28 research outputs found

    Geneflow from GM plants - towards a more quantitative risk assessment

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    Assessing the risks associated with geneflow from GM crops to wild relatives is a significant scientific challenge. Most researchers have focused on assessing the frequency of gene flow, too often on a localized scale, and ignoring the hazards caused by geneflow. To quantify risk, multi-disciplinary research teams need to unite and scale up their studies

    The role of the hair-pencils in Mamaestra brassicae A behavioural, chemical and electrophysiological investigation

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D94196 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Comparison of glass vessels and plastic bags for enclosing living plant parts for headspace analysis

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    Plants release volatile chemicals into their surrounding air space that can affect the physiology of neighboring plants and influence the behavior of insects. In studying these interactions, it is desirable to collect volatiles from plants that have not been excised and are growing under as natural conditions as possible. We compared a vessel of borosilicate glass and Nylon-6 or polyester [poly(ethyleneterephthalate) or PET] cooking bags for enclosing plants during collection of volatiles. A push–pull airflow system was used, and volatiles were trapped on Tenax TA and analyzed by gas chromatography after thermal desorption. Low levels of impurities were found for the glass vessel and polyester bags. Nylon bags contained higher levels and more impurities. Recoveries of standards of 10 plant volatiles were measured in static and dynamic systems. In a static air system, there was good recovery only from the glass vessel. In a dynamic system, there was generally good recovery from both the glass vessel and polyester bags. Recoveries of ?-pinene and (Z)-jasmone were poor throughout. The former was shown to have a very low breakthrough volume on the Tenax TA adsorbent, and the latter may be strongly adsorbed on glass. All three materials were essentially transparent in the IR and visible (photosynthetic) range but with significantly different absorptions in the UV range. In a simulated dynamic entrainment in full sunlight, internal vessel temperatures were higher than ambient by up to 9.5°C in the glass vessel and 7.5°C in the polyester bag. Lower increases in temperature relative to ambient (<1°C) were recorded when entrainments were conducted in the shade. In a field trial, the profiles of volatiles collected from an apple tree infested with rosy apple aphid using a glass vessel and a polyester bag were similar. Polyester bags are recommended as more convenient than glass vessels for the enclosure of plants during the collection of volatiles

    Attack rate and success of the parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae on specialist and generalist feeding aphids

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    Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) is a specialist crucifer feeding aphid and Myzus persicae (Sulzer) is a generalist feeding aphid. The foraging behavior of Diaeretiella rapae (McIntosh), a parasitoid with the ability to parasitize both of these species, was assessed using a series of attack rate and success bioassays, with turnip, Brassica rapa var rapifera, as the host plant. The attack rate of D. rapae was significantly greater on L. erysimi than on M. persicae when aphids were feeding on turnip leaf discs in Petri dishes, irrespective of the aphid species upon which the parasitoids were originally reared. Attack rate bioassays with leaf discs absent, using both satiated and starved aphids, revealed that background chemistry and internal aphid chemistry may have small effects on attack rate. Excision of D. rapae pupae from mummy cases and subsequent use of the fully developed adults in attack rate bioassays showed that cues received by D. rapae at the time of adult emergence provide cues that prime D. rapae to attack L. erysimi at a greater rate than M. persicae. However, the relative success of D. rapae on these two aphid species, in terms of the percentage of attacks resulting in a successful adult parasitoid, was not significantly different

    A comparison of semiochemically mediated interactions involving specialist and generalist Brassica-feeding aphids and the braconid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae

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    Diaeretiella rapae, a parasitoid that predominately specializes in the parasitism of Brassica-feeding aphids, attacks Lipaphis erysimi, a specialist feeding aphid of the Brassicaceae and other families in the Capparales, at a greater rate than the generalist-feeding aphid, Myzus persicae. In this study, we investigated the orientation behavior of D. rapae to the volatile chemicals produced when these two aphid species feed on turnip (Brassica rapa var rapifera). We showed no significant preference orientation behavior to either aphid/turnip complex over the other. Isothiocyanates are among the compounds emitted by plants of the Brassicaceae in response to insect feeding damage, including by aphids. We assessed parasitoid orientation behavior in response to laboratory-formulated isothiocyanates. We tested two formulations and discovered significant orientation toward 3-butenyl isothiocyanate. We also assessed plant and aphid glucosinolate content, and showed large levels of glucosinolate concentration in L. erysimi, whereas there was little change in plant content in response to aphid feeding. Our results suggest that during the process of host location, similar cues may be utilized for locating L. erysimi and M. persicae, whereas the acceptance of hosts and their suitability may involve aspects of nonvolatile aphid chemistry

    Effects of Bt maize-fed prey on the generalist predator Poecilus cupretis L. (Coleoptera : Carabidae)

