14 research outputs found

    Smoothing a rugged protein folding landscape by sequence-based redesign

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    The rugged folding landscapes of functional proteins puts them at risk of misfolding and aggregation. Serine protease inhibitors, or serpins, are paradigms for this delicate balance between function and misfolding. Serpins exist in a metastable state that undergoes a major conformational change in order to inhibit proteases. However, conformational labiality of the native serpin fold renders them susceptible to misfolding, which underlies misfolding diseases such as α1\alpha_1-antitrypsin deficiency. To investigate how serpins balance function and folding, we used consensus design to create conserpin\textit{conserpin}, a synthetic serpin that folds reversibly, is functional, thermostable, and polymerization resistant. Characterization of its structure, folding and dynamics suggest that consensus design has remodeled the folding landscape to reconcile competing requirements for stability and function. This approach may offer general benefits for engineering functional proteins that have risky folding landscapes, including the removal of aggregation-prone intermediates, and modifying scaffolds for use as protein therapeutics.BTP is a Medical Research Council Career Development Fellow. AAN and JJH are supported by the Wellcome Trust (grant number WT 095195). SM acknowledges fellowship support from the Australian Research Council (FT100100960). NAB is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow (110100223). GIW is an Australian Research Council Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award Fellow (DP140100087). AMB is a National Health and Medical Research Senior Research Fellow (1022688). JCW is an NHMRC Senior Principal Research fellow and also acknowledges the support of an ARC Federation Fellowship. We thank the Australian Synchrotron for beam-time and technical assistance. This work was supported by the Multi-modal Australian ScienceS Imaging and Visualisation Environment (MASSIVE) (www.massive.org.au). We acknowledge the Monash Protein Production Unit and Monash Macromolecular Crystallization Facilit

    Smoothing a rugged protein folding landscape by sequence-based redesign

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    The rugged folding landscapes of functional proteins puts them at risk of misfolding and aggregation. Serine protease inhibitors, or serpins, are paradigms for this delicate balance between function and misfolding. Serpins exist in a metastable state that undergoes a major conformational change in order to inhibit proteases. However, conformational labiality of the native serpin fold renders them susceptible to misfolding, which underlies misfolding diseases such as α1-antitrypsin deficiency. To investigate how serpins balance function and folding, we used consensus design to create conserpin, a synthetic serpin that folds reversibly, is functional, thermostable, and polymerization resistant. Characterization of its structure, folding and dynamics suggest that consensus design has remodeled the folding landscape to reconcile competing requirements for stability and function. This approach may offer general benefits for engineering functional proteins that have risky folding landscapes, including the removal of aggregation-prone intermediates, and modifying scaffolds for use as protein therapeutics

    Molecular basis for a new bovine model of Niemann-Pick type C disease

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    Niemann-Pick type C disease is a lysosomal storage disease affecting primarily the nervous system that results in premature death. Here we present the first report and investigation of Niemann-Pick type C disease in Australian Angus/Angus-cross calves. After a preliminary diagnosis of Niemann-Pick type C, samples from two affected calves and two obligate carriers were analysed using single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping and homozygosity mapping, and NPC1 was considered as a positional candidate gene. A likely causal missense variant on chromosome 24 in the NPC1 gene (NM_174758.2:c.2969C>G) was identified by Sanger sequencing of cDNA. SIFT analysis, protein alignment and protein modelling predicted the variant to be deleterious to protein function. Segregation of the variant with disease was confirmed in two additional affected calves and two obligate carrier dams. Genotyping of 403 animals from the original herd identified an estimated allele frequency of 3.5%. The Niemann-Pick type C phenotype was additionally confirmed via biochemical analysis of Lysotracker Green, cholesterol, sphingosine and glycosphingolipids in fibroblast cell cultures originating from two affected calves. The identification of a novel missense variant for Niemann-Pick type C disease in Angus/Angus-cross cattle will enable improved breeding and management of this disease in at-risk populations. The results from this study offer a unique opportunity to further the knowledge of human Niemann-Pick type C disease through the potential availability of a bovine model of disease

    Macromolecular condensation buffers intracellular water potential

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    Optimum protein function and biochemical activity critically depends on water availability because solvent thermodynamics drive protein folding and macromolecular interactions1. Reciprocally, macromolecules restrict the movement of 'structured' water molecules within their hydration layers, reducing the available 'free' bulk solvent and therefore the total thermodynamic potential energy of water, or water potential. Here, within concentrated macromolecular solutions such as the cytosol, we found that modest changes in temperature greatly affect the water potential, and are counteracted by opposing changes in osmotic strength. This duality of temperature and osmotic strength enables simple manipulations of solvent thermodynamics to prevent cell death after extreme cold or heat shock. Physiologically, cells must sustain their activity against fluctuating temperature, pressure and osmotic strength, which impact water availability within seconds. Yet, established mechanisms of water homeostasis act over much slower timescales2,3; we therefore postulated the existence of a rapid compensatory response. We find that this function is performed by water potential-driven changes in macromolecular assembly, particularly biomolecular condensation of intrinsically disordered proteins. The formation and dissolution of biomolecular condensates liberates and captures free water, respectively, quickly counteracting thermal or osmotic perturbations of water potential, which is consequently robustly buffered in the cytoplasm. Our results indicate that biomolecular condensation constitutes an intrinsic biophysical feedback response that rapidly compensates for intracellular osmotic and thermal fluctuations. We suggest that preserving water availability within the concentrated cytosol is an overlooked evolutionary driver of protein (dis)order and function