81 research outputs found

    Prevalenza della sclerosi multipla nell'isola d'Elba

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    Introduzione Le variazioni temporali e geografiche della frequenza di Sclerosi Multipla (SM) sono state molto studiate. Negli ultimi 30 anni, gli studi epidemiologici hanno evidenziato come la distribuzione della malattia nei paesi dell’area mediterranea, anche in Italia, sia più complessa di quanto ritenuto in passato quando era comunemente accettato il modello correlato alla latitudine (1, 2). Scarsi sono i dati di prevalenza relativi all’Italia centrale e in particolare ad oggi non sono noti dati pubblicati sulla dimensione di questa patologia nella popolazione dell’isola d’Elba. Obiettivi Calcolare la prevalenza della SM nell’isola d’Elba dal momento che non ci sono dati disponibili in letteratura. Metodi L'isola d'Elba è l’isola più grande dell'Arcipelago Toscano e la terza più grande d'Italia dopo la Sicilia e la Sardegna (223 km²). Al giorno di prevalenza, ovvero il 31/12/2010, la popolazione residente nell’isola era pari a 31.943 abitanti. I casi di SM sono stati identificati consultando le cartelle cliniche dell’ospedale e dell’ambulatorio di riferimento neurologico dell’isola. Sono stati arruolati nello studio tutti i pazienti con diagnosi di SM secondo i criteri di McDonald, residenti nell’isola al giorno di prevalenza. Sono stati calcolati i tassi di prevalenza grezzi e specifici (sesso e età) e il tasso standardizzato rispetto alla popolazione italiana del 2001. Gli intervalli di confidenza al 95% dei tassi di prevalenza sono stati calcolati assumendo una distribuzione di Poisson. Risultati Al giorno di prevalenza erano residenti nell’isola 42 soggetti con SM. Di questi il 59,5% era nato ed era tutt’ora residente nell’isola, mentre il 40,5% era nato fuori dall’isola. Tra i 42 soggetti con SM, 4 avevano origine sarda. Il rapporto F:M è risultato pari a 2,8: infatti il 73,8% era di sesso femminile rispetto al 26,2% di sesso maschile. L’età media dei soggetti era di 49,8±12,6 anni e non si osservano differenze significative tra i sessi riguardo all’età (M: 52,9±10,7, F: 48,7±12,6; p = 0,329). Per quanto riguarda le forme di malattia, il 16,7% dei pazienti aveva una forma CIS, il 61,9% una RR, il 16,7% una SP e il 4,8% una PP. Il grado di disabilità (EDSS) è risultato correlato (trend crescente) con la forma di malattia: EDSS pari a 1,5 per le forme CIS, 2,0 per le forme RR e 6,0 per le forme SP e PP. La durata di malattia, in media, era di 15,0±9,8 anni, con un range tra 0 e 37 anni. La durata media di malattia è risultata più alta per i maschi (19,3±9,5 anni) rispetto alle femmine (13,6±9,6 anni) ma tale differenza non è statisticamente rilevante (p = 0,109). Il tasso di prevalenza grezzo è risultato pari a 131,5 (IC 95%: 99,8-177,7) per 100.000 (maschi 70,7; femmine 189,2 per 100.000). Il tasso di prevalenza standardizzato è risultato pari a 131,5 (IC 95%: 91,8-171,2) per 100.000. Il tasso di prevalenza sesso età specifico mostra un picco, per entrambi i sessi, nella classe di età tra 45-54 anni, mentre non ci sono casi prima dei 15 anni

    Development and psychometric properties of a self-assessed knowledge questionnaire for caregivers of people with multiple sclerosis (CareKoMS): a cross-sectional study

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    ObjectivesKnowledge about multiple sclerosis (MS) is crucial for those who provide care and support as caregivers. However, despite the key benefits of acquiring relevant information to properly assume the caregiving role, caregivers' knowledge of MS is poorly investigated. The aim of this study was to develop and validate the Caregivers' Knowledge of Multiple Sclerosis (CareKoMS), a self-assessed questionnaire, to test MS knowledge in caregivers of people with MS. DesignCross-sectional study. SettingItaly. ParticipantsTwo-hundred caregivers (female: 49%) were asked to self-administer the 32-item CareKoMS questionnaire; they had a median age of 60 years (IQR: 51-68 years) and a medium-high educational level (36.5% primary school and 63.5% high school/university). Item analysis using item difficulty index, item discrimination index, Kuder-Richardson-20 coefficient and item-total correlation were assessed. Once excluding less useful items, reliability, floor and ceiling effects and construct validity were calculated on the 21-item CareKoMS final version. ResultsPsychometric evaluation indicates that the 21-item CareKoMS was a good questionnaire with no ceiling or floor effects registered. Internal consistency was satisfactory and acceptable as indicated by the mean value of 0.74 of Kuder-Richardson-20. No ceiling or floor effects have been observed. Interestingly, educational level and disease duration correlated with MS knowledge. ConclusionCareKoMS is a valid self-assessed questionnaire on MS knowledge for caregivers that may be used in clinical practice and research. Assessing knowledge of MS among caregivers is essential to facilitate their caregiving role and thus decrease the burden of disease management