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    We investigated the effects of transgenic maize (Zea mays) expressing Bacillus thuringienses toxin (Bt maize) on larval and adult Poecilus cupreus carabid beetles in laboratory studies. In no-choice trials, neonate P. cupreus larvae were fed exclusively with Spodoptera littoralis caterpillars, which had been raised on Bt maize. S. littoralis raised on conventional maize or "high quality" Calliphora sp. pupae were fed to the beetle larvae in two control treatments. Bt-maize-fed caterpillar prey increased mortality to 100 within 40 days. The experiment was repeated with 10-day-old beetle larvae. Bt treatment resulted in fewer pupae than in both controls, and in a higher mortality than in the Calliphora control. S. littoralis was suitable as exclusive prey in no-choice tests, at least for 40 days, although prey quality seemed to be low compared to Calliphora pupae. The observed effects are most likely indirect effects due to further reduced nutritional prey quality. However, direct effects cannot be excluded. In the second part of the study, exposure of P. cupreus to Bt intoxicated prey was examined in paired-choice tests. Adult beetles were offered a choice between different prey conditions (frozen and thawed, freshly killed or living), prey types (S. littoralis caterpillars, Calliphorasp. pupae, cereal aphids) and prey treatments (raised on Bt or conventional maize). Living prey was preferred to frozen and dead prey. Caterpillars were only preferred to fly pupae and aphids when living. Prey treatment seemed to be least important for prey selection. The tests showed that P. cupreus ingested caterpillars readily and there was no evidence of them avoiding Bt containing prey, which means exposure in the field could occur. The presented protocols are a first step towards ecological risk assessment for carabid beetles

    Are fecundity and longevity of female Aphelinus abdominalis affected by development in GNA-dosed Macrosiphum euphorbiae?

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    Snowdrop lectin (Galanthus nivalis agglutinin, GNA) confers partial resistance to several aphid species when incorporated into an artificial diet and/or expressed in transgenic potato. First-tier laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to assess the potential effect of GNA on the longevity and fecundity of female parasitoid Aphelinus abdominalis (Dalman) that had developed in Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) fed artificial diet containing 0.1% GNA (w/v). In a previous study it was shown that GNA ingested by A. abdominalis larvae is not acutely toxic. It was also shown that GNA has a host-size mediated effect on parasitoid sex ratio and larval development, but no apparent direct effect. In this study, we report that A. abdominalis larvae that developed in GNA-dosed aphids that were smaller than control aphids of the same age, produced smaller adults with a reduced longevity and fecundity. Aphelinus abdominalis larvae that developed in GNA-dosed aphids older than the control but of the same size, produced adults of similar size that lived as long as the control but had a reduced fecundity. Our results suggest that GNA fed to aphids in artificial diet has both a host-mediated effect (via aphid-size) and a direct effect on adult parasitoid fecundity. It is not known how GNA affects parasitoid larval development and subsequently adult fecundity, but it is hypothesized that GNA acted as an antifeedant to parasitoid larvae, thus disturbing nutrient assimilation and conversion necessary for egg maturation

    The breakdown of trust in decision making about GM crops in a knowledge deficit

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    In a society that is becoming increasingly sceptical of scientific innovation, any novel technological advance which has the potential to dramatically alter some aspect of society will face criticism. Biotechnology is no exception. Trust is crucial for its acceptance, as society lacks both broad scientific understanding and specific. biotechnological knowledge. In recent years, society’s trust in science and scientific regulation has been severely dented. Questions of scientific independence and credibility, the negative impacts of previous innovations, and the contrasting views of experts and society, have all played their part in the diminution of society’s trust of scientific innovation, and the capacity of those charged with regulating these innovations. When it comes to regaining trust, one-way dialogue ‘informing’ society of the regulatory steps taken to ensure safety has been shown not to work. We suggest a more inclusive approach, which incorporates societal concerns within the regulatory assessment in a transparent an explicit way, is needed to rebuild societal trust. While the regulatory process only includes the concerns of scientific experts, there will always be criticisms of its scope and the impartiality of experts and the validity of the underlying science

    The usability of digestate in organic farming

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    As organic farming prohibits the use of synthetic fertilisers, animal slurries and manures must be used. Digestate offers an alternative to these and this study reports on three experiments conducted to determine its usability in terms of: (1) the effect on earthworm populations, (2) its fertilising effects on Italian Ryegrass and wild Creeping Thistle, and (3) the suppression effects digestate has on weed emergence. The results for digestate application to field plots were intermediate between slurry and no treatment for earthworm attraction and wild thistle suppression. In glasshouse trials it led to increased ryegrass growth compared with undigested slurry. Analysis showed that the digestate had improved nitrogen availability, leading to increased plant growth, but a reduced organic matter content compared with the slurry, leading to a positive though less beneficial impact on the earthworms. Digestate therefore provides a suitable fertiliser for organic farming. This suitability could be improved by drying or separation to increase the OM content making its properties closer to those of slurry whilst still retaining the higher content of plant available nitrogen

    Mitigation of indirect environmental effects of GM crops

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    Currently, the UK has no procedure for the approval of novel agricultural practices that is based on environmental risk management principles. Here, we make a first application of the ‘bow-tie’ risk management approach in agriculture, for assessment of land use changes, in a case study of the introduction of genetically modified herbicide tolerant (GMHT) sugar beet. There are agronomic and economic benefits, but indirect environmental harm from increased weed control is a hazard. The Farm Scale Evaluation (FSE) trials demonstrated reduced broad-leaved weed biomass and seed production at the field scale. The simplest mitigation measure is to leave a proportion of rows unsprayed in each GMHT crop field. Our calculations, based on FSE data, show that a maximum of 2% of field area left unsprayed is required to mitigate weed seed production and 4% to mitigate weed biomass production. Tilled margin effects could simply be mitigated by increasing the margin width from 0.5 to 1.5m. Such changes are cheap and simple to implement in farming practices. This case study demonstrates the usefulness of the bow-tie risk management approach and the transparency with which hazards can be addressed. If adopted generally, it would help to enable agriculture to adopt new practices with due environmental precaution