17 research outputs found

    Steel Structure Apartment Extensions for Existing Large Prefabricated Panel Collective Dwellings

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    AbstractThe Romanian existing building stock of collective dwellings is in a vast majority composed of reinforced concrete large prefabricated panel blocks of flats, erected during Communism. According to the 1992 Census, these standardized and widespread buildings housed almost 60 percent of the urban population of the country.Due to the small, inflexible apartments on one hand and the changing living conditions of the contemporary Romanian society on the other, a need for extending the inner surface of the existing flats has been identified. This situation led to the adoption of technically restrictive ground-floor spatial additions and other vernacular solutions that are being applied to upper stories, some of them not being able to provide, in many cases, any forms of long term structural guarantee to their users.The present paper describes a prefabricated steel structure solution for cantilevered apartment extensions that can be independently attached to the faƧade, as well as some technical connecting details to the existing building. A global structural analysis performed on a virtual model depicting a widespread type of block of flats (Model 770) proves the non-intrusive influence the cantilevered apartment extensions have over the existing buildings, in multiple different scenarios of attachments. Moreover, a FEM analysis of the proposed details further shows the reliability of the examined solution

    The application of natural organic compounds in bakery industry

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    Investigations include the analysis of the impact of commercial products: complex additive (0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%), L-ascorbic acid (0.002, 0.004 and 0.012%), diacetyl ester of tartaric acid with monoglycerides (DATEM E472e, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%), Ī±-amylase (0.002, 0.006 and 0.012%), xylanase (0.004, 0.012 and 0.024%), alcohol extract of rosemary, thyme or sage (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%), as well as the combination of complex additive and rosemary, thyme and sage extract on rheological characteristics of dough. The study includes amylograph, farinograph and extensograph analysis of dough with and without additives (control sample). The volume of lost CO2 gas (mL) is the lowest in dough samples with an added combination of complex additive and thyme extract (0.05 and 0.5%) and rosemary extract (2.0%). In the samples with thyme extract (1.0%) added, the volume of lost gas is at a level of samples with added complex additive, DATEM, and L-ascorbic acid

    Integrated energy efficient cooling solutions for large prefabricated panels collective dwellings from the 1970s

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    The intense urbanization process Romania has known during the industrialization period of the 1960-70s led to an exponential shortage in urban housing. Similar to other countries, but more specifically to the former Eastern block, Romanian state-financed collective dwellings were erected starting from standardized projects of Reinforced Concrete Large Prefabricated Panels (RCLPP) blocks of flats, generating nowadays a particular built stock of identical buildings and several apartment types, widespread throughout the entire country. These buildings currently house 60% of the urban population of Romania that own 96% of the apartments, as opposed to the European trends regarding the number of owner-occupied barely reaching 60%. Even though at not even half of their intended lifespan, the collective dwellings do not satisfy basic comfort conditions such as cooling and ventilation, being in an urge of retrofitting and upgrading. Individually applicable cooling systems undertaken by the owners have proved to be acceptable, but did not, however, contribute to a decrease in the overall energy consumption of the buildings. The present paper analyses the individual cooling systems being currently applied in Romanian apartments as opposed to a global-holistic system on block level, in terms of energy consumption and efficiency, flexibility of owner controlled indoor microclimate. The results show the potential of introducing renewable energy sources as viable alternatives for the existing systems

    Struktura sjajnih prevlaka cinka

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    The structures of bright zinc coatings obtained from acid sulfate solutions in the presenceof dextrin/salicylaldehyde mixture were examined. It was shown by the STM technique that the surfaces of bright zinc coatings are covered by hexagonal zinc crysĀ­tals, the tops of planes of which are flat and mutually parallel and which exhibit smoothĀ­ness on the atomic level. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the bright zinc coatings showed that the zinc crystallites are oriented in the (110) plane only.Ispitana je struktura sjajnih prevlaka cinka istaloženih iz kiselog sulfatnog elektrolita sa dodatkom dekstrina i salicil aldehida. Pokazano je da je povrÅ”ina sjajnih prevlaka pokrivena heksagonalnim kristalima cinka, čiji vrhovi su ravni i međusobno paralelni, i koji su glatki na atomskom nivou. Rendgensko-difrakciona analiza sjajnih prevlaka cinka je pokazala da su kristaliti cinka orijentisani samo u (110) ravni

