10 research outputs found
The article considers the TikTok platform in the context of the forming and reflecting the young people values. The influence of the format and the way of information presentation on the processes of personality formation and socialization is evaluated. The authors reveal a correlation between the nature of the presented information and the values of Generation Z.Рассматривается платформа TikTok в контексте формирования и отражения ценностей молодежи. Оценивается влияние формата и способа подачи информации на процессы становления личности и ее социализации. Обнаруживается взаимосвязь характера транслируемой информации с ценностными установками поколения Z
Использование метода контент-анализа для оценки информационной политики американских СМИ в отношении Ирана
The main principles and fields of using of content analysis are represented in the paper. On the basis of content analysis the main aspects of psychological warfare of American broadcasting companies CNN and Fox News against Iran are identified.В работе освещаются основные направления применения метода контент-анализа, определяется его специфика, выбор ключевых категорий, алгоритм его проведения для получения качественных результатов. На основе метода контент-анализа оценивается информационно-психологическая война, проводимая американскими вещательными корпорациями CNN и FoxNews в отношении Ирана, анализируются ее основные методы
Intercultural communication in the space of higher education: Issues of theory and practice
In the age of information society, new communication technologies bring great and rapid changes in the modern media landscape and development of mass communication. Under the conditions of media convergence and the processes of digitalization, the new kinds of media formats are emerging. One of them is transmedia storytelling. The paper focuses on the etymology of the term 'transmedia storytelling', the issues of difficulty of giving definitions to such concepts as 'convergence', 'transmedia storytelling', 'digitalization', and pays attention to the searches of transmedia projects research methods in the framework of journalism. The matter is that modern media text is a combination of semiotic resources and is presented at different levels: verbal language, image, sound and picture (video). In transmedia storytelling, journalists use a new set of innovative tools: parallax scrolling, a computer graphic effect, creating an immersive experience, maps and graphics; rollover effects; a slideshow of pictures, and others. This multimedia approach creates a so-called immersive effect, a feeling of taking part in the events. As a new format of digital journalism, combining traditions and new trends, transmedia storytelling can be actively used at different media platforms for coverage of current events that take place in modern communication environment. In order to create transmedia storytelling project, journalists need to master new competences and techniques. (c) 2018 Published by Future Academy www.FutureAcademy.org.U
Ключевые направления развития медиасистемы Латвии
In this article, we examined the main development trends of the media system of Latvia, that is happening nowadays. The main and significant issue of Latvian media landscape is that inside of it there are two systems: in Latvian and Russian Languages, that are developing constantly and independently from each other. That’s why the media system is not developing according to the global media trends. We noticed that financial and political dependence of the media is growing and have a negative impact on journalism in general. There is becoming few independent mass media on both Languages. Due to the rapid development of Internet technologies, the media landscape is transforming, and the media convergence is smoother inside the media system. Media convergence is a determining trend in the development of the media system. According to our research, traditional media in Latvian Language are developing more intensively: both traditional and new media are maintained at a fairly high level. Whereas Russian-Language traditional media find new formats for their development preferring the path of going online. Such trends are one of the key in the development of Latvian media system.В настоящей статье мы рассмотрели основные направления в современном развитии медиасистемы Латвии. Особенность медиасистемы страны заключается в том, что в ней параллельно и независимо развиваются СМИ на двух языках: латышском и русском. Это обусловливает специфику развития медиаландшафта страны. Медиасистема страны не развивается согласно общепринятым мировым тенденциям, а имеет ряд особенностей, которые мы выделили в ключевые тенденции. В стране заметно растет финансовая и политическая зависимость СМИ от государства, крупных рекламодателей, что в целом оценивается негативно и ставит под угрозу существование независимой, объективной журналистики на двух языках. За счет стремительного развития интернет-технологий в медиаландшафте происходит трансформация СМИ, процессы конвергенции проходят более плавно и являются детерминирующим направлением развития медиасистемы. Согласно нашему исследованию, традиционные СМИ на латышском языке развиваются более интенсивно: и традиционные, и новые медиа поддерживаются на достаточно высоком уровне. Тогда как русскоязычные традиционные СМИ находят новые форматы для своего развития, предпочитая уходить в интернет-пространство. Такая тенденция перехода в онлайн-пространство является одной из определяющих в развитии медиасистемы Латвии
The Theme of Military Propaganda during the First World War on the Pages of the “Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts” Journal [Тема военной пропаганды в годы Первой мировой войны на страницах журнала «Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts»]
