52 research outputs found

    2017 The Role of Books and Reading in STEM: An Overview of the Benefits for Children and the Opportunities to Enhance the Field

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    In April 2017, STEM Next, in partnership with the Hoag Foundation and the Molina Foundation, commissioned the Institute for Entrepreneurship in Education (IEE) and the Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research at the University of San Diego to provide an overview of literacy learning within the disciplinary context of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). This overview includes (1) a literature review on the benefits of integrating literacy and STEM for elementary and middle-school-aged children, (2) an environmental scan of reading programs, organizations, and materials that focus on Literacy in STEM, and (3) a set of criteria for identifying high-quality STEM reading materials and programs for school-aged children both in school and out of school.https://digital.sandiego.edu/npi-youth/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Problematics of protection of information resources of the enterprise

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    In the modern era of societal advancement, there is a notable reliance on information and communication technologies within engineering centers. This reliance underscores the importance of implementing effective organizational and technical measures to safeguard information resources. Ensuring compliance with necessary security standards and employing certified protective measures is imperative. Protecting the Engineering Center's information involves continuous monitoring and prompt response to any breaches compromising integrity, confidentiality, and availability. Identifying specific vulnerabilities that directly jeopardize these resources is essential. Moreover, safeguarding resources necessitates a comprehensive protection strategy encompassing software, technical, cryptographic, and organizational measures to uphold information security consistently

    Megawatt PV-diesel power stations in the Arctic

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    The work of hybrid energy complexes of significant installed capacity based on photovoltaic and diesel generation in the northern regions of Yakutia is considered. The considerable remoteness of settlements from the country's central energy system, the cargo delivery inaccessibility, as well as extreme climatic conditions determines the use of a hybrid energy complex with continuous diesel generation (without energy storage use)

    Megawatt PV-diesel power stations in the Arctic

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    The work of hybrid energy complexes of significant installed capacity based on photovoltaic and diesel generation in the northern regions of Yakutia is considered. The considerable remoteness of settlements from the country's central energy system, the cargo delivery inaccessibility, as well as extreme climatic conditions determines the use of a hybrid energy complex with continuous diesel generation (without energy storage use)

    AC Generator Paralleling Method

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    The group designed an AC Generator Paralleling System where a three-phase generator would be connected to the grid and allow it to control its supply of real and reactive power to the grid. A synchroscope is used for the determination of any differences in the phase angle between two machines at the time of the synchronization. Materials such as watt meters, resistors, potentiometer, and others were used to design and meet the specifications and standards of the AC Generator Paralleling Method. The group also included a light bulb method in order to check the phase sequence of the two systems. The other aspect of this report is to include the list of different materials that were in use by the group in order to build the system. Cost and fees that were spent by the group would also be included in this report in order to show the cost of each device and other necessary equipment for the project. The next part that would be included in this report is the schematic diagram that would show system connections and their components. The experiment section of the report described the basic working principles of the system and how correctly one should operate a device in order to not get shocked or damage the system. The discussion and conclusion section of this report would summarize the progress and give an estimated time to finish an AC Generator Paralleling Method project


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    Цель. Статья посвящена рассмотрению актуальной проблемы, связанной с пределами установления корреляции между сегментами социального процесса и теми пластами социального процесса, которые учитываются с точки зрения определенного комплекса социальных событий. Возможные миры, понимаемые как возможные реализации настоящей реальности, будут представляться в качестве перспектив сегментов будущего.Метод или методология проведения работы. Основу исследования образуют компаративистский, герменевтический, феноменологический методы, метод системного анализа.Результаты. Результаты работы заключаются в том, что в научной литературе понятия возможности, перспективы и тенденции не имеют четкого концептуального различия. Когда рассматривается социальный процесс, то на приоритетные позиции выступает такая ситуация, при которой момент, связанный с настоящим, нередко конструируют в целом в качестве сегмента настоящего. Возникает некоторая двухсортная онтология, связанная с тем, что исследователь представляет себе определенный параметр, касающийся настоящего времени, причем этот параметр находится внутри определенной хронологии. Предполагается противоречие между тем, как на шкале времени ставить определенные границы между теми или иными сегментами социального процесса, и теми пластами социального процесса, которые учитываются с точки зрения, допустим, определенного комплекса социальных событий. Подобная ситуация не имеет критической противоречивой ситуации, т.к. всегда можно найти корреляцию между определенной границей момента, даже достроить его до метамомента, но представлять себе фрагмент или пласт настоящего времени, который может представлять из себя перспективу в будущем – это будет уже достаточно серьезной идеализацией.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть применены в социальной прагматике сфере социально-политического проектирования и прогнозирования, философии времени.Goal. The article is devoted to topical issues related to the limits of establishing the correlation between the segments of the social process and the social process layers that are counted from the point of view of a particular set of social events. Possible worlds, understood as a possible realization of the present reality, will be presented as perspectives of the future segments.Method or methodology of work. The basis of the research form the comparative, hermeneutic, phenomenological methods, methods of system analysis.Results. The results of the work lies in the fact that in scientific literature the concept of opportunities, prospects and trends do not have clear conceptual differences. When one considers the social process, in a priority position performs such a situation in which the time associated with this, often design overall, the quality of this segment. There is some dukharta ontology related to the fact that the researcher represents a certain parameter in relation to the present time, and this parameter is within the specified chronology. It is assumed contradiction between the way in on the timeline to set definite boundaries between different segments of the social process, and the layers of social process that are considered from the point of view of, say, a certain range of social events. This situation is not critical conflicting situation, because you can always find a correlation between a certain point of time, even to finish it before menomena, but imagine a slice or layer of the present time which can be prospects in the future – it will be quite a serious idealization.The scope of the results. The results of the study can be applied in social pragmatics socio-political design and forecasting, philosophy of time

