714 research outputs found

    Principles of Lake Quality Management

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    Detergent and Non-Detergent Phosphorus in Sewage

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    Introduction: Quantitative data on nutrient levels in sewage from homes which are using heavy-duty detergents and which have been restrcited from using such detergents is necessary before rational decisions on the removal of phosphorus from detergetn can be made. Furthermore, the effect of various standard sewage treatment schemes on phosphorus levels should be evaluated to determine the relative cost of such treatment. Then the cost (to society, the environment, and to the taxpayer) of phosphorus removal from detergent and/or from sewage effluents can be estimated and such data utilized to make the appropriate policy decisions. The report herein presented is concerned principally with developing basic data that will provide information as to the changes that occur in concentration, biostimulation, and phosphorus removal efficeincies with and without heavy-duty detergents

    The Effects of Artificial Destratification on the Water Quality and Microbial Populations of Hyrum Reservoir

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    Artificial destratification is being increasingly used in attempts to improve water quality and control eutrophication. Most of the artificial destratification efforts are being conducted by public water supply utilities in efforts to improve reservoir water quality for culinary purposes. At present, artificial destratification is being conducted without a complete understanding of the process or its effects on the reservoir. Whether or not artificial destratification can control algal growth and other microbial processes is a controversial question. The effect of artificial destratification on the microbial flora must be understood if it is to be used effectively as a management tool in the control of water quality. In recent years a blue-green algal bloom has developed during the summer in Hyrum Reservoir. The massive bloom of Aphanizomenon jlos-aquae presents esthetic problems to those using the reservoir for recreational purposes. These esthetic problems have reduced the use of the reservoir for swimming, water skiing, and fishing. It is believed that artificial de stratification, or the destruction of natural stratification obtained through diffused-air aeration, will improve the water quality of the reservoir

    Iron Dynamics in a Gas-Water-Sediment Microcosm

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    Iron dynamics in eutrophic systems were studied in the laboratory utilizing gas-water-Sediment phase sealed microcosms. Sediments from Hyrum Reservoir (2.4 percent iron by weight) were placed in the dark to simulate the hypolimnetic regions of a eutrophic impoundment. Iron both chemically and physically was readily available to microorganisms of the aqueous phase because iron in these systems was soluble. In the light microcosms, which simulated shallow littoral regions of eutrophic impoundments, iron was found in higher aqueous phase concentrations than was predicted chemically and physically; this was rationalized through biological mechanisms. The experiment was conducted in two phases: Phase I lasted 189 days (0 and 0.300 mg NO3–N/1 inputs) and phase II lated 175 days (10mg NO3-N/1 imput). Average light microcosm effluent iron concentrations increased from 0.092 mg FE/1 (Phase I) to 0.246 mg Fe/1 (Phase II) given higher inorganic nitrogen inputs. In Phase II, when nitrogen input into the microcosms ceased (nitrogen perturbations, day 115), aqueous phase iron concentrations in the dark microcosms increased dramatically (0.011 to 0.624 mg Fe/1)

    Iconografia e culto di Nostra Signora D’Itria nella Sardegna Spagnola

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    Il culto di Nostra Signora d’Itria o Odigitria o di Costantinopoli, legato all’icona della Vergine col Bambino venerata a Bisanzio e distrutta nel 1453, pervenne in Occidente in un ampio lasso di tempo, dalle lotte iconoclaste (sec. VIII) fino alla caduta dell’Impero d’Oriente (sec. XV). La Sardegna, insieme alla Puglia e alla Sicilia vanta un culto antico, attestato da documenti materiali a partire dalla metà del XVI secolo e che ha avuto una fioritura straordinaria nel corso del Seicento. Se i dipinti si riallacciano agli schemi iconografici diffusi nelle aree calabresi e siciliane che evocano la processione con l’icona, i gruppi statuari con la Vergine, lo schiavo cristiano e il padrone turco o moro, sembrano ispirarsi a racconti di esclusiva origine locale, forse eventi storici poi mitizzati che hanno assunto un valore universale di salvazione dal pericolo barbaresco, fortemente sentito dalle popolazioni locali lungo tutto il periodo di dominazione spagnola. Nostra Signora d’Itria or Odigitria or Constantinople faith, attached to the icon of Vergin Mary with child worshipped in Bysantium and distroyed in 1453, arrived at The West during a wide lapse of time, from the iconoclast fightings (VIII century) to the Eastern Empire’s fall ( XV century). Sardinia, together with Apulia and Sicily is proud of an ancient faith, certified from materials documents, from the middle of XVI th century and that has had an extraordinary explosion during the six hundred century. If the paintings attach to the iconographic outlines spread to the Sicilian and Calabrian areas that bring to our memory the icon’s procession, the statues groups with the Vergin and the Christian Slave and the Turkish or Mour owner, they seem to get inspiration from exclusive local stories, perhaps historical events then changed into miths that have taken on an universal worth of salvation from the barbaric danger, strongly felt from the local populations during the all Spanish domination. 

    Naturally Occurring Organic Compounds in Eutrophic Hyrum Reservoir, Utah

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    Methods of collecting, concentrating, separating, and identifying organic compounds in natural water systems were studied. The most appropriate methods were applied to a eutrophic reservoir (Hyrum Reservoir, Utah) and resulted in the identification of 27 volatile, organic compounds: Alcohols

    Effects of land use on water quality: Summit Creek, Smithfield, Utah

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    The effects of various land uses on water quality in Summit Creek were evaluated during the period beginning March 13, 1971, and ending October 27, 1971. Potential sources of pollution investigated where: (1) septic tank use, (2) feedlot runoff, (3) urban runoff, (4) rural runoff. Samples were collected from five sampling stations on 16 separate days during the sampling period. Analyses were performed to determine the following constituents: ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, total phosphorus, orthophosphate, coliform bacteria, chloride, suspended solids, volatile suspended solids, total carbon, organic carbon, temperature, and pH. Agricultural activates, including livestock feedlot operations, were identified as the major source of pollutant inputs to Summit Creek. No significant pollutant inputs could be attributed to septic tank use, urban runoff, or rural runoff

    Ecological Implications of Dimethyl Mercury in an Aquatic Food Chain

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    Laboratory studies indicate dimethyl mercury may be a major product of microbial methylation of inorganic mercury. Although another methylation product, monomethyl mercury, has been extensively studied, the physical, chemical, and biologicl factors affecting the transport and food chain distribution of dimethyl mercury have remained unclear. This report presents results of laboratory studies of volatilization rates from water as a function of temperature and mixing conditions, uptake kinetics and equilibrium concentrations in algae
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