3 research outputs found


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    Objective: To develop and characterize ginger oil loaded solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) for enhancement of its stability. Methods: Ginger oil loaded SLNs were prepared in four different batches by double emulsification method using different concentrations of soya lecithin and Tween 80. Further, these batches were characterized for particle size, zeta potential, drug entrapment efficiency and in vitro release study. After observing the results, batch F4 was further characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Transmission Electron Spectroscopy (TEM) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). In addition the optimized batch was subjected to anti-microbial study. Finally, stability studies were done by storing the F4 formulation at accelerated condition, room temperature, refrigerated temperature and photostability were performed by exposing the formulation to UV/fluorescence lamp for 6 mo. Results: The encapsulation efficiency of various batches of SLNs was in the range of 79.75 to 90.24%. The size ranges varied between 50 to 1000 nm. Zeta potential of all formulations was found to be in the range of-44.52 to-49.37 mV. The FTIR spectra of optimized F4 batch indicated no significant structural changes or complexation reactions between drug and excipients. Moreover, TEM image of displayed spherical shape with smooth surface. In vitro drug release study exhibited 95% drug release up to 12 h which indicated suitability of formulation. Thus F4 batch formulation stored at room temperature and refrigerated conditions was found most stable while, accelerated and photostability samples were found to be most susceptible in comparison. Conclusion: The physicochemical stability of ginger oil extract was enhanced by loading it into solid lipid nanocarriers; the resulting SLNs also showed good antimicrobial potential against Klebsiella pneumonia throughout storage conditions

    Fizikokemijska karakterizacija čvrstih disperzijskih sustava tadalafila s poloksamerom 407

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    Dissolution behaviour of a poorly water-soluble drug, tadalafil, from its solid dispersion systems with poloxamer 407 has been investigated. Solid dispersion systems of tadalafil were prepared with poloxamer 407 in 1:0.5, 1:1.5 and 1:2.5 ratios using the melting method. Characterization of binary systems with FTIR and powder XRPD studies demonstrated the presence of strong hydrogen bonding interactions, a significant decrease in crystallinity and the possibility of existence of amorphous entities of the drug. In the binary systems tested, 1:0.5 proportion of tadalafil/poloxamer 407 showed rapid dissolution of tadalafil (DE30 70.9 ± 3.6 %). In contrast, higher proportions of poloxamer 407 (1:1.5 and 1:2.5) offered no advantage towards dissolution enhancement of the drug from corresponding binary systems indicating altered rheological characteristics of the polymer, at its higher concentration, which might have retarded the release rate of tadalafil.U radu je ispitivano oslobađanje u vodi teško topljivog lijeka tadalafila iz čvrstih disperzijskih sustava. Ti sustavi pripravljeni su s poloksamerom 407 u omjeru lijeka i polimera 1:0,5, 1:1,5 i 1:2,5, koristeći metodu taljenja. Karakterizacija binarnih sustava s FTIR i rendgenskom difrakcijom praha XRD ukazuje na prisutnost snažnih vodikovih veza, značajno smanjenje kristaliničnosti i moguću prisutnost amorfnog lijeka. Iz binarnog sustava tadalafil/poloksamer 1:0,5 oslobađanje ljekovite tvari je brzo (DE30 70,9 ± 3,6 %). Nasuprot tome, iz pripravaka s višim omjerima lijeka i polimera (1:1,5 i 1:2,5) oslobađanje ljekovite tvari nije povećano. Usporavanje oslobađanja tadalafila moglo bi biti posljedicom promjene reoloških svojstava polimera pri višim koncentracijama

    Spectrophotometric Estimation of Bicalutamide in Tablets

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    A simple, sensitive, rapid, accurate and precise spectrophotometric method has been developed for the estimation of bicalutamide in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage forms. Bicalutamide shows maximum absorbance at 272 nm with molar absorptivity of 2.3399×104 l/mol/cm. Beer's law was obeyed in the concentration range of 1.5-18 μg/ml. The limit of detection and limit of quantification were found to be 0.1 and 0.4 μg/ml, respectively. Results of analysis were validated statistically and by recovery studies