The article attempts to consider publications devoted to military propaganda during the First World War, published in the “Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts” journal. As materials, 12 articles from the “Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts” journal were used, which are devoted to various aspects of the First World War. The journal “Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts” is the only English-language scientific journal in the world that specializes in the history of military propaganda and covers the period from the middle of the XIX to the beginning of the XXI centuries. The journal's the columns are “Articles and messages”, “Weapons of propagandists”, as well as “Letters to the editor”. In methodological terms, the methods of content analysis and historical and chronological were applied in the work. The content analysis method allowed us to analyze all the articles from the journal “Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts” and select those that corresponded to the topic of our study. In turn, thanks to the historical-chronological method, we examined the problem under study in its chronological sequence. In conclusion, the authors state that the topic of military propaganda of the period of the First World War is presented on the pages of the “Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts” journal by twelve articles, which thematically can be divided into three groups: visualization as a source of propaganda, military propaganda as a problem and the weapon of propagandists. Each of them has a pronounced specificity. To the first group we attributed the publication of cartoons and documentary photographs in the materials of the periodical press of the period of the First World War, to the second - publications on the formation of the image of the enemy and the creation of their own patriotic image, and to the third - publications of a technical nature about the use of technical means by propagandists. Copyright © 2022 by Cherkas Global Universit
Rules on parish schools (June 13, 1884): Prerequisites and preparation of the bill [Правила о церковно-приходских школах (13 июня 1884 г.): предпосылки и подготовка законопроекта]
The work analyzes the prerequisites and preparation of the bill “Rules on parish schools” dated June 13, 1884. The main source in this work is the “Rules on parish schools”, which were approved on June 13, 1884 by Emperor Alexander III. The actions of these rules extended on the territory of the Russian Empire, except for the Riga diocese and the Grand Duchy of Finland. The great importance in the work is given to the “Draft statute on parish schools and an explanatory note to it”. The principle of historicism was used in the work, thanks to it all events were considered in a historical sequence. This made it possible to look at the picture of the events taking place as an integral phenomenon, taking into account the specific historical situation. The problem-chronological method is of great importance in the work, which allowed us, while analyzing the complex process of preparation and legislative implementation of the “Rules on parish schools”, to abstract from neighboring events and consider the studied process in its chronological sequence. In conclusion, the authors state that the “Rules on parish schools” published in 1884 became an important milestone in the formation of an extensive network of primary educational institutions of the Russian Empire. With 1884, there was given the substantial resources and government support to the parish education of the Russian Empire, which made it possible, from almost home education of peasant children, to proceed to the implementation of a planned educational process with the consolidation of the status of a parish school on a par with schools of the Ministry of Public Education. Copyright © 2020 by International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research
The expertise in analyzing the regional education systems of the Russian empire (based on the articles of the international network center for fundamental and applied research). Part 1 [Опыт анализа региональных систем образования Российской империи (на материале статей Международного сетевого центра фундаментальных и прикладных исследований). Часть 1]
The history of education in the Russian Empire remains a controversial and politicized topic. If in Soviet times the achievements of the imperial system were ignored, now, on the contrary, there is a certain idealization of it. This article attempts to look at the education system of the Russian Empire as a set of regional education systems, between which there were serious differences. To achieve this goal, statistical data on 5 provinces and 2 Cossack regions were analyzed, and it was concluded that in the middle of the XIX century, indeed, we can talk about different educational systems in the regions of the empire. At the same time, both organizational differences were noted (for example, in some regions, the schools of the Ministry of State Property were more important for the spreading of literacy in general than the schools of the Ministry of Public Education), and qualitative differences (the proportion of children attending schools, even in regions not affected by the Caucasian war, fluctuated several times). As a result, if in some regions (Vologda province, Orenburg Cossack army) educational institutions were already in all significant settlements, then in others – there were very few of them (less than 30 in the area of the Don Army and less than 10 in the Tiflis province). Copyright © 2021 by Cherkas Global University
The expertise in analyzing the regional education systems of the Russian empire (based on the articles of the international network center for fundamental and applied research). Part 2 [Опыт анализа региональных систем образования Российской империи (на материале статей Международного сетевого центра фундаментальных и прикладных исследований). Часть 2]
The history of education in the Russian Empire remains a controversial and politicized topic. If in Soviet times the achievements of the imperial system were ignored, now, on the contrary, there is a certain idealization of it. This article attempts to look at the education system of the Russian Empire as a set of regional education systems, between which there were serious differences. To achieve this goal, statistical data on 5 provinces and 2 Cossack regions were analyzed. It is concluded that by the beginning of the XX century the differences between the regional education systems of the Russian Empire have significantly leveled off. Thus, in all the regions under consideration, two school systems were functioning in parallel - the schools of the Ministry of Public Education and the schools of the spiritual department. In addition, in 3 regions out of 7 examined, approximately the same proportion of school-age children (about 40 %) studied. However, the differences between regional education systems remained, moreover, two ways of their further development were outlined: either continuing to increase the number of schools and students in order to achieve universal primary education, or improving the quality of education by closing the worst schools. © 2021 International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research. All rights reserved