9 research outputs found

    Hhistological aspects of thymus in japonese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) from one to 180 days of age

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    Thymus, described from antiquity, has long time been considered a mysterious organ because its role in the body was unknown. The first microscopic description of the thymus belongs to Hassal, and in the first half of the 20th century the thymectomy was performed to treat "myasthenia gravis." In 1962, the role of thymusin the production of T-lymphocytes which are responsible for the cell mediated immunitywas revealed. Bird's thymus represents 2% of the body weight at hatching and continues to develop until the time of sexual maturity. Coturnix japonica is a species used in the laboratory as an experimental animal, and it is economically important because of the nutritional value of the eggs which are recommended to be consumed in various diseases. The japonese quail reaches sexual maturity at the age of 7 weeks when signs of thymic involution should be observed. The present study aimed to describe some histological particular features of thymus in the japonese quail. In the study, 25 quail wereeuthanized at the age of 1, 7, 15, 24 and 60 days for thymus prelevation. The fragments were prepared by paraffin embeding and stained HEA, Giemsa and PAS. This has highlighted some of the particularities of this species. In most species thymus regresses under physiological conditions due to sex hormones action at puberty. The histological aspects obtained in this study demonstrated that in this species the thymus involution was not present even in the individuals sacrificed at the age of 6 months. The dimensions of the cortical and medullary areas of the thymus at 24 and 60 days wereapproximately constant

    Histological structure of the ovary in adult Zebra fish

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    The reproductive system in Zebra fish is intensely analyzed in research, especially in toxicological studies. Therefore, thorough knowledge about normal histology is vital. In our study we have examined 30 adult Zebra fish females with the aim of description the normal morphology and oocytes stages of development. For the gonads examination, histological samples were realized by cutting the fish in cross section or longitudinal section. Samples were fixed in Bouin, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 5Ī¼m, H&E stained and examined at light microscope Olympus CX41. Oocytes in different stages of development were differentiated, measuredand main structures were noted. Primary oocytes were mainly disposed in clusters, had small diameter, intense basophil cytoplasm, big nucleus and multiple nucleoli, whilst the cortical alveoli oocytes had larger diameter, germinative vesicle highly irregular, with pleiomorphic and multiple nucleoli and mainly the formation of cortical alveoli with different forms and sizes. In the vitellogenic stage, the oocytes accumulate vitellogenin, a yolk-precursor protein, by endocytosis in membrane limited yolk bodies. The maturation stage of oocytes includes the fusion of the yolk bodies, the nucleus migration toward the oocyte periphery and nuclear envelope breaks down

    Histological structure of the testis in adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    The reproductive system in Zebra fish is intensely analyzed in research, especially in toxicological studies. Therefore, thorough knowledge about normal histology is vital. In our study we have examined 30 adult Zebra fish females with the aim of description the normal morphology and oocytes stages of development. For the gonads examination, histological samples were realized by cutting the fish in cross section or longitudinal section. Samples were fixed in Bouin, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 5Ī¼m, H&E stained and examined at light microscope Olympus CX41. Oocytes in different stages of development were differentiated, measuredand main structures were noted. Primary oocytes were mainly disposed in clusters, had small diameter, intense basophil cytoplasm, big nucleus and multiple nucleoli, whilst the cortical alveoli oocytes had larger diameter, germinative vesicle highly irregular, with pleiomorphic and multiple nucleoli and mainly the formation of cortical alveoli with different forms and sizes. In the vitellogenic stage, the oocytes accumulate vitellogenin, a yolk-precursor protein, by endocytosis in membrane limited yolk bodies. The maturation stage of oocytes includes the fusion of the yolk bodies, the nucleus migration toward the oocyte periphery and nuclear envelope breaks down

    The neurotoxic effect of deoxynivalenol in chronic intoxication of chickens

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    Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a mycotoxin produced by species of the Fusarium spp. that infects cereals such as corn, wheat, oats, barley, rice etc. stored in improper conditions. DON has a cytotoxic effect, affecting animal and human health, causing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, and fever. Fourty ROS 308 broiler chikens were subchronic intoxicated with DON in order to observe histological changes in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. Following the histological examination, the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum of the experimental lot showed a variable spongy appearance, abnormal aspect neurons, with highly acidophilic, granular, vacuolized cytoplasm and pycnotic nuclei. Also, in neurons from the cerebral cortex, loss of shape and loss of the layers arrangement was observed. These changes explain the altered clinical status of chickens from experimental group throughout the experiment

