1,727 research outputs found

    Traumatic rupture of the right atrium with haemopericardium due to blunt car crash accident thoracic trauma, resolved in department of general surgery (Case report)

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    Secţia Chirurgie, Secţia ATI, Spitalul Judeţean de Urgenţă, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, România, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Caz clinic: Autorii prezintă un caz de ruptură de atriu drept în urma unui traumatism toracic închis fără fracturi costale şi fără marca traumatică tegumentară, ca urmare a unui accident rutier. Bolnava în vârstă de 31 de ani este adusă la Spitalul Judeţean de Urgenţă Tr-Severin la circă 30 de minute de la producerea accidentului, prezentând stare generală gravă, colaps vascular periferic, stare comatoasă. Investigaţiile imagistice (ecografie, CT) evidențiază numai hemopericard. S-a intervenit chirurgical prin toracotomie stângă şi sternotomie parţiala. S-a găsit ruptura de auricul drept, pentru care s-a practicat ligatura plăgii auriculare. Perioada postoperatorie a fost fără complicaţii, pacienta a supravieţuit.Clinical case: The authors present a case of the right atrium rupture following a blunt chest injury as a result of a car crash accident, without rib fractures and traumatic marks of skin. The patient aged 31 years is transported to Emergency County Hospital Tr-Severin approximately 30 minutes after trauma, presenting poor general condition, peripheral vascular collapse, and coma. Imaging studies (ultrasound, CT) reveal haemopericardium only. Left thoracotomy and partial sternotomy was performed. Auricle rupture was found, which required ligation of auricle wound. Postoperative period was uneventful, and the patient survived

    Identifying ground displacement trends in Bucharest using InSAR

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    Some of the most popular multi-temporal interferometric techniques used in monitoring surface movements have been applied for capturing the spatial evolution patterns of Bucharest. Three sets of C and X-band single polarized SAR images (Envisat, ERS and TSX) were processed using the PS (Persistent Scatterers) and SBAS (Small BAseline Subset) techniques. The processing results consisted of deformation maps offering an image of the line of sight displacement rates in the past. In both PS and SBAS cases, displacement rates values are of the orders of millimetres. The analysis of possible trends is focused on relevant areas with a potentially interesting historical evolution, such as former clay pits, landfill excavation sites and industrial platforms. The InSAR techniques made it possible for the first time to investigate movements over large urban areas in combination with results derived from classical methodologies (diachronic cartography, geology, geomorphology) and thorough statistical analysis. The analyses lead to a new hypothesis regarding the geological processes that affect the surface evolution patterns in Bucharest.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Long-term ground deformation patterns of Bucharest using multi-temporal InSAR and multivariate dynamic analyses: a possible transpressional system?

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    The aim of this exploratory research is to capture spatial evolution patterns in the Bucharest metropolitan area using sets of single polarised synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite data and multi-temporal radar interferometry. Three sets of SAR data acquired during the years 1992–2010 from ERS-1/-2 and ENVISAT, and 2011–2014 from TerraSAR-X satellites were used in conjunction with the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) and persistent scatterers (PS) high-resolution multi-temporal interferometry (InSAR) techniques to provide maps of line-of-sight displacements. The satellite-based remote sensing results were combined with results derived from classical methodologies (i.e., diachronic cartography) and field research to study possible trends in developments over former clay pits, landfill excavation sites, and industrial parks. The ground displacement trend patterns were analysed using several linear and nonlinear models, and techniques. Trends based on the estimated ground displacement are characterised by long-term memory, indicated by low noise Hurst exponents, which in the long-term form interesting attractors. We hypothesize these attractors to be tectonic stress fields generated by transpressional movements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Проаналізовані поняття та структура політичного іміджу, визначені компоненти ефективного іміджу політика, виділені складові елементи та закономірності побудови сучасної іміджевої стратегії.Analyzed the concept and structure of political image, the image identified components of effective policy, special elements and patterns of modern image strategy

