1,211 research outputs found

    Eliminating spurious velocities in the free energy lattice Boltzmann method

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    Spurious velocities are unphysical currents that appear close to curved interfaces in diffuse interface methods. We analyse the causes of these spurious velocities in the free energy lattice Boltzmann algorithm. By making a suitable choice of the equilibrium distribution, and by finding the best way to numerically calculate derivatives, we show that these velocities may be decreased by an order of magnitude compared to previous models. Furthermore, we propose a momentum conserving forcing method that reduces spurious velocities by another factor of ~5. In three dimensions we find that 19 velocity vectors is the minimum number necessary.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Radio and X-ray observations of an exceptional radio flare in the extreme z=4.72 blazar GB B1428+4217

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    We report on the extreme behaviour of the high redshift blazar GB B1428+4217 at z=4.72. A continued programme of radio measurements has revealed an exceptional flare in the lightcurve, with the 15.2 GHz flux density rising by a factor ~3 from ~140 mJy to ~430 mJy in a rest-frame timescale of only ~4 months -- much larger than any previous flares observed in this source. In addition to new measurements of the 1.4-43 GHz radio spectrum we also present the analysis and results of a target-of-opportunity X-ray observation using XMM-Newton, made close to the peak in radio flux. Although the X-ray data do not show a flare in the high energy lightcurve, we are able to confirm the X-ray spectral variability hinted at in previous observations. GB B1428+4217 is one of several high-redshift radio-loud quasars that display a low energy break in the X-ray spectrum, probably due to the presence of excess absorption in the source. X-ray spectral analysis of the latest XMM-Newton data is shown to be consistent with the warm absorption scenario which we have hypothesized previously. Warm absorption is also consistent with the observed X-ray spectral variability of the source, in which the spectral changes can be successfully accounted-for with a fixed column density of material in which the ionization state is correlated with hardness of the underlying power-law emission.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Interface Width and Bulk Stability: requirements for the simulation of Deeply Quenched Liquid-Gas Systems

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    Simulations of liquid-gas systems with extended interfaces are observed to fail to give accurate results for two reasons: the interface can get ``stuck'' on the lattice or a density overshoot develops around the interface. In the first case the bulk densities can take a range of values, dependent on the initial conditions. In the second case inaccurate bulk densities are found. In this communication we derive the minimum interface width required for the accurate simulation of liquid gas systems with a diffuse interface. We demonstrate this criterion for lattice Boltzmann simulations of a van der Waals gas. When combining this criterion with predictions for the bulk stability we can predict the parameter range that leads to stable and accurate simulation results. This allows us to identify parameter ranges leading to high density ratios of over 1000. This is despite the fact that lattice Boltzmann simulations of liquid-gas systems were believed to be restricted to modest density ratios of less than 20.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Transport coefficients of a mesoscopic fluid dynamics model

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    We investigate the properties of stochastic rotation dynamics (Malevanets-Kapral method), a mesoscopic model used for simulating fluctuating hydrodynamics. Analytical results are given for the transport coefficients. We discuss the most efficient way of measuring the transport properties and obtain excellent agreement between the theoretical and numerical calculations.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Modeling microscopic swimmers at low Reynolds number

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    We employ three numerical methods to explore the motion of low Reynolds number swimmers, modeling the hydrodynamic interactions by means of the Oseen tensor approximation, lattice Boltzmann simulations and multiparticle collision dynamics. By applying the methods to a three bead linear swimmer, for which exact results are known, we are able to compare and assess the effectiveness of the different approaches. We then propose a new class of low Reynolds number swimmers, generalized three bead swimmers that can change both the length of their arms and the angle between them. Hence we suggest a design for a microstructure capable of moving in three dimensions. We discuss multiple bead, linear microstructures and show that they are highly efficient swimmers. We then turn to consider the swimming motion of elastic filaments. Using multiparticle collision dynamics we show that a driven filament behaves in a qualitatively similar way to the micron-scale swimming device recently demonstrated by Dreyfus et al.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    HST/NICMOS Observations of Fast Infrared Flickering in the Microquasar GRS 1915+105

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    We report infrared observations of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 using the NICMOS instrument of the Hubble Space Telescope during 9 visits in April-June 2003. During epochs of high X-ray/radio activity near the beginning and end of this period, we find that the 1.871.87 \um infrared flux is generally low (∼2\sim 2 mJy) and relatively steady. However, during the X-ray/radio ``plateau'' state between these epochs, we find that the infrared flux is significantly higher (∼4−6\sim 4-6 mJy), and strongly variable. In particular, we find events with amplitudes ∼20−30\sim 20-30% occurring on timescales of ∼10−20\sim 10-20s (e-folding timescales of ∼30\sim 30s). These flickering timescales are several times faster than any previously-observed infrared variability in GRS 1915+105 and the IR variations exceed corresponding X-ray variations at the same (∼8s\sim 8s) timescale. These results suggest an entirely new type of infrared variability from this object. Based on the properties of this flickering, we conclude that it arises in the plateau-state jet outflow itself, at a distance <2.5<2.5 AU from the accretion disk. We discuss the implications of this work and the potential of further flickering observations for understanding jet formation around black holes.Comment: 19 pages, incl. 4 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Spectral state dependence of the 0.4-2 MeV polarized emission in Cygnus X-1 seen with INTEGRAL/IBIS, and links with the AMI radio data

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    Polarization of the >~400 keV hard tail of the microquasar Cygnus X-1 has been independently reported by INTEGRAL/IBIS, and INTEGRAL/SPI and interpreted as emission from a compact jet. These conclusions were, however, based on the accumulation of all INTEGRAL data regardless of the spectral state. We utilize additional INTEGRAL exposure accumulated until December 2012, and include the AMI/Ryle (15 GHz) radio data in our study. We separate the observations into hard, soft, and intermediate/transitional states and detect radio emission from a compact jet in hard and intermediate states, but not in the soft. The 10-400 keV INTEGRAL (JEM-X and IBIS) state resolved spectra are well modeled with thermal Comptonization and reflection components. We detect a hard tail in the 0.4-2 MeV range for the hard state only. We extract the state dependent polarigrams of Cyg X-1, which all are compatible to no or undetectable level of polarization except in 400-2000 keV range in the hard state where the polarization fraction is 75±\pm32 % and the polarization angle 40.0 +-14 deg. An upper limit on the 0.4-2 MeV soft state polarization fraction is 70%. Due to the short exposure, we obtain no meaningful constraint for the intermediate state. The likely detection of a >400 keV polarized tail in the hard state, together with the simultaneous presence of a radio jet, reinforce the notion of a compact jet origin of the 400 keV emission.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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