45 research outputs found

    Valores como predictores de satisfacción con la vida en los jóvenes

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    Numa perspectiva funcionalista, os valores são uma expressão cognitiva das necessidades humanas, princípios que orientam o comportamento para metas mais pessoais, sociais ou gerais de vida, cujo impacto psicossocial merece mais investigação. Neste estudo, analisou-se em que medida o tipo de orientação dos valores prediz a satisfação com a vida de 562 jovens portugueses (n = 303, 53,9% mulheres), com idades entre 14 e 22 anos (M = 16,9, DP = 1,71), que frequentam o ensino médio: via profissionalizante (63,7%) e regular (36,3%). Os jovens completaram o Questionário de Valores Básicos e a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida. Os resultados da análise de regressão linear indicam que a orientação dos valores explica menos de um quarto da variabilidade da satisfação com a vida, o que suscita a necessidade de se analisar o seu poder explicativo em conjunto com outras variáveis, por exemplo, de personalidade e sociocognitivas.In a functionalist perspective, values are a cognitive expression of human needs as well as principles that guide behaviors to personal, social or general life goals, whose psychosocial impact deserves more investigation. This study aimed to analyze whether the type of values orientation predicts life satisfaction in 562 Portuguese youths (n = 303, 53.9% women) aged 14 to 22 years (M = 16.9; SD = 1.71), attending high school studies, being 63.7% technical and (36.3%) regular high school.Students completed the Basic Values Survey and the Satisfaction With Life Scale. The results of the linear regression analyzes indicate that the values orientation explains less than a quarter of life satisfaction variability, which indicated the need to further analyze its explanatory power together with other variables, such as, personality and socio-cognitive.Desde el punto de vista funcional, los valores son una expresión cognitiva de las necesidades humanas, principios que orientan el comportamiento hacia metas más personales, sociales o generales de vida, cuyo impacto psicosocial necesita más investigación. En este estudio se analizó en qué medida el tipo de orientación de los valores predice la satisfacción con la vida de 562 jóvenes portugueses (n = 303, 53.9% mujeres), con edades entre 14 y 22 años ( = 16.9, P = 1.71) que frecuentan Enseñanza Secundaria: profesional (63.7%) y normal (36.3%). Los jóvenes completaron el Cuestionario de Valores Básicos y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida. Los resultados del análisis de regresión lineal indican que la orientación de los valores explica menos de una cuarta parte de la variabilidad de satisfacción con la vida, lo que plantea la necesidad de analizar su poder explicativo, junto con otras variables, por ejemplo, de personalidad y socio-cognitivas.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Work Valence as a Predictor of Academic Achievement in the Family Context

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    This study asserts a theoretical model of academic and work socialization within the family setting. The presumed associations between parents\u2019 work valences, children\u2019s work valences and valence perceptions, and children\u2019s academic interest and achievement are tested. The results suggest that children\u2019s perceptions of parents mediate the relationship between parents\u2019 and children\u2019s self-reported work valences and children\u2019s work valences are, in turn, associated with academic interest and achievement. The results also demonstrate the moderating role of gender, with an indication of parental socialization to work occurring within same-sex parent\u2013 child dyads that is not reflected in cross-sex dyads. Implications and limitations of this study are discussed with a special emphasis on the relatively weak association between parents\u2019 self-reported work valence and their children\u2019s perception of them

    Vocational and overall identity: A person-centered approach in Italian university students

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    Establishing a vocational and overall identity involve defining life altering plans and associated commitments to pursue and achieve them and are, therefore, among the most central aspects of the developmental tasks of late adolescents and emerging adults. In the Italian context, young adults' opportunity to develop coherent and fulfilling future plans are strongly threated by the current distressed economic climate in Italy. Assuming these features of the Italian context can produce specific identity patterns, the present study aimed to contribute to the understanding of overall and vocational identity processes in Italian emerging adults and to explore the relationship between the two domains of identity using a person-centered approach. The study is composed of two parts. The first study assessed the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Vocational Identity Status Assessment (VISA) in a sample of university students from Italy (N = 560). The second study included a cluster analytic approach in order to explore the configuration of both vocational and overall identity domains. The findings suggest that the Italian version of the VISA is a promising tool for assessing vocational identity dimensions in the Italian context. Furthermore, unlike the previous literature, we found different patterns of vocational and overall identity in Italian university students. The findings suggest that the current socio-economic Italian situation may be hindering students' progress toward achieving a vocational identity, especially for freshmen

    Emotionale Aspekte der beruflichen Entwicklung in der Kindheit: Bedeutung und künftige Agenda

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    Childhood is a central period for career and social-emotional development. However, the literature covering childhood career development and the role of emotions in careers is scarce. In this article, we advocate for the consideration of emotions in childhood career development. Emotional aspects of children’s career exploration, key-figures and interests, as well as of childhood antecedents of lifelong career processes are presented. Relations between childhood emotion, behavior, functioning and learning are also presented. Conclusions center on a call for focused study of the role of emotion in childhood career development and how such an agenda will advance the literature.L’enfance est une période centrale pour le développement socio-émotionnel et de carrière. Cependant, la littérature couvrant le développement de carrière dans l’enfance et le rôle des émotions dans les carrières est rare. Dans cet article, nous défendons la prise en considération des émotions dans le développement de carrière dans l’enfance. Les aspects émotionnels de l’exploration de carrière des enfants, les figures-clés et les intérêts, ainsi que les antécédents des processus de carrière dans l’enfance sont présentés. Les relations entre les émotions dans l’enfance, le comportement, le fonctionnement et l’apprentissage sont également présentées. La pertinence de tenir compte des émotions pour faire progresser la littérature et la pratique du développement de carrière dans l’enfance est présentée.La infancia es un periodo fundamental a considerar en la carrera y el desarrollo socioemocional. Sin embargo, la literatura existente basada en el desarrollo de la carrera en la niñez y el papel de las emociones en ella es escasa. En el presente artículo, abogamos por considerar el papel de las emociones en el desarrollo profesional durante la infancia. Para ello, se presentan los aspectos emocionales de la exploración de la carrera de los niños, figuras clave e intereses, así como los antecedentes de los procesos de carrera más tardíos en la vida. Se presentan también las relaciones existentes entre emoción, comportamiento, funcionamiento y el aprendizaje en esta etapa. Se discute la importancia de considerar la emoción con el propósito de producir avances en la literatura y en la práctica del desarrollo de la carrera infantil.Die Kindheit ist ein zentraler Zeitraum für die berufliche sowie sozial-emotionale Entwicklung. Allerdings ist die Literatur, die, die berufliche Entwicklung in der Kindheit und die Rolle der Emotionen in der Karriere abdeckt, knapp. In diesem Artikel setzen wir uns für die Berücksichtigung von Emotionen in der beruflichen Entwicklung in der Kindheit ein. Es werden emotionale Aspekte der Erforschung der Karriere von Kindern, deren Schlüsselzahlen und Interessen vorgestellt, sowie, der Einfluss, von Karriereprozessen in der Kindheit, im späteren Leben. Die Beziehungen zwischen den Emotionen der Kindheit, dem Verhalten, dem Fungieren und dem Lernen werden ebenfalls vorgestellt. Es wird desweiteren, die Relevanz der Emotion um die Literatur und die Praxis der beruflichen Entwicklung in der Kindheit voranzutreiben, diskutiert.The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology supported POPH/FSE and European Union funded this work through a Doctoral Grant (SFRH/BD/84162/2012