    Phase growth control in low temperature PLD Co: TiO2 films by pressure

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    This paper reports on the structural and optical properties of Co-doped TiO2 thin films grown onto (0001)Al2O3 substrates by non-reactive pulsed laser deposition (PLD) using argon as buffer gas. It is shown that by keeping constant the substrate temperature at as low as 310 degrees C and varying only the background gas pressure between 7 Pa and 70 Pa, it is possible to grow either epitaxial rutile or pure anatase thin films, as well as films with a mixture of both polymorphs. The optical band gaps of the films are red shifted in comparison with the values usually reported for undoped TiO2, which is consistent with n-type doping of the TiO2 matrix. Such band gap red shift brings the absorption edge of the Co-doped TiO2 films into the visible region, which might favour their photocatalytic activity. Furthermore, the band gap red shift depends on the films' phase composition, increasing with the increase of the Urbach energy for increasing rutile content. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Early diagnosis and prompt surgical treatment – the key to favorable results in Boerhaave Syndrome

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    Spitalul Județean de Urgență, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Sindromul Boerhaave (ruptura spontană de esofag toracic) este o patologie greu de diagnosticat și cu mortalitate foarte mare în cazul lipsei tratamentului adecvat, care este chirurgical cât mai precoce. Material și metode: Prezentăm 3 pacienți bărbați, doi în vârstă de 42 ani, al treilea de 72 ani, care au fost internați pentru hematemeză, dureri violente epigastrice, retrosternale și toracice stângi, stare generală de rău, apărute după un efort de vărsătură pe fondul consumului de alcool, emfizem subcutanat cervical bilateral. Diagnosticul a fost suspicionat pe baza anamnezei, examenului clinic, colecției lichidiene pleurale stângi cu aspect tulbure maroniu (cu amilaze crescute) și mai ales radiologic, care a evidențiat pneumomediastin și nivel hidroaeric retrocardiac, confirmat de ingestia de substanță de contrast hidrosolubilă (la un caz). Toți pacienții prezentau deja semne clinice și paraclinice de sepsis, astfel încât la 14, 9, respectiv 16 ore de la momentul estimat al producerii efracției esofagiene, s-a instituit tratamentul chirurgical. Rezultate: Sub anestezie generala s-a efectuat toracotomie posterolaterală stângă cu rezecția coastei VII și prepararea unui lambou pediculat posterior de mușchi intercostal VII. S-a debridat excizional pio-pneumomediastinul și cavitatea pleurală stângă, toaletă abundentă, sutura esofagiană în dublu strat acoperită cu lamboul de mușchi intercostal, dublu drenaj pleural aspirativ, gastrostomie de decompresie și alimentație la primul caz, doar sondă nazo-gastrică – la ultimele două cazuri. Asocierea antibioticoterapiei masive, vasopresororilor și nutriției au contribuit la evoluția favorabilă (clinic și radiologic), cu închiderea gastrostomei peste trei săptămâni la primul pacient. Concluzii: Corelarea datelor anamnestice cu cele radiologice și un înalt grad de suspiciune sunt esențiale pentru stabilirea cât mai precoce a sindromului Boerhaave. În cazurile diagnosticate precoce (ideal sub 12 ore, acceptabil până la 24 ore de la momentul perforației) șansele tratamentului reparator reușit sunt maxime.Background: Boerhaave syndrome (spontaneous rupture of thoracic esophagus) is a condition difficult for diagnosis with very high mortality in the absence of adequate treatment, which is surgically as early as possible. Methods and materials: We present three male patients, two aged 42 years, the third 72 years admitted for hematemesis, epigastric, retrosternal and left thoracic pain, general malaise appeared after a vomiting effort after alcohol consumption, bilateral subcutaneous cervical emphysema. The diagnosis was suspected on the basis of history, physical examination, left pleural cloudy brown collection (with increased amylase level) and especially radiological findings, which revealed pneumomediastinum and retro-cardiac air-fluid level, confirmed by the intake of water-soluble contrast (in one case). All patients already had clinical and laboratory signs of sepsis, so surgical treatment performed at 14, 9 and 16 hours from the estimated time of esophageal rupture. Results: Under general anesthesia, left posterolateral thoracotomy with the VII rib resection and the preparation of a posterior pedicle flap of intercostal muscle were performed. Large debridement of mediastinum and left pleural cavity, abundant lavage was done. Two-plane esophageal closure covered with intercostal muscle flap, double aspiration drainage, gastrostomy for decompression and nutrition in the first case, and only nasogastric tube – in the last two cases. Association of massive antibiotic therapy, vasopressors and nutrition contributed to the favorable (clinical and radiological) outcomes, with gastrostomy closing over three weeks in the first patient. Conclusion: The correlation of anamnestic and radiological data and a high degree of suspicion are essential for establishing the Boerhaave syndrome as early as possible. In cases diagnosed early (better under 12 hours, acceptable up to 24 hours after perforation), the chances of successful reparative treatment are maximal

