central role in achieving a climateneutral economy in Europe. Identifying the suitable material for biofuel is basically focused on the amount of energy that the material stores, availability, and logistic considerations. Sawdust and wood chips have been extensively used as biofuel in recent years, but other promising raw and waste materials could be adopted (with the positive effect of reducing the impact on forestry soil and the food chain). Novel materials bring consequently novel challenges, also regarding their safe use. As an example, a relevant waste flow is produced from wine manufacturing. A solid with high moisture content is obtained from grapes pressing, and it could be reused to produce distillates. The obtained exhausted pomace could be considered among the materials potentially involved in energy recovery. It is also carrying dust explosion hazard, as solid residues could be present in the form of coarse and fine powders. In this work, grape pomace is examined: its explosion safety-related properties are evaluated to define the severity of events in which this material could be ignited. Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE), explosion pressure peak (Pmax), deflagration severity index (KSt), autoignition temperature (MIT), and Volatile Point (VP) are measured according to standard procedures. This material's thermal susceptibility and ignition sensitivity are studied and compared with biomasses from different sources (ligneo-cellulosic and herbaceous)

    Risk assessment of the large-scale hydrogen storage in salt caverns

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    Salt caverns are accepted as an ideal solution for high-pressure hydrogen storage. As well as considering the numerous benefits of the realization of underground hydrogen storage (UHS), such as high energy densities, low leakage rates and big storage volumes, risk analysis of UHS is a required step for assessing the suitability of this technology. In this work, a preliminary quantitative risk assessment (QRA) was performed by starting from the worst-case scenario: rupture at the ground of the riser pipe from the salt cavern to the ground. The influence of hydrogen contamination by bacterial metabolism was studied, considering the composition of the gas contained in the salt caverns as time variable. A bow-tie analysis was used to highlight all the possible causes (basic events) as well as the outcomes (jet fire, unconfined vapor cloud explosion (UVCE), toxic chemical release), and then, consequence and risk analyses were performed. The results showed that a UVCE is the most frequent outcome, but its effect zone decreases with time due to the hydrogen contamination and the higher contents of methane and hydrogen sulfide

    Methodology for risk assessment of COVID-19 pandemic propagation

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    This paper proposes a methodology to perform risk analysis of the virus spread. It is based on the coupling between CFD modelling of bioaerosol dispersion to the calculation of probability of contact events. CFD model of near-field sneeze droplets dispersion is developed to build the SARS-CoV-2 effect zones and to adequately capture the safe distance. The most shared classification of droplets size distribution of sneezes was used. Droplets were modeled through additive heating/evaporation/boiling laws and their impact on the continuous phase was examined. Larger droplets move behind the droplet nuclei front and exhibit greater vertical drop due to the effect of gravity. CFD simulations provided the iso-risk curves extension (i.e., the maximum distance as well as the angle) enclosed by the incident outcome effect zone. To calculate the risk indexes, a fault tree was developed and the probability of transmission assuming as of the top event “COVID-19 infection” was calculated starting from the virus spread curve, as main base case. Four phases of virus spread evolution were identified: initiation, propagation, generalised propagation and termination. For each phase, the maximum allowable close contact was computed, being fixed the values of the acceptable risk index. In particular, it was found that during the propagation case, the maximum allowable close contacts is two, suggesting that at this point lockdown should be activated. The here developed methodology could drive policy containment design to curb spread COVID-19 infection

    On the pyrotechnic ignitors role in dust explosion testing: Comparison between 20 L and 1 m3 explosion vessels

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    Several phenomena (e.g., initial turbulence level, overdriving, underdriving, etc.) affect the measurement of dust explosion parameters in the 20 L and 1 m3 standard test vessels. Estimating the role of each phenomenon is crucial to understand the discrepancies observed over the years between the data collected using these vessels. In this work, we focus on the role of the pyrotechnic ignitors on the pressure trend and the temperature distribution. We run explosion tests in the 20 L vessel to measure the pressure–time history generated by the explosion of pyrotechnic ignitors. Moreover, we performed CFD simulations to simulate the spatial/temporal evolution of the temperature map from the hot core due to the igniter explosion toward the vessel walls. The explosion of the pyrotechnic ignitors shows a significant increase of pressure in the 20 L vessel, suggesting that flame propagation is occurring inside the vessel. Furthermore, the localized increase of temperature due to the ignitor explosions, diffuse, and then uniformize much more rapidly in the 20 L vessel than in the 1 m3 vessel. The flame propagation generated by the ignitors is very relevant in the 20 L sphere leading to the overdriving phenomenon. This result justifies the fact that for many organic dusts, the deflagration index values measured in the 20 L are much higher than those measured in the 1 m3 vessel. CFD simulations show that the hot core generated by the ignitors dissipate much faster in the 20 L vessel than in the 1 m3 vessel, due to the higher turbulence level of the smaller vessel. Therefore, dusts whose combustion is controlled by particle heating are more prone to sustain combustion in the 1 m3 than in the 20 L vessel

    Effect of turbulence spatial distribution on the deflagration index: Comparison between 20 L and 1 m3 vessels