    Fundamental aspects of pulsating current metal electrodeposition IX: The prevention of spongy deposit formation on inert substrates

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    It is shown that spongy deposits are obtained under d.c. conditions and that compact deposits are obtained in pulsating current (PC) deposition with high pause-to-pulse ratios at the same average current density and deposition time. This is explained by an increased nucleation rate in PC deposition

    Some aspects of current density distribution in electrolytic cells I: Dendritic growth of cadmium at the cathode edge in galvanostatic electrodeposition

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    The equivalent electrical resistance of a cell with plane parallel electrodes is described by a simple mathematical model. The limits of this model were determined experimentally. The relation between the overpotential at the edge and at the middle of the electrode is established. The causes of dendrite occurrence at the edge of the electrode in galvanostatic cadmium deposition are discussed

    Fundamental aspects of pulsating current metal electrodeposition VIII: The effect of pause-to-pulse ratio on microthrowing power of metal deposition

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    The effect of a pulsating current on the microthrowing power of metal deposits in the early stage of deposition was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. It is shown that at the same average current density the microthrowing power of metal deposits increases rapidly with increasing pause-to-pulse ratio

    Therapeutic hypothermia and neurological outcome after cardiac arrest

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    Introduction/Aim. The most important clinically relevant cause of global cerebral ischemia is cardiac arrest. Clinical studies showed a marked neuroprotective effect of mild hypothermia in resuscitation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of mild hypothermia on neurological outcome and survival of the patients in coma, after cardiac arrest and return of spontaneous circulation. Methods. The prospective study was conducted on consecutive comatose patients admitted to our clinic after cardiac arrest and return of spontaneous circulation, between February 2005 and May 2009. The patients were divided into two groups: the patients treated with mild hypothermia and the patients treated conservatively. The intravascular in combination with external method of cooling or only external cooling was used during the first 24 hours, after which spontaneous rewarming started. The endpoints were survival rate and neurological outcome. The neurological outcome was observed with Cerebral Performance Category Scale (CPC). Follow-up was 30 days. Results. The study was conducted on 82 patients: 45 patients (age 57.93 Ā± 14.08 years, 77.8% male) were treated with hypothermia, and 37 patients (age 62.00 Ā± 9.60 years, 67.6% male) were treated conservatively. In the group treated with therapeutic hypothermia protocol, 21 (46.7%) patients had full neurological restitution (CPC 1), 3 (6.7%) patients had good neurologic outcome (CPC 2), 1 (2.2%) patient remained in coma and 20 (44.4%) patients finally died (CPC 5). In the normothermic group 7 (18.9%) patients had full neurological restitution (CPC 1), and 30 (81.1%) patients remained in coma and finally died (CPC 5). Between the two therapeutic groups there was statistically significant difference in frequencies of different neurologic outcome (p = 0.006), specially between the patients with CPC 1 and CPC 5 outcome (p = 0.003). In the group treated with mild hypothermia 23 (51.1%) patients survived, and in the normothermic group 30 (81.1%) patients died, while in the group of survived patients 23 (76.7%) were treated with mild hypothermia (p = 0.003). Conclusion. Mild therapeutic hypothermia applied after cardiac arrest improved neurological outcome and reduced mortality in the studied group of comatose survivors

    The structure of bright zinc coatings

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    The structures of bright zinc coatings obtained from acid sulfate solutions in the presence of dextrin/salicyl aldehyde mixture were examined. It was shown by the STM technique that the surfaces of bright zinc coatings are covered by hexagonal zinc crystals, the tops of planes of which are flat and mutually parallel and which exhibit smoothness on the atomic level. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the bright zinc coatings showed that the zinc crystallites are oriented in the (110) plane only