    Development of an Interprofessional Shared Decision-Making Teaching Tool (IP-SDM-T2)

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    Background: Involving patients and families in the shared decision-making (SDM) process is essential for patient-centered care, including reaching informed decisions. Interprofessional (IP) care teams should understand and apply fundamental elements of the SDM process and recognize contributions and values from all participants, especially those of the patient/family, is central to the overall process. Limited data exists regarding real-time assessment of IP-SDM in the experiential, interprofessional education (IPE) setting. The objectives of this project were to: 1) adapt the previously validated Shared Decision Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) for use as part of a radar visualization tool, the Interprofessional Shared Decision-Making Teaching Tool (IP-SDM-T2), designed for use as part of experiential IPE, 2) describe first impressions of the IP-SDM-T2 using focus groups consisting of interprofessional care team members and learners. Assess potential feasibility, acceptability, usability of the IP-SDM-T2, and 3) identify areas for improvement of IP-SDM-T2 and how the tool may be best utilized in practice and IPE. Methods: This pilot project was deemed exempt by IRBMED (HUM00211261). An interprofessional team adapted the Shared Decision-Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) for use as part of IP patient care versus a 1:1 care between a given physician and patient with two versions, one for care team members and one for patient/family members. The 9 adapted items were then mapped to constructs of SDM (establishing ongoing partnership, information exchange, deliberating on options, deciding and acting on decision). The adapted items were then integrated a radar feedback graphical tool using G Suite (Forms, Sheets, Colab, custom built Radar Chart Generator), where output is a visualization of individual, care team, and patient/family perspective on a given SDM situation. The IP held focus groups sessions, consisting of IP educators and learners from the UM community, where the project team defined IP SDM, oriented participants to the IP-SDM-T2 and radar graphic output, show a video on example clinical scenario with IP SDM, have participants “test drive” IP-SDM-T2, debrief and completed a semi-structured discussion about the tool, followed by an online survey to evaluate usability of the tool and collect demographic data. Quantitative data analysis was completed using descriptive statistics. Thematic analysis is underway for qualitative data from focus group transcriptions. Results: Learner participants (N=15) in the focus groups were mostly from the medical school, while there was a variety of educator (N=6) disciplines represented (medicine, pharmacy, clinical psychology, social work, respiratory therapy). Educators reported a range of 1 to 30 years’ experience as part of an IP care team. Most participants report having learned about SDM in didactic coursework (67%) as well as conferences or guest lecturers (33%). Most participants (57%) report that their IP teams practice SDM “most of the time” or “always”. The median System Usability Scale score was 57.5, which represents need for improvements in usability of the tool from a technical standpoint. General feedback about the IP-SDM-T2 include its potential for use longitudinally in the experiential setting by IP care teams and learners and appreciation for the ability to visualize possible differences between individual, team, and patient/family perspective on SDM. Conclusions: The IP-SDM-T2 may help visualize SDM constructs from a direct patient care scenarios and could be a potential tool that may help measure and foster SDM making among IP teams and learners in the experiential setting. This being a first prototype of the application there are limitation including relatively small sample size and areas for improved user experience. Future directions include mobile app development to improve ease of use and future studies (e.g., RCT study with and without the IP-SDM-T2, a pilot study in a clinical setting with patients (e.g., diabetes counseling).http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/177541/3/100-07 IP-SDM-T2_HPE Poster_Phan Popov Thiel.pdfSEL

    Effects of an interculturally enriched CSCL script on students' attitudes and performance

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    In an attempt to foster collaboration in general as well as to bridge intercultural differences in culturally heterogeneous groups engaged in CSCL, this study introduces an interculturally enriched collaboration script (IECS). A randomized, two-group pretest-posttest research design was used to compare the effects of the IECS with a general collaboration script (CS) on students' collaborative learning in culturally heterogeneous groups in a CSCL environment. In this study, Master students from a university in the Netherlands (74 subjects, representing 22 countries) worked in dyads on an environmental problem about biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas. The results showed that the IECS positively affected students' attitude towards online collaboration and satisfaction with learning processes and outcomes. Student groups in both conditions achieved comparable task performance and exhibited a comparable level of willingness to collaborate online.</p