    KrF pulsed laser deposition of chromium oxide thin films from Cr8O21 targets

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    Chromium oxides, CrxOy, are of great interest due to the wide variety of their technological applications. Among them, CrO2 has been extensively investigated in recent years because it is an attractive compound for use in spintronic heterostructures. However, its synthesis at low temperatures has been a difficult task due to the metastable nature of this oxide. This is indeed essential to ensure interface quality and the ability to coat thermal-sensitive materials such as those envisaged in spintronic devices. Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) is a technique that has the potential to meet the requirements stated above. In this work, we describe our efforts to grow chromium oxide thin films by PLD from Cr8O21 targets, using a KrF excimer laser. The as-deposited films were investigated by X-ray diffraction and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. Structural and chemical composition studies showed that the films consist of a mixture of amorphous chromium oxides exhibiting different stoichiometries depending on the processing parameters, where nanocrystals of mainly Cr2O3 are dispersed. The analyses do not exclude the possibility of co-deposition of Cr2O3 and a low fraction of CrO2

    Renormalization group analysis of the gluon mass equation

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    We carry out a systematic study of the renormalization properties of the integral equation that determines the momentum evolution of the effective gluon mass in pure Yang-Mills theory, without quark effects taken into account. A detailed, all-order analysis of the complete kernel appearing in this particular equation, derived in the Landau gauge, reveals that the renormalization procedure may be accomplished through the sole use of ingredients known from the standard perturbative treatment of the theory, with no additional assumptions. However, the subtle interplay of terms operating at the level of the exact equation gets distorted by the approximations usually employed when evaluating the aforementioned kernel. This fact is reflected in the form of the obtained solutions, for which the deviations from the correct behavior are best quantified by resorting to appropriately defined renormalization-group invariant quantities. This analysis, in turn, provides a solid guiding principle for improving the form of the kernel, and furnishes a well-defined criterion for discriminating between various possibilities. Certain renormalization-group inspired Ansätze for the kernel are then proposed, and their numerical implications are explored in detail. One of the solutions obtained fulfills the theoretical expectations to a high degree of accuracy, yielding a gluon mass that is positive definite throughout the entire range of physical momenta, and displays in the ultraviolet the so-called 'power-law' running, in agreement with standard arguments based on the operator product expansion. Some of the technical difficulties thwarting a more rigorous determination of the kernel are discussed, and possible future directions are briefly mentioned

    The Cytotoxic Effects of Betulin-Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles as Stable Formulations in Normal and Melanoma Cells

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    Gold nanoparticles are currently investigated as theranostics tools in cancer therapy due to their proper biocompatibility and increased efficacy related to the ease to customize the surface properties and to conjugate other molecules. Betulin, [lup-20(29)-ene-3β, 28-diol], is a pentacyclic triterpene that has raised scientific interest due to its antiproliferative effect on several cancer types. Herein we described the synthesis of surface modified betulin-conjugated gold nanoparticles using a slightly modified Turkevich method. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging, dynamic light scattering (DLS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were used for the characterization of obtained gold nanoparticles. Cytotoxic activity and apoptosis assessment were carried out using the MTT and Annexin V/PI apoptosis assays. The results showed that betulin coated gold nanoparticles presented a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect and induced apoptosis in all tested cell lines