310 research outputs found


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    Ragusa and Vlad III Draculia\u27s Last Wallachian Rule

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    U radu se raspravlja o izvještaju o događajima na europskoj i azijskoj granici s Osmanskim Carstvom kojeg je Dubrovačka Republika poslala mletačkom duždu na kraju siječnja 1474. godine. Izvještaj nam pruža podatke o prvom pokušaju ugarskog vraćanja na vlaški tron, preko Moldavije, Vlada III. zvanog Draculia (od studenoga 1473. nadalje), koji se dogodio prije “službenog završetka” ugarskog zatočeništva samog vojvode (od studenog/prosinca 1462. nadalje). Inicijativa je očigledno bila dio šireg plana kralja Matije Korvina da si osigura mjesto na jugoistočnim (dunavskim i crnomorskim) i jugozapadnim (balkanskim i jadranskim) granicama svog dominiuma.Roughly a week before Ali Mihaloğlu, the bey of Vidin and Smederevo, raided Oradea (7-8 February 1474), the connecting area between Hungary proper and the Voivodate of Transylvania, the Commune of Dubrovnik/Ragusa, at that time vassal to both Ottoman sultan Mehmed II and to Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary, informed Venetian Doge Nicolò Marcello, ruler of her Adriatic neighbour, about the most recent developments at the Porte, as well as at both the Porte\u27s Asian and European borders (31 January 1474). From the latest news on Usun Hassan, still viewed by some as Christendom\u27s main anti-Ottoman hope (in spite of the crippling losses he had suffered in August 1473), the commune moved on – in her message to Venice (earlier Usun’s main supporter) – to the combats in Vlachia Maior (Wallachia proper), recently invaded by Stephen III the Great of Moldavia (8-30 November 1473). The information had likewise been provided by the Ragusan envoys to the Porte, who had just returned to the Adriatic, after departing from Constantinople (Istanbul) on 28 December 1473. With Venice waging an increasingly desperate war against Mehmed (for ten years and counting), the task of conveying Ottoman inside information was very delicate for tribute paying Dubrovnik. The Ragusan message is the only extant known source to state that Stephen III the Great had won Wallachia from Radu III the Handsome for the benefit of Vlad III the Impaller. The rest of the known sources (however chronicles, not documents) claim that Stephen enthroned Basarab III Laiotă as ruler of Wallachia (Laiotă was his Wallachian ruler of choice until autumn 1474). Ragusa’s Venetian message bluntly contradicts the known contemporary data on Stephen III’s intervention in Wallachia in November 1473 and on the subsequent events, data preserved only in the chronicles of Stephen III (chiefly in the Moldavian-German Chronicle intended for Habsburg subjects, around 1499-1500) and in the writings of Jan Długosz (notoriously hostile towards the Hunyadi)

    Applied Craniometry for Dog Skulls from the Pecica-„Șanțul Mare” (Arad County) and Sântion (Bihor County) Bronze Age Sites

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    The present study deals with the craniometrical investigation carried on 4 dog crania originating from archaeological diggings dated from Bronze Age in Pecica-„Șanțul Mare”(Arad County) and Sântion (Bihor County). In order to determine the typology of the crania, the classical osteometrical methods were applied, with several cranian point measurements. The cranial, the cranian and facial indices helped us in the morphometrical characterisation of the canid skulls studied. Our results show the prevalence of the mesocephalic individuals in Pecica-„Șanțul Mare” and Sântion

    Research Concerning the Fighting of Polystigma rubrum Fungi under the Climate Conditions of Șomcuta Mare Area

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    In this study, our goal was to survey the influence of the climate conditions, the behavior of the Centenar and Anna Spath varieties on the attack of the Polystigma rubrum fungi during the two experimental years (2013, 2014), in order to make recommendations for new plantations. Nine fungicides were tested, being determined their biologic efficiency, in order to identify the most efficient products. The experimental research was performed during 2013 and 2014, in a fruit tree farm belonging to SC Pomicola SA trade company in Somcuta Mare, Maramures county. The attack was calculated by determining the frequency, intensity and the attack degree. The agrometeorological data were recorded using the AgroExpert system, for surveying the biology of fungi. The linear-interrupted laying method was used, each made up of 5 plants/variant in three repetitions/product. The biologic efficiency of the tested products was lower at the Anna Spath variety than at the Centenar variety due to its sensitivity; the recommended products: Folicur Solo 250EW, Dithane M45 and Syllit 400 SC were the most efficient in the fungi combating

    Intellectual Capital Policy in Universities. Case study: "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania

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    This paper concentrates on the problems about the current state of intellectual property and, especially, on the necessity of the implementation of an intellectual property policy in "Lucian Blaga" University which is a comprehensive University. A case study was carried out in which such a policy was proposed, following the in-depth study on the policies of four Universities from the entire world by making a comparative analysis with the policy that WIPO (Worlds Intellectual Property Organization) has elaborated on as an example. By the work in question, it was intended to reflect the most important aspects that need to be taken into consideration when elaborating on an intellectual property policy: the objectives, purpose, possession is use of intellectual property, the involvement of students and teachers in research and in the spin-out companies, the use of the University resources and facilities, the directorship, the conflicts of interest, the revenue distribution and the procedure for assigning the intellectual property rights

    HPLC Method Validation for Simultaneous Determination of Three Mycotoxins from Corn Seeds

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    A new HPLC optimized method for simultaneous determination of some mycotoxins by separation and using a Dionex UltiMate3000 modular system, with multichannel UV detector was developed and validated. The method optimization was performed to determine simultaneously, several relevant mycotoxins from corn seeds that were stored over 8 months. The mycotoxins selected for quantification were: aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A and zearalenone. They were selected due to their high concentration in the fodder. For the development stages of the HPLC method, it was introduced an internal standard to have accurate results. Taking into account that the analytes should be extracted from the complex matrix they reside, an extraction procedure was performed, using organic solvents, and the selection after repeated tests demonstrated the best capacity for ethyl acetate. The recovery is about 60–70 % after the extraction process also there is a good preconcentration (×2.5) of the analytes and the internal standard for their quantification. The limit of quantification (LOQ) obtained by chromatographic parameters optimization, for aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A were about 3–5 μg kg–1 and 14.4 μg kg–1 for zearalenone of raw biological material, making these values lower than those accepted by the actual normatives and regulations. (doi: 10.5562/cca1788

    Monitoring the Edible Chestnut Bark Cancer (Cryphonectria Parasitica) and its Prevention and Combat Measures in the Pedoclimatic Conditions of the Baia Mare Basin

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    Our research aims to assess the chestnut tree health status in three various locations: Baia Mare, Tauti Magheraus, Baia Sprie, in order to find the most efficient methods to prevent and to combat the bark cancer which develops in the clime conditions of Baia Mare basin. The primary assessment was performed through the determination of the attack degree (AD %), of its frequency (F%) and its intensity (I%) . We took in observation 10 chestnut trees from each location. We determined the number and size of both trunk and branches lesions for each chestnut tree. The intensity of the attack in the three studied areas ranked from the highest intensity 47.5% for Baia Sprie location followed by the intensity of 33.0 % for Tautii Magheraus, to the intensity of 26.5% for Baia Mare. Our analysis performed after the administration of the combat chemical method, we found that this measure was not efficient because the infection did not diminish; thus we recommend the dry chestnut tree elimination, its hygiene cuts, using the biologic combat