2 research outputs found
Longslit spectroscopy of the starburst galaxy HRG 02401
We investigate in detail the kinematics and morphology of the starburst galaxy HRG 02401. Our observational data were obtained at the 1.6-m OPD/LNA-MCT telescope with longslit spectroscopy. The original image has been enhanced to highlight some substructures and it has shown that HRG 02401 is in phase of active merging with a companion galaxy. The resulting tidal perturbations may have induced the apparent two-armed spiral pattern and driven a substantial fraction of disc gas inwards. We have been able to study the detailed picture of ionized gas motions up to galactocentric distances of 11 kpc and to construct the stellar velocity field for the inner region. Although the optical ring is quite narrow, H(alpha) emission is observed all the way through the center of the galaxy, indicating the presence of an extended gaseous disk. We have estimated nuclear redshift of z = 0.017, corresponding to a heliocentric velocity of 5,206 \pm 13.01 km s(-1). The errors in the聽 fluxes were mostly caused by uncertainties in the placement of the continuum level. Some other physical parameters have been derived whenever possible. All spectra were reduced and analyzed in a homogeneous way with the standard IRAF procedures
Longslit spectroscopy of the peculiar Seyfert 2 galaxy HRG 10103
We present the rst optical longslit spectroscopy for the galaxy HRG 10103, an Sa(r) type peculiar galaxy seen face-on with an asymmetrical elliptical structure. The main goal of this work is to provide the spectral classication of the current object using the `traditional' diagnostic diagrams. However, we also present a diagnostic involving the known emission line ratio R23, usually used to estimate the O/H abundance ratio. The idea is to make a better distinction between the narrow-line AGNs and the H II galaxies. The spectra were obtained in two observatories (OPD-LNA/MCT and Gemini-South) and includes some of the most important emission lines for ionization diagnostic. Based on the observed spectra, HRG 10103 is a Seyfert 2 galaxy with typical line-ratios values in the optical range. We have estimated nuclear redshift of z = 0.039. The resulting reddening values as a function of distance from the nucleus are presented too. The errors in the聽 fluxes were mostly caused by uncertainties in the placement of the continuum level. The rotation curve is typical of spiral disks, rising shallowly and聽 attening at an observed amplitude of about 200 km s^(-1). Some other physical parameters have been derived whenever possible. The spectroscopic data reduction was carried out using the GEMINI.GMOS package as well as the standard IRAF procedures