35 research outputs found
Mastitis Acuta in a Pure Breed Cane Corso female. A Case Report
Data regarding bitch mastitis is fairly scarce compared to the literature regarding ruminant mastitis. Neglecting clinical and subclinical cases of mastitis can be life threatening for both dam and puppies. The aim of this report is to present a case of Mastitis acuta complicated with a case of neonatal septicaemia in a Cane Corso (Canis lupus familiaris L.) pure breed female. Laboratory assays showed a milk pH value of 7.5, milk cytology revealed the presence of segmented neutrophils, while foamy cells, phagocytosis and highly pathogenic bacteria (i.e. Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) were isolated from milk and puppy. To the author's knowledge, this is the first case of bitch mastitis linked to neonatal septicaemia with mixed E. coli and P. aeruginosa infection
How Reliable Are Laboratory Test When Diagnosing Bitch Mastitis?
Canine mastitis represents a major threat for both pups and nursing bitch. If left untreated, it can complicate with neonatal death, sepsis, and mastitis gangrenosa; for this reason quick and accurate diagnosis and treatment initiation are crucial health restoration. Even though mastitis is considered to be an emergency, most of the time it is overlooked. Henceforth, clinicians should be aware of the clinical importance of mastitis and that laboratory assays such as milk pH, cytology, and biochemistry (milk and serum) are of high utility. Furthermore, milk microbiology and susceptibility tests are still important since they bring additional information about the pathogenesis and the treatment possibilities
Clinically Considerations About Induced Experimental Periodontitis in Rats Treated by Photodynamic Therapy
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the soft and hard tissue supporting the tooth, favoring the adhesion of bacteria that can generate dental laxity and bone resorption. This study aimed to test an experimental protocol for inducing periodontitis which allows a close clinical assessment and to evaluate the effectiveness of a photodynamic therapy (PDT) protocol to reverse the associated clinical signs. Fifteen Wistar male rats were used for this study, divided into three equal groups. Tooth scaling, rooting and planning of the first superior left molar were performed in all rats, causing the displacement of the gingiva in order to create an accumulation of plaque. A 5-0 cotton ligature was placed, provoking an inflammatory response removed after ten days. One group received one session of PDT; another group received 3 PDT; the last one represented the control group, with no treatment. Clinical evaluation was represented by assessing the body weight, mobility index and bleeding. A rat grimace scale was used to determine the pain. The results showed clinical aspects of periodontitis and healing tissue proved microscopically. The tested procedure can provide all the key biological factors present in periodontal disease and an option for reversing the clinical aspects
One4all—A New SCADA Approach
The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a new concept, named “one4all” in the realm of SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, used by a regional company (particularly a water supplying company) for managing the different views of its users. As a secondary purpose, the paper presents an integration of such an SCADA system with a GIS (Geographical Information System) system. All the regional water supply companies in Romania manage water and wastewater networks, many sensors and actuators, dozens of water pump plants, several water treatment and wastewater plants, tanks and many hydrophores in different parts of their operating range. Due to the wide geographical operating range, an SCADA system needs to be put in place, but the management of such a system in a traditional way is hard to implement, especially when the human resource is low. The methodology presented in this paper, involving adding helper tables and dynamic template windows within an SCADA tool (“one4all” tool), will show how efficiently the human resource can be used. Additionally, the paper shows that companies as described above, can use a single SCADA system that generates different views for all the managed sub regions instead of different systems for every sub region. Implementing only one SCADA system built with the concept “one4all” in mind, and integrating it with a GIS system that is built on the same principle, represents a new approach that will bring value to any organization willing to adopt it. The concept of “one4all”, implemented as a software tool for an SCADA system, is a new concept that will help any developer to easily build applications that generate different views for different users based on their permissions and their operating range. Finally, the paper presents some examples of the same concept, implemented in a different vertical (GIS) and programming language, thus presenting that a “one4all” concept is viable and helpful, bringing value to the information technology industry
THE European Union (EU) hosts some of the world’s most developed waste management systems and an ambitious policy commitment to the Circular Economy. The existence of informal recycling and re-use activities in Europe has been vigorously denied until quite recently, and remains a very challenging subject for the European solid waste management sector, as well as for European government and private institutions. In countries ranging from Malta to Macedonia and from France to Turkey, informal recyclers excluded from legal recycling niches increasingly collide with formalised and controlled EU approaches to urban waste management, packaging recovery schemes, formal re-use enterprises, and extended producer responsibility systems.This review focuses on the period from 2004 through the first half of 2016. The 78 sources on European (and neighbouring) informal recycling and re-use are contextualised with global sources and experience. The articles focus on informal recovery in and at the borders of the European Union, document the conflicts and collisions, and elaborate some constructive approaches towards legalisation, integration, and reconciliation. The overarching recommendation, to locate the issue of informal recovery and integration in the framework of the European Circular Economy Package, is supported by four specific pillars of an integration strategy: documentation, legalisation, occupational and enterprise recognition, and preparation for structural integration.Evropska unija ima jedan od najrazvijenijih sistema upravljanja otpadom na svetu i ambiciozno postavljenu politiku cirkularne (kružne) ekonomije. Postojanje neformalnih oblika reciklaže, tretiranja i ponovnog korišćenja otpada u Evropi je do nedavno osporavano, tako da ove aktivnosti i dalje predstavljaju veliki izazov za evropski sektor upravljanja čvrstim otpadom, kao i za evropske vlade i privatne institucije. U mnogim zemljama Evropske unije, od Malte do Makedonije, od Francuske do Turske, neformalni recikleri (sakupljači i prerađivači otpada) su potpuno isključeni iz reciklažnog sektora, pa se sve više suočavaju i sukobljavaju sa prilično formalizovanim i kontrolisanim pristupom koji Evropska unija ima u pogledu upravljanja otpadom u urbanim sredinama, programa za reciklažu ambalaže, formalnih preduzeća za preradu otpada i proširenih sistema odgovornosti proizvođača.Ovaj rad pokriva period od 2004. godine do prve polovine 2016. godine. U radu se daje pregled 78 dokumenata koji regulišu pitanje neformalne reciklaže i prerade otpada u Evropskoj uniji i susednim državama, u kontekstu globalnih smernica i iskustava. Nakon pregleda izvora koji se odnose na neformalne vidove reciklaže u Evropskoj uniji i na granicama Evropske unije, u radu se evidentiraju sporna pitanja i sukobi nastali u ovoj oblasti, i prikazuju neki konstruktivni pristupi legalizaciji, integraciji i pomirenju sukobljenih strana. Ključne preporuke u pogledu adekvatnog pozicioniranje pitanja neformalnih vidova reciklaže i njihovog uključivanja u Evropski paket mera za uvođenje kružne ekonomije nedvosmisleno su utvrđene u okvirima četiri stuba strategije integracije: dokumentacija, legalizacija, priznavanje zanimanja i preduzeća, i priprema za strukuralnu integraciju