6 research outputs found

    Microbiota: the missing link in the etiology of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Within its twisted and tight walls, where a hostile and arid environment prevails, the lumen of the digestive tract nests a true microuniverse called the microbiota. The existing relationship between humans and these microorganisms is one in which both benefit, creating a condition called Eubiosis. The dynamic relationship existing between the microbiota and the human body can be affected at various times, leading to an imbalance that may have important implications on health and generating a condition called Disbiosis. Recent studies have highlighted possible links between several diseases with incompletely elucidated etiology and disturbances of the microbiota. In this review we aim to analyze the existing relationship between the imbalances of the gastrointestinal flora and the etiopathogeny inflammatory bowel diseases, a group of diseases whose incidence has increased considerably in recent years

    Microbiota: the missing link in the etiology of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Within its twisted and tight walls, where a hostile and arid environment prevails, the lumen of the digestive tract nests a true microuniverse called the microbiota. The existing relationship between humans and these microorganisms is one in which both benefit, creating a condition called Eubiosis. The dynamic relationship existing between the microbiota and the human body can be affected at various times, leading to an imbalance that may have important implications on health and generating a condition called Disbiosis. Recent studies have highlighted possible links between several diseases with incompletely elucidated etiology and disturbances of the microbiota. In this review we aim to analyze the existing relationship between the imbalances of the gastrointestinal flora and the etiopathogeny inflammatory bowel diseases, a group of diseases whose incidence has increased considerably in recent years

    The relationship between gut microbiota and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in patients with liver cirrhosis - a literature review

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    Gut microbiota is an essential component in the pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis and its complications. There is a direct relationship between the gut and the liver called the gutliver axis through which bacteria can reach the liver through the portal venous blood. However, it remains unclear how bacteria leave the intestine and reach the fluid collection in the abdomen. A series of mechanisms have been postulated to be involved in the pathogenesis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) and other complications of liver cirrhosis, including bacterial translocation, bacterial overgrowth, altered intestinal permeability and dysfunctional immunity. The hepatic function may also be affected by the alteration of intestinal microbiota composition. Current treatment in SBP is antibiotic therapy, but lately, probiotics have been the useful treatment suggested to improve the intestinal barrier and prevent bacterial translocation. However, studies are contradictory regarding their usefulness. In this review, we will summarize the literature data on the pathogenesis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis concerning the existence of a relationship with the microbiota and the useful use of probiotics

    Hepatitis C virus: host, environmental and viral factors promoting spontaneous clearance

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a pathogenic entity which determines inflammation and liver damage through complex immune mechanisms. Although progress has been made in managing the disease course, chronic infection still remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality to this day. Because both acute and chronic infection are often asymptomatic, chronic infection is frequently diagnosed when its complications have developed. In a small proportion of cases, the chronic infection does not develop, the immune system managing to cleanse the body from this silent pathogen in the absence of specific treatment, a process called spontaneous viral clearance, which occurs rarely, in about 20-30 % of cases. A competent immune response that manages to eliminate the virus from the organism was associated with IL-28B genetic polymorphism, female gender, young age, which often lead to clinical manifestations of acute hepatitis after initial exposure. Environmental factors such as limited viral exposure also play an important role. These factors and the mechanisms underlying spontaneous clearance are not fully understood but their action is complementary. In this paper, we review the concept of spontaneous clearance of HCV and assess the factors that have been associated with this clinical outcome of the infection

    Intestinal dysbiosis – a new treatment target in the prevention of colorectal cancer

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    The gastrointestinal microbiome contains at least 100 trillion microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi), whose distribution varies from the mouth to the rectum spatially and temporally throughout one\u27s lifetime. The microbiome benefits from advancing research due to its major role in human health. Studies indicate that its functions are immunity, metabolic processes and mucosal barrier. The disturbances of these functions, dysbiosis, influence physiology, lead to diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity and colon tumorigenesis. The third most common form of cancer, colorectal cancer, is the result of many factors and genes, and although the link between dysbiosis and this type of cancer is poorly characterized, it has been shown that some bacterial species and their metabolites have a critical role in developing colorectal cancer. Also, gut microbiota plays a role in the inflammatory response and immune process perturbations during the progression of colorectal cancer. Some new technologies, such as metagenome sequencing, facilitated the progress by analyzing the metabolic and genetic profile of microbiota, revealing details about the bacterial composition, host interactions, and taxonomic alterations. This review summarizes the studies regarding the link between gut microbiota and colorectal cancer, targeting new therapeutic strategies

    Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: update on diagnosis and treatment

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    Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is a common complication in patients with liver cirrhosis, with an increased risk of mortality. For this reason, a diagnostic paracentesis should be performed in all patients with ascites and clinical features with high diagnostic suspicion. Although literature data abound in identifying new diagnostic markers in serum or ascites, they have not yet been validated. The final diagnosis requires the analysis of ascites and the presence of > 250 mm3 neutrophil polymorphonuclear (PMN) in ascites. If previous data showed that the most common microorganisms identified were represented by gram-negative bacteria, we are currently facing an increase in gram-positive bacteria and multidrug-resistant bacteria. Although prompt and effective treatment is required to prevent outcomes, this becomes challenging as first-line therapies may become ineffective leading to worsening prognosis and increased in-hospital mortality. In this paper we will make a brief review of existing data on the diagnosis and treatment of SBP