1 research outputs found

    Conserving a globally threatened species in a semi-natural, agrarian landscape

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    Agriculture threatens biodiversity across the tropics, particularly in semi-natural grassland landscapes, where human populations are high, habitat is easily converted and agriculture is prone to intensification. Over the last 20 years intensive, commercial Dry Season Rice (DSR) cultivation has emerged as the dominant threat to the Bengal florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis), a globally threatened bustard that breeds in the seasonally inundated grasslands of central Cambodia. Whilst florican have been extensively monitored for 10 years, no socio-economic research has yet been undertaken to understand how local livelihood activities interact with florican. We conducted household questionnaires and focus groups in 21 villages in the Northern Tonle Sap Conservation Landscape (NTSCL) to gather information on household demographics, rice farming and bird hunting in protected and unprotected areas of florican breeding habitat. We identified a significant increase in DSR adoption by local communities since 2005. DSR cultivation was strongly associated with agro-chemical use and DSR fields directly overlapped with breeding season habitat for florican, reducing habitat availability throughout breeding season. We identified a low, but significant level of bird hunting in grassland households (8%) and revealed a demand for wild bird meat amongst local communities. Our findings suggest an urgent need for conservation interventions in unprotected farmland and emphasize the role of enforcement and community engagement in improving protection within protected areas. We highlight the potential of private sector initiatives such as the Sustainable Rice Platform in reconciling conservation and development for impoverished rural communities