18 research outputs found

    Multi-agent system to assure the logical security of data in distributed information system

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    The increased availability of information as a whole became an important problem and threat for its security, especially security of sensitive and confidential information and that is why the necessity to assure the security of such data became undeniable. The developers of applications an information systems put more and more stress on the aspect of their security and safety. Development of information systems has to answer more and more to problems connected to federated data sources and problems of heterogeneous distributed information systems. It is necessary to propose the architecture for secure cooperation of such systems. The paper presents the practical application of concepts of multi-agent systems in domain of logical security of data in distributed information systems. The purpose of presented solution is to support the process management of IT project realization based on the software creation methodologies

    Selected aspects of security mechanisms for cloud computing – current solutions and development perspectives

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    The security aspects of cloud computing, especially the security of data, become more and more important. It is necessary to find and develop the new mechanisms to secure the cloud. The problem presented in the paper concerns the mechanisms for security of cloud computing with special attention paid to aspects of access control in clouds – the state of the art and the perspectives for the future

    Administration of access control in information systems using URBAC model

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    Since the value of information is constantly growing more and more businesses are in need for information system to aid them with information gathering and processing. The most important issue that arises here is how to ensure safety of this data that may be held on servers, personal computers or PDAs. This is where access control comes in. The main role of access control is to ensure that no unauthorized user will be able to gain access to resources and be able to copy or modify them. The paper deals with the process of access control administration in information systems with the use of usage role-based control approach. The presented process is based on the role engineering concept that includes the creation of security schema of access control divided between two actors - application/system developer and security administrator. They realize their tasks during two main phases that allow to define the complete access control schema for information systems of an organization

    Model driven architecture for modeling of logical security based on RBAC approach

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    This paper presents an approach of role-based access control (RBAC) for information systems with the use of MDA (Model Driven Architecture). The main purpose is to join the concepts of MDA approach with the concepts of access control models, in particular with the concepts of access control based on roles and on usage concept. To reach this objectives the appropriate solution was created to model the extended RBAC model and URBAC model with the use of concepts and tools of software engineering, in particular MDA methodology and UML (UniïŹed Modeling Language). The presented approach was developed for role engineering in the aspects of logical security of information systems

    Protection Against Phishing Attacks on Social Networks with Use of Selected Machine Learning

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    Nowadays, many interactions between people have moved to the Internet, mainly to social media. Due to the huge amount of data, hackers target social media by carrying out cyber-attacks, especially phishing. It focuses on tricking the victim into clicking a link and then providing private information or installing malware on the victim\u27s computer. Phishing attacks are becoming more and more difficult to recognize every year. Therefore, there is a need to support humans in this difficult task and machine learning can be used for this purpose. The paper analyzes the works on phishing recognition by humans and artificial intelligence. Then, the new AlexPhish algorithm for classifying phishing URLs was presented, along with a proposal for its implementation on social media platforms. It is trained on the “Web page phishing detection” dataset and achieves an accuracy of 94.53%

    Cloud Optimization for Disinformation Detection and News Veracity

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    The recent advancements in technology and the widespread availability of information, has made it easier to reach massive audiences. However, the issue of fake news has reached a breaking point. It not only harms online social networks and news sites but also negatively impacts offline communities. Over the past few years, researchers have been challenged by the dangerous influence of fake news on politics, culture, and lifestyle, and now with the COVID-19 pandemic, the danger has extended to health and social well-being. Immediate action is necessary to counteract this problem. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to explore possible solutions to the problem of fake news and develop a suitable, effective, and user-friendly application that can identify disinformation and fake news by optimizing cloud-based tools. To achieve this, various papers and databases were analyzed, and it was concluded that a cloud-hosted web application and machine learning classifier would be a practical solution. The proposed model was implemented, and the results showed an accuracy rate of 93%

    Process business modeling of emerging security threats with BPMN extension

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    Effective and rational management of a company cannot take place without the use of information technologies. Additionally, according to specific security requirements to protect the IT system against different threats, the development of a security system is significant for the companies and their clients and satisfactory common cooperation. The BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) can be used for this purpose; however, the basic version of BPMN and its current extensions do not support the service of security threats. For this reason, we propose to extend the BPMN to be possible to model the chosen security issues coming from company business processes. The paper deals with the selected aspects of security requirements modeling in terms of emerging threats on the example of existing extensions of business process modeling language and the proposition of BPMN extension for chosen security issues together with the definition of information security policy

    Configuration and management of security procedures with dedicated ‘spa-lang’ domain language in security engineering

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    The security policy should contain all the information necessary to make proper security decisions. The rules and needs for specific security measures and methods should be explained in understandable way. None of the existing security mechanisms can guarantee complete protection against threats. In extreme cases, improperly used security mechanisms can lower the level of protection, giving the impression of security that is actually lacking. To enable simple and automated definition of security procedures for IT system of a company or organization, available not only to qualified IT professionals, e.g. system administrators, but also to the company\u27s management staff, it was decided to create an Intelligent System for Automation and Analysis of Security Procedures (iSPA). The paper presents the proposal of use the developed domain language, named \u27spa-lang\u27 for configuration and management of security procedures in security system engineering based on BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) standard

    Kubernetes Cluster for Automating Software Production Environment

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    Microservices, Continuous Integration and Delivery, Docker, DevOps, Infrastructure as Code—these are the current trends and buzzwords in the technological world of 2020. A popular tool which can facilitate the deployment and maintenance of microservices is Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a platform for running containerized applications, for example microservices. There are two main questions which answer was important for us: how to deploy Kubernetes itself and how to ensure that the deployment fulfils the needs of a production environment. Our research concentrates on the analysis and evaluation of Kubernetes cluster as the software production environment. However, firstly it is necessary to determine and evaluate the requirements of production environment. The paper presents the determination and analysis of such requirements and their evaluation in the case of Kubernetes cluster. Next, the paper compares two methods of deploying a Kubernetes cluster: kops and eksctl. Both of the methods concern the AWS cloud, which was chosen mainly because of its wide popularity and the range of provided services. Besides the two chosen methods of deployment, there are many more, including the DIY method and deploying on-premises

    Data Processing in Cloud Computing Model on the Example of Salesforce Cloud

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    Data processing is integrated with every aspect of operation enterprises—from accounting to marketing and communication internal and control of production processes. The best place to store the information is a properly prepared data center. There are a lot of providers of cloud computing and methods of data storage and processing. Every business must do the right thing, which is to think over how the data at your disposal are to be managed. The main purpose of this paper is research and the comparison of available methods of data processing and storage outside the enterprise in the cloud computing model. The cloud in SaaS (software as a service) model—Salesforce.com and a free platform development offered by Salesforce.com—force.com were used to perform the research. The paper presents the analysis results of available methods of processing and storing data outside the enterprise in the cloud computing model on the example of Salesforce cloud. Salesforce.com offers several benefits, but each service provider offers different services, systems, products, and forms of data protection. The choice of customer depends on individual needs and business plans for the future. A comparison of available methods of data processing and storage outside the enterprise in the cloud computing model was presented. On the basis of collected results, it was determined for what purposes the data processing methods available on the platform are suitable and how they can meet the needs of enterprises