    Study regarding fruit and vegetable diet and its influence upon oral health

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    Poor and unbalanced diet influences oro-dental health, but in the same time, some disorders of the stomatognathic system (edentation) may produce nourishement changes. Eating disorders may have consequences, sometimes irreversible ones, upon some systems (digestive, immune, cardiac, etc.) and can manifest deficiencies in key moments of human development. In our study, conducted on 35 patients, aged 55-85 years, using a questionnaire food, we watched the frequency of fruit and vegetable consumption. The results highlighted the poor consumption, more obvious in case of the elder persons, the consequences being reflected throughout the body. Nutritional status of patients is sometimes influenced by exogenous factors (educational level, income) so that in case of elder patients may occur malnutrition, that may affect functional capacity of the stomatognathic system

    Hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effect of acrylamide from potato chips in mice

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    Potato chips are considered to be potentially health risk products because they contain several substances with toxic potential effect upon various organs. These snacks contain acrylamide, a multi-organ carcinogenic effect substance and monosodium glutamate, used to improve the taste quality, but which has toxic effects upon several organs. In order to test the effect of potato chips diet upon different organs, two experiment were conducted. In an experiment were used adult mice aged between 4-6 months and in the other young mice of 17-20 days. They were fed for 60 days with potato chips representing 80% of the daily diet. In the first 30 days of experiment the adult mice gain weight, but at the end of the experiment they lost 10-15% from the initial weight measured at the beginning of the experiment. Histopathological modifications were noticed in internal organs of both young and adult mice. Liver presented changes in architecture, necrosis areas, hepatocytes with macrovesicular steatosis, and hydropic degeneration. Into the renal cortex, enlarged glomeruli, mesangial cell proliferation, and reduced urinary spaces were observed along with vascular congestion. Also, in the kidney were noticed renal tubules degeneration, narrow lumens and swelling epithelia. Degenerations were also present in most of intestinal tunics where villi fusion, villi atrophy, modifications in epithelia, in subepithelial connective tissue, and changes in smooth muscle fibers were observed

    Degerative aspects observed in seminiferous tubules in quails (Coturnix Japonica) testis after monosodium glutamate administration in feed

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    Sodium glutamate, an amino acid used as a flavor enhancer, is a controversial substance being incriminated in the appearance of obesity in human populations among others. Its administration in animal feed increases weight gain, but side effects such as decreased fertility and degenerative changes in liver and kidney have been observed. To study the effects of monosodium glutamate toxicity on the male reproductive system, one hundred thirty-four Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica) were divided into 4 groups. Monosodium glutamate was admninistrated for 30 days in different concentrations in 3 groups: 10g/kg feed for group I, 30g/kg feed for group II, 50 g/kg feed for group III. For the individuals in group II and III, was observed the reduction in the number of germline and sperm cells compared to the control group, the presence of degenerative Sertoli cells and spermatic cells with pyknotic nuclei, the presence of vacuoles among seminiferous tubule cells. The degenerative, necrotic and inflammatory changes observed demonstrate the toxic effects of glutamate on male reproductive system and on fertility

    Gradul de satisfacţie al pacienţilor protezaţi amovibil reflectat asupra consumului de fructe şi legume

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    A healthy diet of the elderly is important in improving oral health. But the emergence of editorialism prevents the consumption of diversified foods. A nourishing and varied diet, including vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products and protein, is of great value especially at the elderly. Many patients regard the mobilizable dentures as a sign of aging and therefore accept them hard, and the accommodation process is difficult. After a rather long period of non-protection, when inserting a prosthesis, it is very difficult to chew or speak with it. This is less common in prosthetic patients. Therefore, restoring the integrity of dental arches by applying mobilizable prostheses increases the satisfaction of edent patients during mastication

    Impactul consumului de fructe şi legume asupra sănătăţii orale la adultul tĆ¢năr

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    Frequent consumption of fruit and vegetables has a significant effect both on overall health and oral health status. Young people and adults should respect the principles of good eating habits that will ensure a long-term oral health . There are numerous studies that attest to the decisive importance of daily consumption of fruits and vegetables.They represent the largest deposits of nutrients that nature makes available , in terms of content in dietary fiber , so in cellulose form a basic component of human consumption, the rest being represented by carbohydrates , proteins , lipids , water, vitamins and mineral salts . Fruits and vegetables provide a significant contribution of fiber and antioxidants, essential nutrients that help the body fight heart disease , obesity , various cancers, disorders of the immune system and not least of dental caries and periodontal disease . A number of fruit (apples like) during chewing removes food debris and dental plaque, saliva stimulating and helping to maintain a normal pH.Fruit is a natural food and is most beneficial way of food. Any fruit that is high in vitamin C , helps maintain. Fruits are healthy in their natural state , the preserved parts bring high added sugar in the mouth , favoring the production of cavities. Our study , conducted on a sample of 55 patients , aged between 20 and 35 years , highlights the fact that a relatively small number of patients ( 29 % ) ate fruits and vegetables daily