    Mind wandering in people with Multiple Sclerosis: A psychometric study

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    Background: Although mind wandering (MW) is associated with various psychological aspects frequently affected in people with Multiple Sclerosis (PwMS), there is lack of validated tools to assess MW in this clinical population.Objective: This psychometric study aimed to assess structural and construct validity and reliability of a brief Italian version of Mind Wandering (MW) Scale that measures two different dimensions of MW, i.e., spontaneous (MW-S) and deliberate (MW-D).Methods: Structural validity of the MW Scale was assessed by explorative factor analysis (EFA). To investigate construct validity, mood (Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale) and personality (10-items Big Five Inventory Test) were correlated with MW constructs. Reliability was assessed by Cronbach's alpha for internal consistency and intraclass correlation coefficients.Results: EFA confirmed two distinct constructs of MW, i.e., MW-S and MW-D, also in PwMS. This tool appropriately fits the graded response model, supporting validity (about 79% of hypotheses for convergent and discriminant constructs confirmed) and internal consistency (MW-S: Cronbach's alpha = 0.84; MW-D: Cronbach's alpha = 0.88).Conclusion: MW Scale could be a useful tool to measure MW also in PwMS. As MW seems to be connected to clinical manifestations of MS, a detailed assessment of MW should be encouraged in clinical practice

    Patients with multiple sclerosis: a burden and cost of illness study

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    Background Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative disease negatively impacting patients' physical, psychological and social well-being with a significant economic burden. Objectives The study estimates MS burden and cost of illness in Italy from a societal perspective in 2019. Methods Information on the impact of the disease on daily activities, symptoms, employment, resource utilization and the role of caregivers was collected through questionnaires completed by 944 patients and caregivers. Results were stratified according to both disease severity and payer. Mean costs and overall costs were extrapolated from the sample to the Italian MS population considering published distribution of severity. Results The study showed a great impact of the disease on daily and work activities increasing with the disability. The overwhelming burden of fatigue emerged. Mean annual costs were estimated at euro39,307/patient (euro29,676, euro43,464 and euro53,454 in mild, moderate and severe cases, respectively). Direct healthcare costs were the major component (euro21,069), followed by indirect costs (euro15,004). The overall cost of the disease in Italy was euro4.8 billion. The National Healthcare System (NHS) sustained most of the costs (80%), most notably direct healthcare costs, while patients paid almost all non-healthcare expenses. Conclusions This study confirmed that MS carries a substantial burden to patients and society, highlighting the need for awareness of this disease

    Stigma, Discrimination and Disclosure of the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in the Workplace: A Systematic Review

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    The objective of the study was to describe and analyze the stigma, discrimination and the disclosure of the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the workplace. The protocol was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42022320437). We systematically searched four scientific databases with key search terms. We included any original peer-reviewed articles reporting the stigma or discrimination experienced at work due to MS or the disclosure of the diagnosis of MS in the workplace. No time limits were set for the search. An appraisal of the individual study quality was performed with the JBI critical appraisal checklist. Overall, 26 studies were deemed to fulfil all the eligibility criteria. The total number of participants in this review was 9571. The prevalence of people with MS who experience some degree of stigma in the workplace can be as high as 79.2%. Those who report greater feelings of discrimination are more likely to be unemployed. The prevalence of employers' and co-workers' awareness of the diagnosis varies from 31.7 to 90.2%. The main reason for non-disclosure is the fear of being discriminated against. The psychosocial work environment needs to be taken into consideration as part of public and individual policies to promote the health of patients with MS

    A Machine Learning Approach to Support Treatment Identification for Chiari I Malformation