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    In this work, the effect of spatial distribution and values of the turbulent kinetic energy on the pressure-time history and then on the explosion parameters (deflagration index and maximum pressure) was quantified in both the standard vessels (20 L and 1 m3). The turbulent kinetic energy maps were computed in both 20 L and 1 m3 vessels by means of CFD simulations with validated models. Starting from these maps, the turbulent flame propagation of cornstarch was calculated, by means of the software CHEMKIN. Then, the pressure-time history was evaluated and from this, the explosion parameters. Calculations were performed for three cases: not uniform turbulence level as computed from CFD simulations, uniform turbulence level and equal to the maximum value, uniform profile and equal to the minimum value. It was found that the cornstarch in the 20 L vessel get variable classes (St-1, St-2, St-3) with respect to the 1 m3 (St-1). However, simulations performed on increasing the ignition delay time, shown that the same results can be attained only using 260 ms as ignition delay time in the 20 L vessel

    Dust particle sedimentation in the 20 L standard vessel for dust explosion tests

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    According to the current international standards, to perform the correct evaluation of the explosion and flammability parameters, a uniform distribution of the dust particles should be achieved inside the 20 L and/or 1 m3 standard vessels. CFD simulations have shown that in both standard test vessels (20 L and 1 m3), the dust particles are not uniformly dispersed, being mostly concentrated at the edge of the macro-vortices generated by the injection of the fluid and particle through the nozzle. In addition, only a partial fed of the particles is obtained, and dust particles sedimentation phenomena can occur. As a result, the dust participating to the reactive process may be much lower than the expected nominal concentration in the vessel due to sedimentation and incomplete feeding. Consequently, misleading values of the flammability/explosion parameters could be measured. Particle sedimentation and incomplete feeding depends both on the Stokes number and on the Reynolds number, whereas the concentration distribution depends on the turbulence level, the fluid flow maps, and the number of particles which enter into the vessel through the nozzle. The aim of this work is to evaluate the key parameters (particle size, particle density, and fluid velocity) affecting sedimentation and incomplete feeding in 20 L vessel. To this end, CFD simulations of dust dispersion are performed at varying the particle density and size. Operating maps, in terms of the key parameters and/or their dimensionless combinations, are developed and a correlation for correction of the data is proposed

    CFD simulations of the effect of dust diameter on the dispersion in the 1 m3 Explosion Vessel

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    There are at least two main requirements for repeatable and reliable measurements of flammability and explosibility parameters of dusts: A uniform dispersion of solid particles inside the test vessel and a homogeneous degree of turbulence. Measurements of these parameters are performed in spherical vessels (20 L sphere or 1 m3 sphere). In several literature works, it has been shown that, in the standard 20 L sphere, the dust injection system generates a non-uniform dust cloud, while high gradients characterize the turbulent flow field. In our recent work, CFD simulations of flow field and dust concentration distribution in the 1 m3 spherical vessel were carried out and the results compared to the data previously obtained for the 20 L. It has been found that in the 1 m3 vessel, the spatial distribution of the turbulent kinetic energy is lower and much more uniform. Concerning the dust distribution, as in the case of the 20 L, dust is mainly concentrated at the outer zones of the vortices generated inside the vessel. In this work we use the previously validated CFD model to simulate the dust dispersion inside the 1 m3 vessel at different dust diameters. Results show that on increasing the dust diameter, the dust paths are different from those of the fluid flow until the sedimentation effect prevails and the turbulence field becomes similar to the dust-free air case. Since the spatial distribution of the turbulent kinetic energy is lower and much more uniform than in the 20 L sphere, the 1 m3 vessel is less susceptible to variations in the dust intrinsic properties, making parameter measurements more reliable and repeatable

    Risk analysis of sodium hypochlorite production process

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    Sodium hypochlorite poses explosive hazards associated with its complex reactive chemistry. The production process of sodium hypochlorite consists of a first block where the chlorine, caustic soda and hydrogen are produced in an electrolytic cell from brine and a second block where chlorination of caustic soda to form hypochlorite is carried out. This process is characterized by several hazards such as chlorine gas toxicity, explosive hazards due to the presence of hydrogen and chlorine and corrosive hazards. Loss of control of such substances has the potential to cause high-consequence low-probability events. Thus, specific safety measures have to be designed to mitigate risk. In the present work, the risk assessment of the first block of the process is performed, focusing on hydrogen risks. To this end, HAZOP analysis was performed to identify the top events. For each top event, based on properly developed fault trees, the frequency analysis was performed. Eventually, the consequence analysis was carried out by the simulation of phenomena leading to dispersion and consequent ignition of the cloud as function of the distance from the source. Simulations were performed by means of the software PHAST

    CFD simulation of turbulent fluid flow and dust dispersion in the 1 m3 explosion vessel equipped with the rebound nozzle

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    Against dust explosions, all the flammability and explosibility parameters must be evaluated following standard procedures using the 20 L and/or the 1 m3 vessel. Previous results comparing the dust dispersion in the 20 L sphere equipped with rebound or perforated annular nozzle showed that the initial turbulence level, the dust concentration, and the feeding are affected by the type of nozzle used. In this work, a similar investigation was performed on the 1 m3 vessel, simulating the fluid flow evolution which is obtained with the rebound nozzle. Results showed that the 1 m3 vessel equipped with rebound nozzle presents a less uniform degree of turbulence and a higher amount of dust fed, compared to the case of perforated annular nozzle. However, the greatest effect on the initial level of turbulence and turbulent combustion regime is determined by the size of the vessel and not by the type of nozzle used