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    Chiari I malformation is characterized by the herniation of cerebellar tonsils below the foramen magnum. It is often accompanied by syringomyelia and neurosurgical management is still controversial. In fact, it is frequent that some symptomatic patients initially undergo bony decompression of the posterior fossa and need in a short time more invasive surgery with higher morbility (e.g., decompression of posterior fossa with dural plastic, with or without tonsillar coarctation) because of unsatisfactory results at MRI controls. This study proposes a machine learning approach (based on SVM classifier), applied to different morphometric indices estimated from sagittal MRI and some information on the patient (i.e., age and symptoms at diagnosis), to recognize patients with higher risk of syringomyelia and clinical deterioration. Our database includes 58 pediatric patients who underwent surgery treatment. A negative outcome at 1 year from the intervention was observed in 38% of them (accuracy of 62%). Our algorithm allows us to increase the accuracy to about 71%, showing it to be a valid support to neurosurgeons in refining the clinical picture

    Spatial and temporal distribution of the prevalence of unemployment and early retirement in people with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review with meta-analysis

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    BackgroundWe aimed to summarise the prevalence of unemployment and early retirement among people with MS and analyze data according to a spatio-temporal perspective.MethodsWe undertook a systematic search of PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, SciVerse ScienceDirect, and Web of Science. We included any peer-reviewed original article reporting the prevalence of unemployment and early retirement in the working-age population with MS. We excluded articles off-topic, with other study designs, whose study sample were unlikely to be representative of the MS population and in case of unavailability of the full text or essential information. A random-effects meta-analysis was used to measure overall prevalence estimates of unemployment and early retirement. We used meta-regression and subgroup analysis to evaluate potential moderators of prevalence estimates and the leave-one-out method for sensitivity analyses.ResultsOur research identified 153 studies across 29 countries encompassing 188436 subjects with MS. The pooled overall effect size for unemployment and early retirement was 35.6% (95% CI 32.8-38.4; I-2 = 99.31) and 17.2% (95% CI 14.6-20.2; I-2 = 99.13), respectively. The prevalence of unemployment varied according to the year of publication (p < 0.001) and there was a statistically significant decrease in the prevalence of unemployment over time (p = 0.042). Regarding early retirement, only seven (31.8%) estimates obtained from studies that were published before 2010 were below the overall effect size in comparison to 27 (60.0%) estimates extracted from data published between 2010 and 2021 (p = 0.039). There was a significant difference in prevalence according to countries (p < 0.001). Psychiatric illness was an important clinical feature responsible for patients leaving the workforce in regions with a high MS prevalence.ConclusionsUnemployment and early retirement due to MS remain highly prevalent, despite a slight decline in the last decade. The prevalence of unemployment and early retirement varies globally

    Occupational outcomes of people with multiple sclerosis: a scoping review

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    Objectives To update the knowledge on the occupational outcomes associated with multiple sclerosis (MS), systematically examine the extent, scope and nature of the pre-existing literature and identify research gaps in the existing literature. Design Scoping review. Data sources A comprehensive database search of PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, SciVerse ScienceDirect and Web of Science was performed. There were no time limits. Eligibility criteria We included any peer-reviewed original article reporting the occupational outcomes of people with MS between the ages of 18 and 65 years. We excluded those off-topic and with insufficient information. Methods This review was conducted following the Joanna Briggs Institute recommendations and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses for scoping review checklist. Screening, reading of full-texts and data extraction was performed in a standardised way by expert reviewers from 14 July 2021 to 31 October 2021. We provided a narrative synthesis and an overview of findings. Results The initial systematic search yielded 104 228 results. After removing duplicates and applying the exclusion criteria, 403 articles were included in the review. In total, the studies evaluated 492 062 subjects with MS. One hundred fifty-four (38.2%) articles were published in the last 5 years, mostly from Europe and North America (50.9% and 33.0%, respectively). Concerning the occupational outcomes, studies mostly addressed unemployment (311, 77.2%), early retirement (120, 29.8%), disability pension (117, 29.0%), sick leave (77, 19.1%), the indirect cost of MS (74, 18.4%) and work characteristics (57, 14.1%). The results were categorised into seven subtopics: 'Changes in work and occupational status due to MS', 'work-related socio-economic consequences of MS', 'risk factors for unfavourable occupational outcomes', 'reported barriers to employment', 'reported job accommodations and vocational rehabilitation strategies', 'job satisfaction, stigma, and disclosing the diagnosis in the workplace' and 'rating clinical scales'. Conclusions There are several issues that deserve further in-depth study by the scientific community in order to improve the occupational outcomes of people with MS
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